Our age is one defined by unrelenting opposition not
merely to historic orthodox Christianity and its morals
but also to the vestiges of the common sense born of and
nurtured by Western Christian Civilization that have
survived tenuously. We live in the final stages of an
age of Revolution, a revolution against Christendom and
all cultural and moral values that either were necessary
to its rise or were its product. As my academic training
is in literature, 20th century fiction most
specifically, I naturally think that the best way to
highlight where things stand is to say that we are in
roughly the same position as Tolkien's Middle Earth with
Sauron and Saruman unleashing their orcs for the planned
final destruction.
One thing that most revolutionaries ken in their guts
even if they lack the mental acuity to grasp
intellectually is that people tend to be conservative.
By that I do not mean that people tend to be against the
regicide that marked the second stage of this revolution
(the first was the Reformation). Nor do I mean that
people tend to vote for political parties in Modern
secular democracies that are to the right of the center
of that nation's acceptable political alternatives.
Rather, I mean that people tend to want to conserve
whatever it is they find to be normative in their world.
That is the reason the cultural effects of even the most
vicious revolutions, say the Anglo-Saxon Puritan and
French, are preserved almost totally even when the
specific revolution is tossed aside, its leaders
humiliated if not punished. The English might have tired
of the rule of Puritans and been willing to boot them
from all significant power, but their conservative
instincts led them to want to maintain the cultural
effects of that successful revolution. After all, if the
cultural effects of the Puritan Revolution were
completely overturned, would that not spur many folks to
demand to undo the entire Anglican revolution?
Political Puritanism was rendered impotent, but
secularized cultural Puritanism not only survived but
continued to mold the future of the English and the
colonies they planted.
An old saw among culturally and morally conservative
Southerners, one that also could be heard from old
fashioned culturally and morally conservative Catholics
living in other regions, is that the Republican Party,
which began as and has never stopped being the party of
the Yankee WASP elites, never conserved anything but the
wealth and power of its movers and shakers.
The easy path for any political party in a democracy is
to preserve yesterday's revolution. That is so because
people tend to want to conserve at least last year's
revolution as the known, 'safe' path. In practical
terms, the Republican Party serves its own wealth by
giving lip service to opposition to America's leftist
revolutions while acting to conserve all but the most
obviously horrible products of those revolutions. To
actually oppose those revolutions, to strive to turn
back their tide, would be to risk losing everything,
perhaps becoming pariah in the new America that purports
to tolerate everyone and everything.
That explains why so many seemingly genuinely
conservative Republicans assert that they are opposed to
abortion on demand but feel that they must obey the rule
of law and accept it. It also explains why so many
Catholics take that same stand. They are acting to herd
with their fellow citizens, which means they are acting
to conserve a revolution completed at some earlier time
that is anti-Catholic at its core. And those Catholics
invariably see themselves as anything but
revolutionaries. In fact, their conservative instincts
lead them to work – sometimes to work furiously and even
ruthlessly – against those, Catholics as well as
Protestants, who recognize that unless the Revolution is
overturned, all become slaves to it.
There is no salvation, not even any real hope for true
path correction, from political parties in a democracy.
If there is no hope for democratic politics because it
is beholden to the masses which tend to demand to
conserve most parts of the revolutions from last year
and last month, then the only viable answer is the
Church. But there we see the same problem. Vatican II
has two principal ideas entwining: (1) the overwhelming
desire for peace, peace among religions as well as
nations, in the wake of two world wars, which peace
would be achieved by ending all harsh talk and softening
claims of being correct (we can label that post-World
War II naïve Liberalism) and (2) a recognition that the
Reformation had won, even in lands with majority
Catholic populations, which meant that some bishops and
most young 'experts' wanted to have the Church act to
preserve that revolution's 'successes,' co-opting them.
The two ideas – peace at the cost of all but denying
differences and a desire to conserve the successful
revolution in order to stave off any new revolution –
worked beautifully together to keep the revolution
moving onward. The exuberant proponents of the 'Spirit
of Vatican II,' being revolutionaries to the core,
wasted no time in cramming their vision down everyone's
throat. They understood in their guts that if they
hesitated they would be exposed and rather easily
refuted and rejected. They also knew that once they had
enacted revolutionary changes, the masses, rather
quickly, would accept them and even come to defend them
in order to prevent any more revolution.
Plato faced a similar problem. Fifth Century BC Athens,
having led the defeat of the Persian Empire, was overrun
with bright men on the make, many of them cultural
revolutionaries, many of them with non-Greek or partial
Greek ancestry, and most of them acting to alter the
society through its democracy and its international
trading economy. The Athenian conservatives, best
represented in literary terms by Old Comedy playwright
Aristophanes, tended to see the matter simplistically,
which meant both that they inclined to act to conserve
the results of previous revolutions and to equate those
like Socrates who would refute the wild-eyed
revolutionaries with the revolutionaries. Plato's
dialogues are the masterful attempts to steer Athenians
to re-perceive their world, focusing on eternal verities
rather than malleable laws of various regimes and
practices of various city states and empires, so that
they would no longer get things so backward, so that
they would understand that conserving that which was
wrong in the first place – wrong as an Idea – would
continue to produce ever more rotten and poisonous
Plato understood that both the Sophists and the Athenian
conservatives were wrong, in a symbiotic embrace. The
conservatives were attempting to preserve what they felt
were the best cultural practices and policies of Athens
in its democratic age, which arose after it had
embraced, some centuries earlier, a sexual revolution
from the Levant, adopted religiously with the
importation of Dionysius into the Greek pantheon. A
sexual revolution is always a religious revolution
because it must destroy the traditional family and its
morality in order to succeed. That, in a nutshell, is
how the Homeric world of Penelope and Andromache became
the Athens of the Golden Age, with both female
prostitution and pederasty 'normalized' and run rampant.
Plato recognized fully that to conserve even the
seemingly inoffensive fruits of such a revolution acted
to fertilize its deleterious effects.
We have little trouble seeing that liberals in our
society – in the Anglosphere, universal post-Christian
WASP culture – will not rest until they erect their
version of earthly paradise, which will feature abortion
officially labeled a sacrament, homosexual marriage
given affirmative action status, and mandated respect
for all non-Christian religions, as well as sanctions
for those groups that refuse to embrace feminism and
thus refuse to ordain women. We need to understand that
conservatives in our society are acting to conserve what
is left to them of English-speaking Protestant culture,
which was birthed by making war, physical and then
cultural, against Catholics and the Church. It thus is
anti-Catholic even when it is most moral and doctrinally
What the Anglo Protestant conservative cannot allow
himself to consider, for that would lead to his
conversion, is that the culturally suicidal liberalism
against which he declaims and even rants is the telos, the inherent and inexorable end, of the culture
he wishes to conserve.
The WASP conservative chases his tail endlessly, while
the WASP liberal keeps pushing that tail chasing ever
deeper into the camp of viciously anti-Christian
Our task to get shed of the reigning false dichotomy is
easier than was Plato's because we have Plato and the
Church and Platonist Church Father St. Augustine. All we
have to do is reject the fairy tale of falsehood that is
the Anglo Protestant sense of history.
But that seems to be much easier said than done. |