"It is not
permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up
the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less
that they should hand them from one to another."
Pope John Paul II, Inaestimabile Donum
(April, 1980) -

(www.RemnantNewspaper.com) The Church teaches that Christ’s Body
and Blood, Soul and Divinity are present in the Blessed
Sacrament. There are many Martyrs who gave their lives
rather than deny this teaching. Any self-respecting
Catholic knows this. There really ought to be no
question about how Holy Communion should be received,
and that is: on the tongue whilst kneeling.
There can be no denying that Holy
Communion is now almost universally received in the hand
and that this has been the case since shortly after the
conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. Note, however,
that there is no mention whatever of Communion in the
hand in the documents of Vatican II. In fact, Cardinal L
Suenens first introduced the practice illicitly in
Belgium in the mid 1960s from whence it spread quickly
to Holland, Germany and France.
When the abuse came to the notice of
Pope Paul VI in 1969, he issued Memoriale Domini
ruling out universal change to the Church’s method of
administering Holy Communion on the tongue to kneeling
communicants. In this document the Pope expressed his
sadness that Communion in the hand had been introduced
in some places without either his knowledge or the
Church’s consent.
Subsequently, Pope John Paul II twice
indicated the irregularity of this practice as a
universal norm. In Dominicae Cenae (Feb. 1980),
he stated: “To touch the sacred species and to
distribute them with their own hands is a privilege of
the ordained.”
Then, in Inaestimabile Donum
(April, 1980), Pope John Paul wrote: "It is not
permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up
the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less
that they should hand them from one to another."
Pope Benedict XVI now shows by his
own example how the Apostolic See wishes Holy Communion
to be administered. At his Papal Masses the faithful are
obliged to kneel and receive on the tongue from HIS
hand, not their own.
In fact, no post-conciliar Pope has
approved, much less promoted, the novelty of Communion
in the hand. Papal toleration is not the same as papal
approval! That ought to be sufficient to make priests
and the faithful reflect seriously on what they do.
Sadly, though, an attitude has
manifested itself since the Second Vatican Council
whereby many now see the Church as a democratic rather
than a divine autocratic institution, claiming that it
is best served by acceding to the wishes of the majority
rather than being led by the Pope with the infallible
guidance of the Holy Ghost in matters pertaining to
universal faith and morals.
There are some in positions of
authority within the Vatican itself who are also of this
mindset, and who have set about their agenda for change
by restricting the extent to which the Catholic Faith is
For example, when religious
instruction was on the curriculum in Catholic schools,
children were taught about the faith – how and why
Christ came to earth, His Revelations, His Passion and
Death on the Cross, His Ascension into heaven and the
provisions He made for the growth of Christianity.
Given the suffering that Our Lord
went through in order to redeem our souls, and the
greatness of our debt to Him, it is clear that no
Catholic should come into His presence without
genuflecting, and no Catholic should receive Him in Holy
Communion without kneeling down in reverence. It ought
to go without saying that no lay Catholic should ever
consider touching the Blessed Sacrament with his hands.
Such was the teaching throughout history up to 1960.
Religious Instruction was then
suddenly changed to Religious Education and a new
programme imposed teaching children to explore the
different religions as if they were all equally valid
means for attaining eternal life.
Did not Our Lady of Fatima speak of
1960 as the latest date by which the Third Secret was to
be revealed, because then, as Sister Lucy said, the
world would better understand what it meant? The year is
At any rate, an indicator of the
success of the new strategy is reflected in a U.S.
gallop poll of a few years ago recording just 30% of
U.S. Catholics now believing in Our Lord’s True
Presence. The other 70% had either various shades of
Protestant belief or no belief at all. This situation
can only have come about through ignorance – through
simply obscuring the facts.
How has this been allowed to happen?
It wasn’t just allowed to happen – it was deliberately
brought about. It is down to the drive for ecumenism and
the agenda of some to create a global religion under the
control of a single leader.
It was indeed Christ’s intention,
when He instructed the Apostles to “Go and Teach all
nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son
and Holy Ghost”, for there to be one global religion –
the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church – but
certain power-brokers behind the scenes at the Vatican
have a different model in mind.
Amongst the chief obstacles
preventing the success of their plans, however, are the
Mass of all Ages, and the Real Presence of Christ in the
Blessed Sacrament. The only way for them to overcome
these obstacles is to debase the ancient Catholic
Liturgy, from which man gains the grace to resist
temptation and evil, and to destroy belief in the Real
The Novus Ordo Mass was
specifically written to be inoffensive to Protestants by
removing all mentions of it being a Sacrifice, and
replacing that doctrine with one of it being a mere
commemoration banquet or “celebration of the Lord’s
supper,” as it is now widely known. This part of the
undermining is now very well entrenched, and few
Catholics realise what has befallen them.
As for belief in the Real Presence,
that doctrine is no longer taught in Catholic schools,
and respect for Our Lord is being undermined by
discouraging genuflections and kneeling in His presence,
and by encouraging Catholics to handle His body as if it
were no more than “blessed bread.” The longer this
deception is allowed to go on, the more likely it is to
become accepted as the truth.
Before long, only a very few
Catholics will be left who have any true conception of
the Catholic Faith as it was handed down unaltered
through the centuries up to 1960.
If this tide of indifferentism is to
be reversed, three important things have to happen.
These are the restoration of the Mass of all Ages, with
its emphasis on Sacrifice, restoring respect for Our
Lord by fostering belief in the Real Presence, and the
daily recitation of the rosary.
Pope Benedict XVI has already made a
start by showing us that Holy Communion should only be
received kneeling and on the tongue. When will the
Catholic world begin following Peter’s lead?