follows is an edited version of the lecture notes
Michael Matt used for his talk at the Fatima Center’s
“Consecration Now!”
Conference in Rome (May 2011). It is not
a transcript. The address can be viewed in its entirety
Your Excellencies, Reverend Fathers, Brothers and
Sisters in Christ:It
is indeed an honor for me to be here in Rome, the
Eternal City, among so many renowned Fatima experts,
priests and laymen, who’ve dedicated their lives not
only to spreading the Fatima message but also to
promoting the cult of Our Lady as the answer to
what Pope Paul VI termed the “auto-demolition of the
Catholic Church.”
I stand before you not as a Fatima expert so much as a
Catholic publisher from America who spends his days
combing newspapers, websites and magazines for some
glimmer of hope that the silent apostasy lamented so
bitterly by Pope John Paul II is giving way to a new
springtime in the Church and a period of peace in our
Alas, I search in vain, as I can find no evidence of the
advent of that springtime but rather only that of the
rise of a ruthless regime of relativism that paves the
way for a New World Order—one founded not on the Rights
of God but on the Rights of Man, and based entirely on a
rebellion against God, His Law, His Commandments, even
His gift of life itself.
This rebellion is nothing new. As far back as 1903 St.
Pope Pius X—the greatest pope of the Twentieth
Century—was already warning against it:
When all is considered, there is good reason to fear
lest this great perversity (rebellion against God) may
be a foretaste and perhaps the beginning of those evils
which are reserved for the last days, and that there may
already be in the world the ‘Son of Perdition’ of whom
the Apostle speaks (II Thes. ii, 4). Such, in truth,
is the audacity and the wrath employed everywhere in
persecuting religion, in combating the dogmas of the
faith, in resolute efforts to uproot and destroy all
relations between man and the Divinity. While, on the
other hand, and this according to the same Apostle is
the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with
infinite temerity put himself in the place of God,’
raising himself above all that is called God; in such
wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in
himself all knowledge of God, he has nevertheless
condemned God’s majesty and, as it were, made of the
universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored.
‘He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if
he were God.’ (E Supreme Apostolatus, Pius X, 1903)
It would be impossible to measure the extent to which
the faithful Christian today is confronted by the
diabolical designs of such men, those Christophobic
purveyors of evil which Pope Benedict XVI describes as
“the wolves”— wolves that encircle the flock of the Lord
and are growing more audacious every day.
In schools...
The wolves devour the virtue, purity and goodness of
little children, as they drag the innocents through
their hellish muck of a Godless indoctrination so
pernicious that within just a few years the child
becomes a stranger to his parents, his Church, even
himself. It’s become commonplace for our children to
soon thereafter become suicidal, faithless, drug
addicted, and wanting in every way that matters.
In the family...
Where the wolves feed on the very nucleus of society,
redefining marriage, reversing gender roles, encouraging
divorce and infidelity, raising sodomy—one of the four
great sins that cry to heaven for vengeance—to the level
of a secular sacrament on a par with holy matrimonial
union and contract.
In the halls of government...
Where the wolves deny the Rights of God, silence His
voice, establish laws “legalizing” the slaughter of
millions of His little ones, while criminalizing as
“haters” those few who dare object to the State’s
all-out war against God and Natural Law.
In pop culture...
Where with bloodied fangs the wolves are tearing the
little ones to pieces, and dragging their mauled souls
into an endless living hell.
In the airport on my way to Rome yesterday, for example,
I heard a new song by the pop star Rihanna—idol to tens
of millions of ten-year-olds the world over. Her song
is called “S&M” and it repeats the following lyric over
and over again: “Sticks and stones may break my bones
but whips and chains excite me.”
Just one more sordid scrap of evidence pointing to a
cultural collapse without precedent in human history.
The wolves market their depravity to children--babies,
really!--and yet remain protected under our laws of
freedom of expression and speech to carry on without
reproach or reprisal.
One can only tremble at the thought of the eternal
ramifications of all this—especially when recalling Our
Lady of Fatima’s words: “More souls go to hell for sins
of the flesh than for any other reason.”
Confronted with this global war against morality and
sanity, we look to our churches for sanctuary but find
that the wolves have already been. After the nuclear
winter of Vatican II, the ravenous ones left our
sanctuaries bulldozed, our pastors jailed, and our
traditions cast out in the cold.
The universal scandal discourages resolve, weakens faith
and severely tests perseverance. Everywhere there is
apostasy and despair, as faith, like charity, grows
And so this week, summoned by the voice of a lone priest
crying in the wilderness, we have made our way here to
Rome, through a gauntlet teeming with those same wolves,
to join Father Nicholas Gruner at the feet of the Holy
Father, asking on bended knee that the requests of the
Queen of Peace be fulfilled and thereby the process of
true peace be initiated at last. Our cities are
dying, our children are lost, our old people are
displaced, our priests are disappearing, our nuns are
all but gone, our churches and schools are closed down,
our faith hangs by a thread—What, Holy Father, are we
waiting for?
At Cana our Lord Himself taught us how to respond to the
wishes of His mother. His first miracle, let us not
forget, was done at her behest. With confidence that it
would be done because she wanted it done, she told the
stewards, simply: Do whatever He tells you. Even
Our Lord Himself bows to her will. And yet we refuse to
follow His example, even in the face of world war and
the loss of faith in entire generations, entire
countries. Why?
“The time for doubting Fatima is past”, Pius XII said
over 60 years ago: “It is now the time for action.”
Our Lady’s peace plan is our last hope. If anyone in
this room can think of another plan to stop the advance
of this New Order and to keep man from blowing up the
rest of the world, please, stand up. There is nothing
else. Everything has been tried, and everything has
And yet the excuses for ignoring Our Lady’s request
abound, especially from the intellectual elite who
solemnly assure us that “Fatima is mere private
revelation”. Never mind that it was approved for the
universal Church as a message of divine origin by six
successive popes. It’s still private, and we can thus
ignore it in good conscience.
Pere Joseph de Sainte-Marie pointed to the folly of this
attitude when he wrote: “It is for the Pope to discern
whether the words of the prophet are of God. But once
he has judged and recognized that a given prophecy is
indeed from God, then he must obey, not as obeying the
prophet but as obeying God whose instrument the prophet
is….that is why it is the duty of the Pope and the
Bishop to obey Our Lady and to fulfill the demands she
made at Fatima.”
As far as the popes and Fatima are concerned, let us
consider the facts:
Pope Pius XI
His pontificate was drawing to a close as the full
details of the Fatima/Tuy phenomenon were emerging. He
was nevertheless informed in 1937 of Our Lady’s request
that he lead the collegial consecration of Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. For whatever reason, he
didn’t do it, and quickly thereafter the corpses of
millions of victims of communist and socialist regimes
were strewn across Europe. No Pope would ignore Fatima
Pius XII
In 1946, the Holy Father crowned a statue of Our
Lady of Fatima and proclaimed her Mother of the World.
In 1954, he issued his encyclical Ad Coeli Reginam,
in which he commanded that an Act of Consecration to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary be made annually in every
parish of the world on the Feast of the Queenship of
Mary—a request that went largely ignored, just as
Summorum Pontificum is being largely ignored in our own
“Good Pope John,” who among the modern popes may have
been the least enthusiastic about the Fatima message,
nevertheless instituted the Feast of Our Lady of the
Rosary and hailed the Fatima apparitions as the “Center
of all Christian Hope.”
Paul VI
In the presence of all the Council Fathers at Vatican
II, Pope Paul VI solemnly renewed Pius XII’s
consecration of the World to Mary’s Immaculate heart.
And in 1967, journeyed as a “humble pilgrim” to Fatima
to commemorate the golden jubilee of the apparitions.
John Paul I
John Paul I reigned only 33 days but did, as Cardinal
Luciani, interview Sr. Lucia and ask whether Our lady
would be pleased if a Pilgrim Virgin statue were to be
carried through Italy—a journey which had already begun
shortly before the pontiff’s untimely death.
John Paul II
And then there is Blessed Pope John Paul who did
more to
raise the profile of the apparitions at Fatima than
perhaps any other pope. On May 13, 1982, after
acknowledging Our Lady’s role in saving his life from an
assassin’s bullet, Pope John Paul noted the following in
a sermon here in Rome: “The Message of Fatima contains a
truth and a call whose basic content is the truth and
the call of the Gospel itself. The appeal of the Lady of
the Message of Fatima is so deeply rooted in the Gospel
and the whole of tradition that the Church feels that
the message imposes a commitment on her. The evangelical
call to repentance and conversion, uttered in the
Mother’s message, remains ever relevant. It is still
more relevant than it was 65 years ago. It is still
more urgent.”
Pope Benedict XVI

Just last year, the current Holy Father visited Fatima
again and spoke of how its prophesy is to be fulfilled
at some point still in the future—thus opening the
Fatima controversy wide once again, much to the
consternation of the opponents of Fatima here in Rome.
Like his predecessors, Pope Benedict made a papal
pilgrimage to Fatima where he knelt and prayed before
the statue of Our Lady of Fatima at the place where
she’d first appeared back in 1917. Benedict’s visit in
May of 2010 marked the fifth papal visit to Fatima, the
previous visit having occurred nine years earlier when
Pope John Paul visited Fatima for the purpose of
beatifying two of the seers—Blessed Jacinta and
Francisco Marto.
Quite Obviously, Pere Joseph de Sainte-Marie’s
conditions have been met: “Every one of the modern Popes
have discerned, judged and recognized that the Fatima
message and prophesy are indeed from God, thus
establishing the obligation to obey Our Lady and to
fulfill the demands she made at Fatima.”
Mere private revelation? I think we can move past that
particularly lame excuse for ignoring the demands of Our
Lady of Fatima.
So why, then, after so much papal acknowledgment of the
divine hand and absolute authenticity of the message of
Our Lady of Fatima, do we still await the fulfillment of
the Mother of God’s request to consecrate
to her Immaculate Heart? Nearly a century has past, and
one can only imagine how Our Lady must weep for us! She
is, after all, the one whose intercession was
acknowledged by saints and popes alike as having rescued
Europe from Islamic scourge twice before; the woman
“clothed in the sun” whose intercession is credited with
having stopped Communism at the gates of Brazil; the
mother whose intercession is credited with having saved
the life of the Holy Father himself; the great
intercessor who is said to be holding back the avenging
arm of her Son in the face of universal apostasy. Why
do they make her wait when it is she who holds in her
hands the power to save the world?
The Real Reason
Why Russia? In May of 1936, Sister Lucia asked our Lord
Himself the same question—why is Russia the sole object
of the requested consecration and why must it be made by
the Pope, united with all the bishops of the world, on
the same day, each in his own cathedral in solemn
In His answer, Our Lord gives us the key to our own
deliverance: “Because I wish all of My Church to
recognize this consecration as a triumph of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, in order thereafter to extend
and place alongside devotion to My Divine Heart,
devotion to this Immaculate Heart”
So, from this we can conclude that it’s not Russia per
se anymore, the Cold War having ended, even if Communism
in China and elsewhere is still alive and well. As with
the consecration of France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by the King of France a few centuries earlier, it is the
act of obedience that is wanting—an act of
obedience that will signal a faith restored in the
people of God; an act of obedience that will be possible
only if and when men finally come to realize that their
deliverance can come from God, and God alone. It is not
for us to reason why, for that is God’s business. Why
Russia? Ask Him! The point is, Our Lady said Russia,
and it’s up to us to do whatever she tells us.
But for progressives in the Church today this moment,
this realization, has not yet come. Fatima, with all of
its emphasis on obedience to God and His Mother no
longer resonates with them. Besides, Fatima is all
about humility, prayer, penance and getting down on our
knees like little children, begging for help since we
can no longer help ourselves—all of which smacks of
tradition and the “pious sentiments” of yesterday
they’re still busy trying to eradicate from our schools,
sanctuaries, and living memory itself.
Furthermore, a consecration of Russia to the Immaculate
may upset their dialogue partners, and could even
reverse “progress” down the path to a world peace based
on diversity and ecumenism. Never mind that this
progress is wholly illusory thus far, and that the
ecumenical outreach of which they’re so proud hasn’t
bought one moment of peace to the world, but has served
to confuse the faithful and compromise the moral
authority of the Church.
Besides, a consecration of Russia, we are told, would
threaten diplomatic relations with the Orthodox. Really?
How so! Orthodox Russians have a thousand-year history
of devotion to the Mother of God. Why would they be
offended by a consecration of Russia to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary? And as for secularist Russia—would her
political leaders not regard such a consecration by the
Bishop of Rome as little more than a quaint throwback to
a bygone era?
No, something more sinister must be at work.
Enter Cardinal Oddi
So what is it, then? What is the impediment that not
only prevents our shepherds from complying with Our
Lady’s requests but also drives them to such
preposterous lengths trying to justify their failure to
Cardinal Oddi of happy memory offered a hypothesis that
is not only plausible but quite probable. His
contention was that it’s the dismal failure of Vatican
II itself that Our Lady was targeting at Fatima.
In April of 1990, Lucio Brunelli of Thirty Days
magazine asked Silvio Cardinal Oddi if the Third Secret
had something to do with the developments in the USSR at
the time—that perhaps the Virgin Mary had prophesied and
mysteriously guided Mikhail Gorbachev’s plan of
perestroika: Are you also of this opinion?,
Brunelli asked:
No, on the contrary, I remain very skeptical. I believe
I knew John XXIII quite well, since I spent a number of
years at his side when he was at the nunciature in
Paris. If the Secret had concerned realities consoling
for the Church like the conversion of Russia or the
religious rebirth of eastern Europe, I believe that he
would have brought pressure to bear to make the Secret
But when I asked him during an audience why in 1960,
when the obligation to keep the Secret secret had come
to an end, he had not made public the last part of the
message of Fatima, he responded with a weary sigh. He
then said: “Don’t bring that subject up with me, please
happened in 1960 that might have been seen in connection
with the Secret of Fatima? The most important event is
without a doubt the launching of the preparatory phase
of the Second Vatican Council. Therefore I would not be
surprised if the Secret had something to do with the
convocation of Vatican II...
Why do you say that?
From the attitude Pope John showed during our
conversation, I deduced – but it is only a hypothesis –
that the Secret might contain a part that could have a
rather unpleasant ring to it. John XXIII had convened
the Council with the precise intention of directing the
forces of the Church toward the solution of the problems
that concern all of humanity, beginning from within.
But we all know that, despite the great merits of the
Council, many sad things have also taken place in
conjunction with the Council. I am thinking, for
example, of the number of priests who have abandoned the
priesthood: it is said that there have been 80,000. But
one only has to recall the anguish with which the Holy
Father, Paul VI, in 1968 cried out against the
“autodemolition” taking place in the Church ... Or his
dramatic homily on June 29, 1972: “We believed that
after the Council would come a day of sunshine in the
history of the Church. But instead there has come a day
of clouds and storms, and of darkness ... And how did
this come about? We will confide to you the thought that
may be, we ourselves admit in free discussion, that may
be unfounded, and that is that there has been a power,
an adversary power. Let us call him by his name: the
devil.” And again: “It is as if from some mysterious
crack, no, it is not mysterious, from some crack the
smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.”
And what is your assessment of all this?
This: that I would not be surprised if the Third Secret
alluded to dark times for the Church: grave confusions
and troubling apostasies within Catholicism
itself ... If we consider the grave crisis we have lived
through since the Council, the signs that this prophecy
has been fulfilled do not seem to be lacking ...”
Now, we’re getting to the heart of the problem.
Prophetess of Doom
The subtitle to my talk today is: “Why does Rome fiddle
while the world burns?” Even as Nero’s famous fire in
this very city was rumored to have been of his own
setting, could it be that Cardinal Oddi is hinting that
the reason Fatima is problematic for the modernist
contingent in the Church today is that it speaks of
arson— of an apostasy, as Cardinal Oddi put it—a fire
set by their own hand? A fire that razed the old
ramparts of Christendom. A fire whose smoke entered the
sanctuary of the Catholic Church. A fire which
represents the errors of Russia’s advancement by having
attached themselves like smoldering barnacles to the
barque of Peter itself, just above the waterline.
Remember those famous “prophets of doom” targeted so
specifically by Pope John XXIII at the opening of the
Second Vatican Council on October 11, 1962? “We feel
that we must disagree with these prophets of doom, who
are always forecasting worse disasters, as though the
end of the world were at hand.”
“If people attend to my requests,” Our Lady of Fatima
said, “Russia will be converted and the world will have
peace. If not, Russia will spread its errors throughout
the world fomenting wars and persecution of the Church.
The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have
much to suffer, and various nations will be
Is Our Lady herself one of Pope John’s “prophets of
doom”? The Lady who showed the children of Fatima a
vision of Hell (which far from empty, was very much
filled with the souls of the damned), gave the world a
message that flies directly in the place of the
aggiornamento of the New Springtime crowd at Vatican
II. Is that the problem?
Now let’s be clear: Vatican II is an authentic council
of the Catholic Church. It taught no heresy. It was
convened by men who had, it must be presumed, only the
Church’s best interests at heart. But as Father Wiltgen
pointed out nearly a half-century ago in his book The
Rhine Flows Into the Tiber—and as history itself now
corroborates—the Council was infiltrated by modernists
who used it to their own advantage, spawning the
so-called “spirit of Vatican II”, which enjoys no
protection whatsoever from the Holy Ghost and which has
succeeded in undermining the entire Church in the modern
Our Lady of Fatima speaks of repentance and
conversion—two ideas not at all popular in the modern
Church today. Repentance? For what! Sin and hell don’t
exist anymore, remember? Few priests and even fewer
bishops talk about the four last things. Hell may not
even exist, but if it does there’s certainly no one in
it. That’s what they’re telling us these days.
And conversion? To what! The Catholic Faith? What does
such a pre-conciliar notion do to the confidence of our
dialogue partners? Even the Jesuits—the great
missionaries of the Church—no longer believe in
We shudder at the extent to which the famous “black
robes” who carried the Light of Christ even to the
darkest corners of the earth, have now abandoned Our
Lord’s mandate to go out and baptize all nations. In
the April 12, 2011 edition of LMU (the magazine for
Loyola Marymount University), Fr. Thomas Rausch, S.J.,
wrote an article entitled “The Interreligious
Imperative” in which we read the following:
In the years after the council, local churches,
episcopal conferences and religious orders sought to
reinterpret their own lives and missions in light of
Council documents. In 1974, representatives of worldwide
Jesuit provinces assembled in Rome for the Thirty-Second
General Congregation under the leadership of Father
General Pedro Arrupe for that purpose. That General
Congregation translated their understanding of the
Jesuit mission into language more reflective of the
society’s post-Conciliar self-understanding. In its
Decree 4, the fathers wrote: “The mission of the Society
of Jesus today is the service of faith, of which the
promotion of justice is an absolute requirement. For
reconciliation with God demands the reconciliation of
people with one another” (no. 2). The emphasis on faith
and justice is now familiar to those associated with
Jesuit institutions and ministries throughout the world.
Twenty-one years later, another General Congregation
gathered in Rome, this time under Father General
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, to revise the Society of Jesus’
law in light of its revised mission. Among its decrees,
including “Our Mission and Justice,” “Our Mission and
Culture,” and “Cooperation with the Laity in Mission,”
was one on “Our Mission and Interreligious Dialogue”
(Decree 5). The latter noted that the society’s “service
of faith” was now taking place in a world that was
religiously pluralistic, and it encouraged Jesuits to
recognize that “these religions are graced with an
authentic experience of the self-communication of the
divine Word and of the saving presence of the divine
Spirit” (no. 6). Encouraging dialogue with other
religions, it said, “To be religious today is to be
interreligious in the sense that a positive relationship
with believers of other faiths is a requirement in a
world of religious pluralism” (no. 3).
This is the “errors of Russia” in a nutshell. Communist
regimes spent much of the Twentieth Century attempting
to eradicate the Catholic Church by force. Today even
the Jesuits are doing very much the same thing, only
theirs is on a voluntary basis.
Cardinal Walter Kasper, head of the Congregation for
Preserving Christian Unity for so many years—practically
led a crusade against the 400,000 Anglicans who we’re
trying desperately to get aboard the Barque of Peter
back in 2007, after their leaky Anglican lifeboat had
sunk to the bottom of the sea.
In 2007, the
Catholic Herald
interviewed Cardinal Walter Kasper: “It is not our
policy to bring that many Anglicans to Rome,” said
Kasper, “we are on good terms with the Archbishop of
Canterbury, and as much as we can we are helping him to
keep the Anglican community together.”
Our Lady calls the world to conversion. Cardinal Kasper
calls the world to stay put: “Today we no longer
understand ecumenism in the sense of a return, by which
the others would ‘be converted’ and return to being ‘catholics.’
This was expressly abandoned by Vatican II.”
Vatican II, it would seem, is embroiled in a face-off
with Our Lady of Fatima.
Clearly, the Church has been infiltrated by modernists
who are every bit as ruthless when it comes to true
Catholicism as were the Bolshevists, Leninists and
Stalinists. They no longer seem to believe that the
Church founded by Christ is the only true Church,
outside of which there is no salvation—let alone that
the rosary, penance and conversion play a role in the
peace process of far greater significance than their
endless ecumenical dialogue. The idea is to move away
from all that medieval poppycock, and nobody—not even
Our Lady of Fatima herself!—is going to block the path
of their retreat.
This became abundantly obvious even as far back as 1984,
when Pope John Paul asked the world episcopate to join
him in consecrating the world to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary in an attempt to comply with at least the
spirit (if not the letter) of Our Lady’s request at
Fatima. He was met with defiance.
Consider the reaction of the bishops of England and
Wales: In the Universe of March 23, 1984, the largest
“Catholic” newspaper in the UK let it be known what
Catholics thought of Our Lady of Fatima’s request and
the Holy Father’s attempt to heed it, however ineptly:
“If by participating in this act of dedication Catholics
give the impression they’re fostering a cult of Our Lady
of Fatima, they will give grave scandal.”
Quite obviously, Catholic hierarchs in the UK were
scandalized by the Mother of God!
“It is an open secret,” noted the Times of London
in 1984, “that few members of the hierarchy of England
and Wales have any enthusiasm for the procedure [to
consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary],
and have elected to participate in the dedication in the
lowest key possible without appearing to challenge the
pope’s authority. The hierarchy has not asked Church
members to attend special services in their local
cathedral, and has not asked parish priests to repeat
the prayers of the consecration at services.”
The Catholic Herald of March 23, 1984 got
straight to the point when columnist Jonathan Petre
quoted the Catholic secretary of the International
Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary as saying:
“The papal consecration may even prove an obex
(obstacle) to ecumenical progress, judged to be a return
to 19th century
thought and devotion” Horror of all horrors! A return
to the thought and devotion of the saints and martyrs of
2000 years of Catholic history!
In the end, Cardinal Hume, according to an article by
Hamish Fraser that appeared in Approaches at the
time, begrudgingly performed the requested Act of
Consecration in Westminster Cathedral on March 24,
1984—but didn’t so much as mention Fatima.
That was then. Imagine the open defiance the Holy Father
would face today were he to attempt to convince the
world episcopate to join him in consecrating Russia to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary! He’d be laughed out of
Rome… or perhaps locked up as a hate criminal in The
Errors of Russia
In the meantime, the errors of Russia continue to spread
unabated throughout the world. They have become a way of
life in my country, where under an increasingly godless
and socialist regime our freedoms are fading fast, our
religion is being criminalized, and it’s absolutely
expected that women will dress as men, leave the home
and enter the “workers’ paradise”—just as Karl Marx
As atheism is now among the fastest growing “religions”
in America, powerful democracies are doing exactly what
the Communist regime sought to do at the point of a gun
in the U.S.S.R.— drive Christ’s Church underground or
into concentration camps; outlaw public prayer; and
mandate that there is no truth except that there is no
truth. All the while the modern world moves further
from Cross, from the very idea of God—exactly, again, as
Karl Marx said it must: “The very idea of God is the
keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be
The Errors of Russia are not a political or economic
system. They are, rather, a systematic series of human
non serviams, hatched in the black recesses of
the minds of men like Karl Marx, who famously said: “Our
war is against God and the world created by Him.”
The Errors of Russia are the full frontal assault on the
family; the Errors of Russia include eugenics and the
murderous war against the unborn; the Errors of Russia
agitate for the death of Christian culture, the apostasy
of the peoples of the world, the uncrowning of Christ
the King and the enslavement of the masses to sex,
drugs, and meaningless labor.
As Sr. Lucia remarked to William Thomas Walsh during
their famous 1946 interview: Unless a sufficient
number comply with Our Lady’s demands every nation in
the entire world without exception will eventually be
Fatima’s requests must be heeded if Fatima’s dark
prophesies are not to become synonymous with our
immediate future. Our shepherds must consecrate Russia,
and we must pray the rosary every day, do penance, and
fulfill our daily duty—this is the only peace plan that
matters. And this duty includes, of course, the
acceptance and proclamation of the empire of Christ the
King over all governments and nations. Nothing else will
suffice. No political agenda, no voting Republican vs.
Democrat; no polls, petitions or politics. It’s too
late for all that. “The time for doubting Fatima,” as
Pius XII told us, “is passed.”
The late great Hamish Fraser put it this way: “What we
must do is to bring home the essential, world-shaking
significance of the message of our lady of Fatima to
everyone we know, to all our relatives, friends and
connections everywhere. What we must do is, by such
means, give rise to an immense movement capable of
activating all the energies of the Church, whose faith
can indeed move mountains. And finally let us look
upwards and at the same time forward on the one hand to
what has been promised by the Queen of Heaven, and, on
the other hand, to the means of ensuring that her
demands are fulfilled here below. In other words, let
us do whatever we can possibly do to stimulate and
activate all the energies of Mother Church towards the
achievement of Objective Number One: the collegial
consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate heart.”
That is our job. That is our duty. These are the
marching orders given directly to us by the Queen of
Heaven herself.
Tear Down This Wall!
In June of 1987, an American president stood at the
Brandenberg Gate near the Berlin Wall, and in a voice
that resounded across the world, uttered these
now-famous words: “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you
seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union
and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come
here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr.
Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
Powerful words from a powerful man! And the Wall did
come down, partly because of those words, but also under
the weight of a tsunami of western filth and vice. Rock
‘n’ roll bands wrote anthems to the winds of change,
even as the masses danced in the streets to celebrate
the will of the people over the raw power of the
tyrants. But they forgot about God.
There was no conversion. Wars and rumors of wars sprang
up faster than ever. Millions upon millions of babies
were subsequently slaughtered. Pornography, violence,
suicide, alcoholism and apostasy ran rampant. Drug and
border wars erupted everywhere, even as the twin towers
of the World Trade Center in New York braced for a
terrorist attack that would change the world forever and
leave country after country embroiled in seemingly
endless wars at home and abroad.
The Silent Apostasy rightly lamented by Pope John Paul
II rose to such heights after the Wall came down that
the Holy Father spent his last few years on this earth
lamenting the fact that all of his attempts to convince
the European Union to even mention its Christian
roots in the new constitution were in vain.
Our Lady of Fatima stood in the wings and watched the
Wall come down, knowing that it marked not the end but
the beginning of the greatest apostasy of all.
What’s the lesson? That moment in 1987 can never be
repeated. America was strong. A powerful and dynamic
pope sat in Peter’s chair. The Evil Empire was
financially broken beyond repair. The clerical sex
scandals were nothing more than a gleam in Satan’s eye.
And yet Fatima’s requests were ignored-- the world sank
deeper into chaos, even welcoming homosexual marriage
with open arms, fomenting even more evil and unjust
wars, aborting even more babies, and dramatically
curbing what few civil liberties were left here in the
house the Enlightenment built.
Today, the Assisi Prayer Meetings and the World Youth
Days give no sign of reversing our Titanic collision
with the massive iceberg of chastisement.
I conclude my talk here today with a paraphrase of
Ronald Reagan’s famous speech outside the Berlin War.
On bended knee and with anguish and even desperation in
our hearts, let us say to the Holy Father:
“Holy Father, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity
for the Church and the world, if you seek
liberalization, come to the Gate of Heaven. Come to the
Morning Star. Holy Father do what she tells you. Holy
Father, tear down this wall and Consecrate Russia now.”
Editor’s Note:
This talk contains a number of references to the Fatima
saga that first appeared in the late, great Hamish
Fraser’s Approaches magazine decades ago. We
credit Hamish for his insights and prophetic
observations, and ask God to grant eternal rest to that
lion of the old Faith, if, indeed, He has not already
long since done so. MJM