Why Are Muslims Winning?
Try getting these guys to switch Ashura
to a more
convenient day of the week!

The headline of a local newspaper published earlier this
summer read, “Church Switches Sunday Services to
Wednesdays.” Turns out it is a Protestant church
that is rescheduling its Sunday services in order to
accommodate much of its congregation which prefers
vacationing and sleeping in on Sundays rather than
honoring the Day of the Lord. For just a moment, though,
as I read the headline I wondered if it might be yet
another time accommodation for convenience on the part
of a local Catholic church or even some new indult
granted to the NCCB (National Conference of Catholic
Bishops) as a national policy for Catholics in America.
Far fetched, you say. Perhaps not! Consider the
following accommodations to time that have been made the
past fifty years in our own institutional Catholic
Church for the sake of convenience.
We can start with measure-of-time modifications which
are not as extreme as the Sunday-to-Wednesday shift but
pave the way toward that end. Most egregious is the
allowance that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and
Holy Days may be satisfied by attending a Mass of
Anticipation the previous day, as early as 4:00 pm.
Wait a minute, I thought there were only twenty-four
hours in a day, at least by the design of Almighty God
in the original order of creation. But ever since
1967—oh those troublesome sixties—there has been a
new order of creation, one feature of which is the
thirty-two hour day that spans from 4:00 pm one day
until midnight the next. I recall when Masses of
anticipation were first introduced; pastors were
instructed to inform the faithful that this was not
to be a Mass of convenience but rather it was an
accommodation for those who had no choice but to work on
Sundays: nurses, firefighters, policemen, etc. Yeah,
right. When I survey my congregation on any given
Saturday evening I see seniors and singles, couples and
kids, but very few emergency personnel. A better
solution would have been to remind Catholics that if
they have a compelling reason for missing Mass they may
be dispensed from the obligation and should make a
spiritual communion with Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.
One area of collateral damage occasioned by anticipatory
Masses is the loss of Saturday morning Masses in many
parishes, since a solitary parish priest is unlikely to
offer three Masses on Saturdays, as is the case when
funerals and weddings are factored in. Another even more
serious casualty caused by anticipatory Masses is the
general loss of the sense of the sacredness of Sundays
and Holy Days. The worship of God has always been the
very core of observing the Sabbath commandment; with
Mass the previous day it becomes easy to view Sunday as
just another day for secular pursuits. While we are on
the subject of time, another gross modification is the
more recent allowance to shift the celebration of
Ascension Thursday to the following Sunday. Imagine
that, one of the few feasts for which we have temporal
exactitude relative to another feast, Easter, shifted
for the sake of convenience. If only our Lord had waited
until the 43rd day after His resurrection to
ascend! Ascension Thursday is now Ascension Sunday, at
least in much of the Novus Ordo world.
Another accommodation by the institutional Church which
is both troubling and inconsistent is the lifting of the
Mass obligation on certain Holy Days when they fall on a
Saturday or a Monday. Such is the case, for instance,
for the Feast of the Assumption this year. We
pastors annually get countless calls from confused
Catholics asking whether or not certain feasts are
obligatory or optional. Who knows, from year to year,
and who can blame Catholics who miss a Holy Day of
obligation due to ignorance? What message does the
Church signal to the faithful regarding the intrinsic
dignity of a Holy Day when the obligation to attend Mass
can be imposed or abrogated year to year? As it is the
obligation may not be binding for those who have no
choice but to work but what is the rationale for
universally suspending the obligation on weekends? Could
it be that we now have no choice but to recreate on
Saturdays? Or is it more a matter that we cannot expect
the faithful to attend Holy Mass two days in a row,
except when Christmas and New Years fall back to back
with Sundays. Reminds me of a liberal liturgist who
refused to attend weekday Masses: he could not “peak”
more than once a week!
Has all of this accommodation to time advanced the
spiritual and religious life of Catholics or has it been
to our individual and collective detriment? I believe
that the readers of The Remnant know the answer
to that! |