The country has just passed through a long debate to
reach a doubtful end. Indeed, it is not really an end at
all, but a mere postponement of the fight, a fight that
will last through the next elections at least. Hence, we
will spend the next year and a half witnessing a debate
over debts. All other business of government will be
pushed to the margin. Some will argue that this is
necessary, because the debt—and the debt limit—is the
most pressing business of government, an issue that
determines all other issues. Further, they will point to
the turmoil in Greece, and the coming turmoil in other
Eurozone countries, with the “bond vigilantes” demanding
high interest rates to purchase their risky debts, and
imposing stiff austerity measures on these countries.
And finally, they will make an analogy to household and
business budgets, where people are expected to “live
within their means.” But most of all, these debates are
driven by a belief that the government is too big and
taxes too high, and that shrinking both will lead to the
prosperity that has eluded us for the last three years
at least.
But let me suggest that the debate is wrong-headed and
deals with the wrong issues, issues that have little
effect on our real problems. What really bothers people
when they get out of bed in the morning is not the
federal debt, but the uncertainty over their jobs,
presuming they have them. But 15 million people don't
have jobs, and millions more are underemployed, with
part-time work or work below their skill levels. And
even among the employed, there is great fear, since
their bosses have demonstrated to them, over and over
again, that they are disposable commodities, to be
instantly cast off if the Chinese workers make a better
offer, or if the shareholders demand a higher return.
Over and over again, they are reminded that they are but
bit players in the economy, cogs in a vast
socio-economic machine over which they have little
control and no voice. And they see clearly, far more
clearly than their leaders, that there is little
likelihood that the economy can provide the missing jobs
or return to them their lost security.

“But surely,” you say, “the debts affect our jobs?” That
is correct, but you would be dealing with the wrong
debt. The problem with jobs shows up in the trade
deficit, the money we actually owe foreigners for the
goods we import, but don't earn enough to pay for. This
should be the focus of the discussion. This is the real
accounting of real jobs lost and real debts incurred;
yet one never hears about it.
But you again you might say, “Won't the federal debt
lead to the same problems as we see in Greece?” The
answer is that we won't have the Greek problem because
we don't have the Greek debt. Their debt is owed mostly
to foreigners (57%) and payable in what is, in effect, a
foreign currency, the Euro. The hard lesson that the
Greeks are learning is that the loss of one's own
currency is the loss of one's own sovereignty. The
Greeks owe “hard” money to hard men, men willing to
extract hard concessions and high interest rates from
people who were not involved in the debacle.
Our debt is not comparable. In the first place, only
about 31% is owned to foreigners, and they are not about
to “foreclose.” In fact, they are very comfortable with
American government bonds, and are willing to buy more
of them at low interest rates. Throughout this
discussion, and despite predictions of Greek-level
interest rates, bond yields went down, not up.
The 10-year Treasury is yielding a measly 2.56% as I
write this, which indicates that the bond market, unlike
our own “leaders,” have very few worries about our
The second difference is that roughly 40% of our “debt”
is really just inter-fund transfers, that is, money one
department of government owes another; the government is
the biggest holder of its own debt. The Social Security
and Medicare funds hold $2.7 trillion. There are some
problems there, most immediately with the Medicare fund,
but that has different causes and different cures.
Another $1.7 trillion is held by the Federal Reserve
System. This is the oddest part of the “debt” since the
money does not represent funds that anyone loaned the
government; rather they are just “credits” that the
Federal Reserve “printed” out of thin air, or rather,
pressed a few buttons on a computer. For all I know,
Bernanke has an app for that on his iPad. The Treasury
pays interest on these funds, but because the Government
owns the Federal Reserve System (but not the 12 Federal
Reserve Banks—it's complicated) the monies earned come
back to the Treasury. So this isn't really a “debt” at
all, but a series of accounting entries. As Senator Rand
Paul pointed out, the Federal Reserve could simply tear
these “debts” up and instantly reduce the deficit and
avert the phony “crisis.”
Since foreigners buy our debt in our currency, they are
unlikely to “get tough” with us as they have with
Greece. “Want your money back? Fine, we'll print you
some more.” Maybe Bernanke has an app for that as well.
It might have mildly inflationary results, or it might
simply force other countries to buy more goods here and
thus increase employment. In any case, it is unlikely to
happen. But they don't want it back, and seem quite
happy with their paper-thin interest rates.
As for the analogy with household budgets, this is
accurate, but I know of few people who buy their homes
or cars in cash, or who don't depend on credit to send
their children to college, or even to make it through to
payday with their credit cards. To equate “living within
your means” to “buying everything in cash” establishes a
standard that few of us would meet.
As for the effect of the deficit on jobs, we cannot cut
billions and billions of dollars without cutting
thousands and thousands of jobs. And the more jobs we
cut, the greater the impact. Greater burdens will be
placed on both the federal and the state governments, as
people apply for unemployment benefits, lose their
health care, and require greater use of public and
private social services. And layoffs beget layoffs; with
fewer customers to buy goods, producers require fewer
workers to produce them. The plain and unavoidable fact
is that our late-stage capitalism is incapable of
employing all of our citizens. In seeking maximum profit
alone, rather than reasonable profit and a healthy
economy, the capitalist gets his wish; the stock market
soars while the nation tanks. We are becoming a
two-track society, with one (small) group doing very
well, while the rest sink into greater insecurity.
Indeed, the top 10% commanded nearly 50% of the nation's
income in 2007, a level not seen since 1929. The Great
Depression reduced the disparity, so that the top share
sank to about 32%, and stayed there until the early
1980's; this was the period of the “The Great
Compression” when the United States became one of the
the most egalitarian—and productive—societies in
history. But in the current recession, the percentage of
income going to the top actually increased; instead of a
compression, we got an increasingly widening gap.
Somebody got a bailout, but it wasn't you and me. The
situation is worse than ever, and ripe for a
“double-dip” recession.
In other words, Obama has failed to address the
underlying problem, and the Republicans are talking
about the wrong issue; the President elected for his
eloquence has remained silent. But it is somewhat
amazing, to me at least, that Obama is in this position.
This debate began last December, after the Republican
“shellacking” of the President's party. Nevertheless,
the President still held all the cards; the Bush tax
cuts were about to expire by law and the Republicans,
even with their new majority in the House, did not have
the votes to override a Presidential veto. If he was
going to trade the scheduled increase away, he might at
least have got something substantial in return, like an
agreement to raise the debt ceiling and avoid this
meaningless and debilitating fight. Instead, he merely
got the Republicans to agree to what they had to do
anyway: pass a budget, which they only did in drabs and
All this was in line with the Republican belief that the
simple solution (to every problem) is to reduce taxes.
But if this was going to work, it would have worked
already. The Bush tax cuts reduced taxes to their lowest
level since the Second World War; we should therefore be
in the midst of a boom. But the only “boom” we
experienced was the housing bubble, fueled mainly by
cheap credit supplied by the Fed, and financial
manipulation ignored by the regulators. During the
bubble years, the only real growth, apart from
construction, was in health care, education, and
finance. The rest of the economy was actually shrinking,
especially manufacturing.
As for the budget, it is under the control of Congress,
which has the exclusive power to tax and spend. But the
Republicans do not trust the Congress, even—or
especially—when they control it. They know full well
that the bulk of the debt that has been built up since
the Second World War occurred under Republican
administrations. Hence, they want some sort of
“automatic” mechanism. But this never works, because
there must always be a way to make exceptions, and
pretty soon every expenditure becomes “exceptional.”
This is what happened to the so-called “paygo” rules
(“pay as you go”) of the 90's. In order to make real
spending cuts, the Republicans will have to muster the
political will to take difficult stands. The “Starve the
Beast” strategy of relying on tax cuts alone to force
the government to shrink—a strategy in place since the
Reagan administration—hasn't worked, because the beast
is just as happy to fatten himself on credit as he is on
cash. Speaker of the House Boehner may weep hot tears
over the debt, but it is a debt composed of the annual
deficits that he himself voted for, year after year.
The Republicans played poker with Obama again in the
most recent deal, and again Obama folded. All he had to
do was offer some reasonable plan, and then take the
case to the public. He could then present the GOP with
the option of accepting it (with cosmetic modifications
of course, for the sake of “bipartisanship”) or shutting
down the government. The Republicans know, from the last
time they tried that, that it doesn't sit well with the
public, and they would have taken the deal, Tea-Partiers
notwithstanding. But Obama had no plan to present, and
therefore nothing to say; once again he folded his hand,
and accepted the Republican plan.
That plan raises the debt ceiling in stages, giving
Obama many more opportunities to fold; the Republicans
have decided that they like this game, and given the
quality of their opponent, who can blame them?
Well, we all can. The “plan” guarantees that we will be
talking of nothing else, and certainly nothing else
important. This despite Obama's promise to “pivot”
towards jobs. This would be the eighth such “pivot” of
his administration, each one more pitiful than the last.
The current jobs plan involves changes to the patent
laws, continuing cuts in payroll taxes, new free trade
agreements, vague promises to improve education, and an
“infrastructure bank.” But trade agreements are part of
the problem not the solution, and there are no funds for
the infrastructure. That leaves the President—and the
nation—with nothing. Hence it is likely that we will see
a double-dip recession before the Spring and perhaps
even before the New Year. And it won't really be a
“double-dip”; it will just be a continuation—and
deepening—of the recession that started at the end of
2007, the one which he promised to heal.
The candidate of “hope and change” turns out to be
hidebound and hopeless. In truth, he needs some of that
Sarah Palin, “Don't retreat, reload” spirit. But he
seems to be out of ammo, and has very little
understanding of the situation. Pivot he may, time and
again, to jobs question, but he seems to have little to
say after each pirouette. This is partially a problem of
a young man who has little experience in government.
Even Sarah, with her half-terms as mayor, commissioner,
and governor, has more administrative experience than
the President.
What needs to be done is to renegotiate our trade deals
and let the dollar find its true level. For any country
with whom we are running an immodest trade deficit, they
must be required to accept more of our goods or face
punitive tariffs until the balance is redressed. This
would encourage local manufacturing, and without making
things, no nation can become prosperous, and certainly
not prosperous enough to pay its debts. Further, the
foreign profits of American firms must be taxed. As it
is, we are actually subsidizing the outsourcing of
American jobs. Some would complain that this would lead
to a “trade war,” but the truth of the matter is that we
are already in such a war, and we are losing badly.
Televised poker tournaments have become very popular.
I've never been attracted to them myself, but I would be
willing to chance it if I could be guaranteed that
Barack Obama would be my opponent. I'm pretty sure that
even if he is dealt all the aces, I can get him to fold
against my pair of deuces. |