Fr. Duverger with
memebers of the faithful in Cameroon

In September 2010, Pope Benedict XVI established a
Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. As the
auto-demolition of the Church continues and the Church
bleeds members from all sides, even the Vatican
recognizes something must be done. A New Evangelization
has been called for repeatedly by John Paul II and
Benedict XVI. Yet, the ever “new” methods embraced by
Vatican II and its apologists never seem to produce the
hoped for results. So yet another gimmick must always
be attempted. Meanwhile conversions dwindle to a trickle
and the abandonment of the Faith increases to a
tsunami. In the “old” days, the New Evangelization was
simply called missionary work, the missionary work
commissioned by Our Lord when he sent His Church to
“teach all nations.” That “old” Evangelization converted
continents and built civilizations. Alas, we are not
likely to find much advice on restoring that missionary
zeal from a Vatican bureaucracy conducting studies and
writing papers on how to jump start a “new”
evangelization based on the “new” (now tired) ideas of
Vatican II.
So this writer decided to talk to someone out in the
trenches, living the “old” evangelization—the one that
worked for two thousand years. I contacted Father Loïc
Duverger, superior of the African district of the
Society of St. Pius X.
Although the name of Archbishop Lefebvre is largely
associated with the crisis of the Council and his
defense of Tradition, the Archbishop spent thirty years
before the Council toiling in the missionary vineyard of
Africa. This interview was conducted over the month of
March and thus transpired over the twentieth anniversary
of the death of Archbishop Lefebvre (March 25, 1991). It
is clear that Archbishop Lefebvre’s love for saving
souls and for the African missions is thriving in his
successor in Africa, Father Duverger. Father’s priestly
wisdom and hope provide a clear argument for the
restoration of the “old” evangelization and its fruitful
Q. Thank you, Father, for agreeing to this interview.
I am certain you are very busy with your Apostolate, and
I appreciate the time you have devoted to answering my
questions. When were the Society’s activities in
Africa begun? Who initiated the work? Was it Archbishop
Lefebvre himself?
A. The apostolate of the Society began in the early
1980s, when Archbishop Lefebvre came to South Africa to
encourage the faithful who were resisting the crisis in
the Church. But it was only in 1985 that the first
priory was opened in Roodeport near Johannesburg in
South Africa. Then in 1986 we opened priories in
Zimbabwe and Gabon—for which we are celebrating the 25th
anniversary this year. Archbishop Lefebvre followed
these foundations closely, but he paid special attention
to the mission in Gabon—the place where he himself began
his missionary life in 1932. He made an important
journey there in 1985 to prepare the foundation of the
mission. On that occasion he met with the head of
state, President Omar Bongo, several bishops and key
figures of the country, his former students from the
seminary and from the missions of Donguila, Kango and
Lambaréne. Through his letters to Fr. Patrick Groche,
founder of the St. Pius X mission, he generously gave
much advice as a former missionary and demonstrated the
care with which he followed the development of this
priory. He returned there one year before his death and
was happy to see the magnificent development of this
How many priests do you currently have in the district
in Africa?
A. Today 21 priests, 4 brothers, 5 sisters, and 2
oblates exercise their apostolates in the 8 houses the
Society possesses in Africa.
Q. How many priories (permanent houses with a community
of priests living a common religious life) or other
religious houses have been established in Africa and in
which countries are they located?
A. In South Africa we have 3 houses (2 priories and a
district house) which serve 7 chapels. In Gabon we
possess one priory and one school. Kenya is rich with a
priory and, very recently, a novitiate of religious
destined for the missions—the Missionary Sisters of
Jesus and Mary. Zimbabwe is the fourth country in which
we have a priory. However, our priests are not content
with these countries. They are spreading out elsewhere
where the faithful call them, asking for the true Mass
and the true Sacraments. Through missionary travels that
are more or less long and frequent, they support groups
of the faithful in Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia,
Cameroon, Tanzania, Burundi, and Ghana, as well as in
the islands of Madagascar, Reunion, and Maurice. Between
those where we are based and those where we visit, in
total the Society is present in fifteen countries in
Africa. Nigeria and Uganda are the two countries where
we regularly visit which are the most developed. In
Nigeria, Fr. Obih, a priest who was formerly an
Augustinian religious, joined the Society a few years
ago. He is preparing to come to the Society here and
will crisscross the most populated countries of Africa
(150 million inhabitants). In Uganda, one of the
faithful who had been calling the Society for a long
time has built a chapel in her home and brought together
Catholics who want to preserve and strengthen their
faith through prayer and good sacraments. Our confreres
in Kenya come there every month to celebrate the Mass.
Elsewhere there is a situation where there are only a
few members of the same family who, under the good
influence of the father, resist the conciliar revolution
and dechristianization. And then, in Namibia, there are
families separated by hundreds of kilometers who gather
together when the priest comes.
Q. What countries do your priests come from? Europe,
America, native African clergy?
A. The priests come from France (13), Australia (1),
Gabon (1), Nigeria (1), the United States (1), Zimbabwe
(1), Austria (1), the Philippines (1), and Belgium (1).
It is truly international! The Society now has two
African seminarians in major seminaries (one from
Zimbabwe, the other from Kenya). One studies theology at
Winona and the other at la Reja in Argentina. We have
several pre-seminarians, three of whom are already at
the seminary in Goulburn, Australia. Others knock at
the door, but we must evaluate each case so as to accept
only those who are truly able to persevere in their
Elsewhere in other priories of the Society, there are
four Gabonese priests. And finally, a second priest from
Nigeria, a parish priest, has asked to join the Society.
I must meet with him in the next few weeks. Last year he
went on a retreat preached by Fr. Obih, his friend, and
Fr. Vernoy, the former superior of the district. After
that occasion, he definitively returned to the
celebration of the Mass of St. Pius V in his parish.
This year, he again went on retreat and decided to join
us. We are going to welcome him into a priory for a
probationary time as required by the statutes of the
Society. For him this will be the opportunity to
complete his doctrinal formation, to better know the
works of Archbishop Lefebvre and the reasons for our
Q. Can you describe the nature of the Faith you find in
the people of Africa who look to the Society for
spiritual sustenance?
A. It is admirable to see the power of divine grace
which enables these faithful to guard their faith when
the world which surrounds them pushes it far away and
the Protestant sects, often financed by foreigners, are
rapidly multiplying. Then, we must not forget the drive
of Islam which is more and more present and marks its
conquests through the construction of mosques. Along
the road which leads from Nairobi to Mombasa in Kenya,
the Muslims, financed by the Arab states in the Gulf,
continue to build mosques all along the route even
though there are already enough of them to fill the
area. At Libreville, Gabon, when the Society was
installed in 1986 there was only one mosque. Today
around the mission three or four minarets sound the call
of the Muslims several times a day. The faith of the
faithful who call upon the Society is edifying and truly
comforting. We would like to be able to help all those
who call upon us, to respond to all the requests, but
there are not enough of us. Always there is the same
observation, “the harvest is abundant, but the workers
are few.”
Q. What is the nature of the daily living conditions of
the faithful under your priests’ care?
A. As with everywhere else, materialism wreaks havoc.
Seeking after material profits touches the whole world,
the very rich down to the very poor. People stream into
the towns to settle there because they have the illusion
of finding a higher standard of living. But instead
their presence only serves to enlarge the immense shanty
towns where everyone lives in a pernicious promiscuity
and finds a degrading misery often worse than the
poverty of the country. Also in Kenya, the priests
furnish a good meal to the children of the parish on
Sundays after Mass so as to supplement the poor and
insufficient nourishment received at home. And everyone
in this little world eats with a good appetite! Often
the homes of these people consist of two little rooms
for a family, which is ever expanding by taking in
nephews and nieces whose parents have died or are
incapable of raising children because they are even
poorer. The unemployment is considerable. To cope with
it the families take on multiple odd jobs through which
they can earn some money. But this hard-earned money is
often spent without discernment. That is how on the
shanty made of boards, with a poor metal roof which
leaks in the rain, there is a satellite dish and inside
a television which allows the inhabitants to receive
television programs from all over the world which
influence, deform, misinform and pervert. They have
nothing with which to pay for the schooling of their
children, but they all have cellphones.
The same causes produce the same effects. Western
materialism little by little invades the souls and makes
them dream of and desire the artificial paradise seen on
television. The souls become gradually impenetrable to
grace. The harmful effects of ecumenism and religious
liberty, and the increase in the numbers of Protestant
charismatic sects makes religion optional and the truth
relative: Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only one by whom
we can be saved, is no longer necessary. Of course, the
evil is not as entrenched as in the West, but it is
advancing with giant steps. The apostolic work, always
enthusiastic without a doubt, becomes more difficult in
certain aspects and more arduous in others.
Q. What institutions does the Society operate in
Africa? Are there any schools?
Father Louis BOHKOLTZ teaches
catechism in a village school
during a pastoral visit to the
mission in Libreville, Gabon
A. At this time, we are only developing priories
together with their chapels. One must spend a lot of
energy in this difficult climate to be able to meet the
needs of the faithful: the Mass, the Sacraments,
catechism, youth groups, sick calls, fitting out the
houses, construction work, maintenance, administrative
processes that are always long and complex. Only Gabon
and Roodepoort in South Africa have schools: a primary
school at Roodepoort and a primary and secondary school
in Gabon. The schools are essential as they allow
vocations to bloom and prepare Christian families. They
are the future of the Church and our chapels. They
demand our full attention and care; however, they
require a considerable investment. We do hope to open
one at each priory. But is must be with St. Joseph as
the steward, otherwise we will never get there.
Q. You mention vocations. Are the fruits of your
priests’ efforts bearing the fruit of new vocations from
the native population?
A. Before experiencing the joy of seeing every place
being developed, we must occupy ourselves with the
vocations which are asking to enter into the Society.
The priesthood and all that touches the priesthood
remains the primary purpose of the Society. One of our
grand projects is the opening of a pre-seminary as a
place to receive candidates for the priesthood or the
religious life. This house will allow the young men
selected by our priests to study for their vocation, to
receive a doctrinal formation, and to learn the
rudiments of Latin so as to more easily follow their
studies in the seminary. This is the necessary
preliminary step before opening a major seminary of the
Society in Africa. We are convinced that, in the face of
the immense needs of the apostolate, in order to present
Africa to Our Lord Jesus Christ, there must be African
priests, African brothers, and African religious.
Today, we are not able to reach this objective without
the aid of “old Christianity.” The needs of the faithful
are so considerable and the vocations are so few that
each country would like to look after its own. Every
year of his presence in Africa, Archbishop Lefebvre
worked on the formation of an African clergy. He
ordained priests and bishops and gave rise to African
religious congregations.
Q. I am aware that one of the important rules the
Society has instituted is that no priest should live
alone. For the moral safety of priests, the Society
statutes require priests to live in a community of at
least three. Yet, there is obviously so much work to be
done in Africa. Are you able to adhere faithfully to
this rule in Africa where there is so much to do and so
few priests?
A. The temptation may exist to cut the apostolate free
from the rules given by our founder. It is illusory to
want to do good outside the framework given by the
constitutions: the spiritual life would rapidly decline,
the apostolic dynamism would go stale and sterility
would become established. It is as if the devil were
doing his utmost to manifest the opposite through a
superficial success. Archbishop Lefebvre, by way of
illustrating this temptation, used the image of a
gardener who in trying to pull on the water pipe so as
to water further out and yet ripped out the last spigot
– now he can no longer water anything. Our confreres
understand this well and do everything in their power to
respect this golden rule of apostolic effectiveness that
is life in community. But we must also respond to the
needs of the faithful, hence the necessity of going to
the missions—never for too long—then coming back again
to the priory so as to recharge our physical and
spiritual strength. The ideal would be that the missions
would be able to support several [priests], so as to
nurture the community life. For the moment, that is not
Q. What is the nature of the Society’s relations with
the governments of the countries in which it operates in
Africa? Are they friendly or hostile?
A. Wherever we come into Africa, we try very hard to
establish good relations with the civil authorities –
first in respecting the administrative steps necessary
for us to settle in and then in turning to our work of
the sanctification of the faithful. If they have had any
fears, the civil authorities rapidly perceive that our
actions are peaceful and beneficial. In Africa, as
opposed to Europe, reality often overrides ideology. The
true priest, in cassock, is respected. He rarely
encounters hostility. He often engages in conversations
on religious subjects in the offices of the
administration. For example, this last Christmas, I
accompanied a priest from the school at Libreville to
the mayor’s office to ask that the police take charge of
keeping order in the street which leads to the school.
The deputy mayor was absent, so we discussed it with the
secretaries and the conversation was concluded. Then the
secretaries, remembering the Christmases of their
childhood, started to sing at the top of their lungs,
bringing together little by little the other secretaries
on the floor.
Another time, at the end of a meeting held near the
person responsible for the lots of the town in South
Africa, the official asked for the blessing of the
priest and the recitation of a prayer. So I gave the
blessing and we recited the Pater Noster in his office.
In several countries, there remain difficulties in
obtaining authorization for long term visas. These are
long, very long bureaucratic processes which have the
impressive ability to teach patience, kindness,
courtesy, and, in a word, “self-control.” As we say
here: it is not unusual to find that after long hours
waiting, the person behind the counter returns to tell
you that he lacks a paper, or that your dossier is lost,
or that closing time has arrived. This is not hostility
toward us—everyone goes through the same procedure. That
is how it is. That is Africa: the good school of
Q. What about the diocesan bishops? Do you find them as
hostile to the Society as in Europe (in France, for
A. The relations with the dioceses are very much
dependent on the bishop. We have neither very frequent
nor very close relations, but on certain occasions we
have been able to observe much goodwill from them. For
example, the bishop of Johannesburg permitted us to
venerate the remarkable relics of St. Theresa of the
Child Jesus at the Priory of Roodespoort. This made for
a beautiful day of celebration, a source of grace, at
the beginning of the priests’ retreat in October 2010.
The bishop of Nairobi, Kenya gave his written agreement
for the installation of the Society in the country—an
authorization that is indispensible towards obtaining an
agreement with the government to open priories. Of
further note is the always amiable reception by the
bishop of Oyem, Gabon. When we made a stopover at his
place while going to Cameroon, he invited us to eat with
him. The last time we were there we ate lunch with the
priests of the diocese who had come for a work session.
The better bishops and priests see well that we do
serious work; that we are fully Catholic. Of course,
most do not understand our attitude; do not know the
true reasons for our resistance and our combat. They are
often very modern and filled with the false ideas spread
throughout the Church today, but rarely do we encounter
open hostility.
Q. Do you have any general observations on the state of
the Church in Africa at this time?
A. In fact, it seems that in certain countries the
conciliar reforms were put in place slowly— such as in
Nigeria where communion in the hand was not permitted
until 2008. The seminaries appear to be full, but who
knows what kind of formation their future priests are
receiving. A conciliar formation with its teaching of
all the errors we are fighting? I very much fear that
tomorrow, the same causes will produce the same effects.
As has happened in Europe, the modernism taught by the
badly formed priests will drain the churches in Africa.
One can make the observation that the younger
generations formed in this modernist doctrine and
perverted by materialism will lose their sense of God
little by little, desert the churches, and give in to
all the vices and artificial paradises that modern
society proposes.
Q. Is the Society’s work in Africa primarily bringing
the Traditional Faith and Sacraments to Catholics or
missionary activity to non-Catholics?
A. Our work is multifaceted. It is addressed primarily
to the Catholics who have appealed to us, then,
naturally, the souls coming to us. In Kenya, one of the
catechumens is the caretaker hired by the fathers to
look after the mission, another arrived one day at the
church and asked to be baptized immediately, a third was
brought by a friend. The Lord’s ways are many. In Gabon,
we administered nearly 6,000 baptisms over 25 years—from
little newborn babies to an old man on his deathbed in
his plank board house. He was an animist, then a Muslim.
Several weeks before his death, he had the grace to meet
one of the faithful of the mission and then after a few
short catechetical lessons, the priest baptized him and
prepared him to die a Christian. It is without doubt one
of the great consolations of a missionary to see how the
Good Lord attracts souls of good will, leads them little
by little along the road to salvation, and permits them
to encounter a priest who goes on to conduct them to the
doors of the Church and help them become children of God
through baptism. But it is also an occasion of great
suffering to see certain ones who, after having
traversed so many difficulties and going over so many
obstacles so as to be regenerated by the waters of
baptism, later are taken by passions and temptations and
incrementally abandon the Christian life they had begun
with such great enthusiasm.
Q. What are the biggest challenges facing the Society’s
work in Africa?
A. Africa is an immense territory (3.3 times the area of
the United States) with a billion people. Unfortunately,
there are only 145-150 million Catholics. One person in
three is Moslem. Islam progresses in the countries which
do not know it, as in Gabon. (Islam arrived there in the
1960s.) To this relentless enemy of Catholicism may be
added a strong push by the evangelical sects, often
financed by foreigners, who draw from the Catholic
Church large numbers of the faithful. To wit, an immense
crowd that lies in the shadow of death. The “challenge”
is laid before us. We must fight and give ourselves
entirely to our task so as to conquer this continent for
Our Savior. Jesus Christ must reign in the hearts of
Africans. He must reign in society. This is the
condition for peace and prosperity. For those who follow
the news of this immense continent, it is frightening to
see how war and revolution reign almost everywhere; how
the moral corruption of the elite destroy the economic
life; how the most destitute suffer as victims of this
disorder. If the governments submitted to Our Savior and
respected His commandments, these magnificent countries
which are overflowing with riches, would become
veritable havens of peace and wellbeing.
One could give way to despair—wanting to change the
world, to convert all these people. Is it not a
ridiculous illusion, an insane idealism? Is it not
better to be content with our chapels, our priories, our
several thousands of faithful? Such an attitude is not
Catholic. If the Apostles had held to such reasoning,
St. Thomas would never have gone deeply into India, and
today we would not be baptized! We have the grace of God
which is all powerful and able to make sons of Israel
out of rocks. Even more so is it able to do such with
men deceived by false religions. We know our limits and
that by ourselves we can do nothing. But greater numbers
of priests increase the good that is accomplished. It is
in this way that the intuition of our venerable founder
is so brilliant: to lead the crowds to Jesus Christ,
there must be priests who are sanctified by the Mass of
all time and always more of these priests from the four
corners of the earth.
Think of all the young men who will read this! To be
precise, the “challenge” of the Society of St. Pius X in
Africa is to form priests, to search for vocations, to
make them grow, and to lead these young men to the
priesthood, to encourage an increasingly growing number
of priests to join us in this crusade for the triumph of
Our Lord, and to support those few rare priests who
remain faithful to the Mass of all times.
Q. What could Remnant readers do to help support
your work in Africa?
A. First, I thank you for the honor you have given me in
permitting me to present the Priestly Society of St.
Pius X in Africa to your newspaper and I thank the
readers of the Remnant for the attention they
have given to our interview. Next, I would like to say
that I know that they are already assailed by requests
from all the other works they support and by the fight
for the triumph of the Catholic Church in their own
countries. I have a simple request—that they in charity
not forget the regions of the world that are more
neglected and more miserable and to pray for the priests
who work there to spread the reign of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, the only principle of peace.
In addition, if they are able to help us materially
through their alms and gifts, that would be wonderful.
The project that is our heart’s desire is the
construction of a pre-seminary which could also serve as
a novitiate for the brothers. We have 16 acres of land
outside of Libreville that is mostly cleared. The roads
have been laid out, a well has been dug, and electrical
lines have been brought in. We only lack $700,000, an
amount which would permit the construction of the house
of formation for about twenty young men. If St. Joseph
could find us this amount through the hands of some
benefactors, that would be marvelous! Be that as it may,
we express our gratitude to all who are able to bring
their little brick to this project. We pray a Rosary
everyday for their intentions. The Good Lord alone will
know and repay them a hundredfold. Thank you all.
Editor’s Note:
If you would like to contribute to the temporal needs of
the missionary work of the Society of St. Pius X in
Africa, please contact the US District for further
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