Let us not exult over the assassination of Osama bin
Laden. I will herein give some reasons why we shouldn’t
and I will encourage everyone to show him the Mercy that
Jesus and Mary would want us to show him.
The first reason is Mercy. Let us remember that
Catholic tradition has the Blessed Virgin eagerly
seeking the whereabouts of the Deicide, the Iscariot, on
Holy Saturday to offer him Her Motherly Mercy and to
call him to repentance—before she had learned that he
had hung himself. Our Savior calls upon us to seek His
Mercy. He does not ask us to dispense the justice that
He reserves for Himself.
Bin Laden was not the Head of State nor was he leading
an army invading our homes. Satan is the head of such
an army, but Bin Laden was in a legal sense only a
private citizen and merely the charismatic leader of a
group of anti-Christian and anti-American heretical
Mohammedans. If you have ever lived abroad for a time
you will understand why many foreigners do detest the “Great
Let’s speak first of the pornographic garbage that we
export to the minds and hearts of the lands of the
world. This is reason enough for many to hate America.
In movies, on television, in print and on the internet
our citizens broadcast to the world the celebratory
defiance of the sixth commandment—and this is the one
sending most souls to hell (Fatima).
I can understand why many Mohammedans (Muslims is
only a recent rephrasing of what for centuries all
English speakers called followers of Mohammed) hate our
culture. We defend and extol vice. At every level of
government—local, state and national—we defend the
rights of Americans to sin gravely against God’s laws,
and we punish and stigmatize the minority who
Next, where do we Americans think we derive the
authority to send our armed forces to every corner of
the globe at every whim of ours—often to promote a
democratic ideal that has within our own borders
proven to be a colossal moral failure? There were many
great benefits when the West was governed by the
Catholic monarchs, and so do the Muslims also recognize
some benefits from the state enforced strict observance
of the morality God decreed in His Commandments.
Yes, Islam is a heresy, but to their credit they do
recognize the virtue of purity. Jesus did preach virtue
to both the Jews and to the heathen gentiles, and it is
the latter who more readily heard and accepted His Word
and thereafter conformed their lives towards virtuous
In my view every one of our foreign military adventures
in the last fifty years has been wrong headed. Perhaps
the worst example was our bombing of the Orthodox Serbs
in the Balkans in the 1990s when we employed our
military forces to defend the Muslims who had been
invading and occupying “Catholic” lands since even
before the fall of Constantinople in 1453. But also in
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and elsewhere we are off on
fools’ errands. Allow me to predict that this latest
adventure into Pakistan will raise the ire of Muslims
throughout the world and will provoke a response that
will lead to an increase of strife and violent
repercussions that Americans will suffer.
Finally, Bin Laden did not receive a fair trial. I
speak as a lawyer. We have heard about him and read
about him. But have we heard the truth? I don’t know.
He was not riding a steed carrying a standard at the
forefront of an army galloping towards our villages.
Satan does that. Bin Laden was living in a compound
half way round the world. Normal international justice
would have urged an arrest and a trial at the most.
Do we think we have the moral and legal authority to
send our armies to kill any person on the globe who
hates America? Many think they have good reason to hate
us. And many Americans have good reasons to hate our
culture, and rightly lament our country’s moral decline
—especially the traditional Catholics who have always
received persecution from the Protestant majority.
The Blessed Virgin Mary would have us praying for Bin
Laden’s soul. And she would scold us sharply for
exulting upon his execution for the foregoing reasons.