Terror Alert!

Who would have guessed that the pea-shooter would
metamorphose into a weapon? Look no further than the
vigilant “educators” of Spotsylvania High: they know a
terrorist when they see one!
“The federal Gun-Free Schools Act mandates that schools
expel students who take weapons, including hand guns,
explosive devices and projectile weapons, to school.
E-mail traffic among school officials showed they ruled
that Mikel's [the offender] plastic tube, which was
fashioned from a pen casing, met the definition of a
projectile weapon because it was ‘used to intimidate,
threaten or harm others,’” states a 1 February 2011
article in the Washington Post written by Kevin
Sieff. According to the article, the principal of
the Virginia high school declared: “"We have an
obligation to protect the students in our building from
others who pose a threat to the over-all safe learning
The fourteen-year-old expelled from the indoctrination
center masquerading as a school (he’s being homeschooled
now, the lucky lad) has been charged with three counts
of misdemeanor assault, according to the article. The
“weapon” in question was a plastic pen case that “fired”
plastic pellets, which is to say it was a latter-day
version of the old-time peashooter, which was usually a
plastic straw through which the “aggressor” blew out
dried peas. Now that the statute of limitations on this
form of “assault” has expired, this writer (a male)
freely confesses to having used this “weapon” on his
fellows, including (gasp!) females, which could
easily be interpreted to mean that he had also committed
a “hate crime.”
In this case, the “weapon” was taken by school officials
as having “met the definition of a projectile weapon
because it was ‘used to intimidate, threaten or harm
others.’” Slingshots (remember them?) would likely fall
under this category as well, though in all fairness
there are manufactured slingshots which are in fact
capable of serving as “weapons.” But a peashooter?
"We have an obligation to protect the students in our
building from others who pose a threat to the over-all
safe learning environment," Russell Davis, principal of
Spotsylvania High, wrote to other school officials in
one e-mail,” the article reported.
A “threat?” Yes, one can say that the youngster’s
silliness was inappropriate, although anyone who has
ever been a fourteen-year-old may have memories (even
fond memories) of such silliness and likely did not
perceive such childishness as “threatening.” Then again,
“childishness” is now to be discouraged in a “safe
learning” environment in which toddlers are to be taught
(indoctrinated?) about sexual perversion (call it
“choice”) at the earliest possible age.
“Mikel will be cleared of the misdemeanor criminal
charges if he participates in a year-long diversion
program, he [not clear who “he” is, although from the
Post article one would infer that “he” is in fact
Amanda Blalock, a Spotsylvania school board member]
said. The county sheriff's office did not return
messages seeking comment,” stated the article. A
“diversion” program? What, pray tell, is that? Wikipedia
has the answer!
A diversion program in the criminal justice system is a
program run by a police department, court, a district
attorney's office, or outside agency designed to enable
alleged offenders of criminal law to avoid criminal
charges and a criminal record. The purposes of diversion
are generally thought to include relief to the courts,
police department and probation office, better outcomes
compared to direct involvement of the court system, and
an opportunity for the offender to avoid prosecution by
completing various requirements for the program. These
requirements may include:
Education aimed at preventing future offenses by the
Restitution to victims of the offense
Completion of community service hours
Avoiding situations for a specified period of time in
the future that may lead to committing another such
offense (such as contact with certain people)
One year of this lad’s life intruded upon listening to
taxpayer-funded nonsense for fooling around with a
peashooter! Keep him home, parents, and build yourselves
a potato gun to protect yourselves against the
politically correct! Or maybe not, because you may find
yourselves in prison for possessing “projectile
Happily, not everyone in Spotsylvania has succumbed to
sissyfication: “"More and more school districts apply
these zero-tolerance policies, and common sense goes out
the window," said Del. Mark L. Cole (R-Fredericksburg).
"Something like this can haunt a kid for the rest of his
life, just for a little mischief,"” went the article’s
attribution, expressing an opinion that is sadly ever
more rare.
That can work both ways: and it should.
Enough is enough!
Education should be “holistic,” and that means without
the intrusion of social engineering that equates to
personality-neutering indoctrination disguised as
“instruction.” Boys will be boys, girls will be girls
and if that simple fact can only be recognized at home,
then so be it!
Public “education” as it stands has seen its day.
Peashooters: Ready, aim, fire! |