The Roman Forum’s Summer Symposium in
Gardone Riviera, Italy this past July was a monumental
success. (See
report and video log.) Featuring a wide range of Catholic writers and
thinkers from all over Europe and the United States, the
aim of the Summer Symposium was to address the basic
choice being forced upon contemporary Catholics today:
Either we accept the dominant pluralist political,
social and economic system, or we reaffirm loyalty to a
classical and Christian vision of man and society that
clashes profoundly with it.
The lecturers explored the origins of the
current system and the ways in which classical and
Christian political, social, and economic concepts
contradict it, asking such basic questions as: How is it
that many believers have been falsely convinced that the
pluralist system fulfills the Catholic vision? What can
be done to drive home the truth that pluralism is an
attack on both Faith and Reason and a recipe for the
triumph of the will in public and private life? What
part does the authentic Catholic press play in all
this? The Catholic family? Law, economics, the
liturgical life of the Church, etc.
Each talk is
available for $7 on a standard CD. The entire
is available on two MP3 CDs for $30.
(An MP3 CD is a compact disc
that contains digital audio in the MP3 file format.
Recordings can be played on any DVD player, your
computer and MP3 players in more recent home and auto CD
Allow two weeks for
Individual Lectures
(Plus P&H $3)
Entire Symposium on 2
MP3 CDs: $30
(P&H $5 US/Canada, $10 outside North America)
The Entire Symposium on 2 CDs for
For U.S. delivery:
For delivery outside of North
Brian McCall 1:
The Drive to Codify v. Making Law in Light of Custom
and Natural Law
Brian McCall 2:
Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation
and the Lost Theory of Usury
John Medaille:
The modern
world split the science of political economy into the
partial disciplines of politics and economics, and
thereby lost any real understanding of either. Only by
recovering our past can we create a future.
Michael J. Matt:
The Catholic Press:
Serving the
Truth and Surviving in a Pluralist, Blogging
Information-Crazed Universe?
Christopher A. Ferrara:
From Montesquieu to Holmes to
Scalia: How Legal Positivism Triumphed over Truth.
Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro, HLI
Rome: A brief survey
of the history of Christian Democratic Party in Italy,
and the problems that affected this experience.
Dale Ahlquist, the American
Chesterton Society:
"The Glorious Side of Social Decline: Chesterton on the
New Dark Ages": Chesterton’s historical perspective of
the rise of the Barbarians against Roman Civilization
provides prophetic insight into the current crumbling of
our society. But he also offers hope and encouragement."
Rev. Dr.
Richard Munkelt:
Nominalism and the Triumph of the Will in the Modern
James Bogle:
Blessed Emperor Charles and the
Fall of the Holy Roman Empire
Fr. Prendergraft, FSSP:
A look at the progress and
setbacks within Catholic restoration today.
Patrick Brennan, Villanova Law
Are Catholics Unreliable from a Democratic Point of
John Rao 1:
Catholic Awakening and the Traditionalist Democratic
John Rao 2:
From Lamennais to Leo XIII (1831-1878
John Rao 3:
Papal Guidance and Practical Dilemmas (1848-c.1910).
John Rao 4:
Vitalism, Nuance, and the Fascist Temptation
John Rao 5:
The Triumph of the Will in the Marxist-Pluralist
World (1939-2001)
John Rao 6:
Escape From the Pluralist Triumph of the Will
The Remnant Press
PO Box 1117, Forest Lake, MN 55025
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