The Rangler Ropes ‘Em
Disgraced Rep. Charles Rangel (D.) of NY introduced a
bill in the House which would rope in a goodly segment
of the US population if it is passed into law. H.R.
5741, the Universal National Service Act, is intended
“To require all persons in the United States between
the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service,
either as a member of the uniformed services or in
civilian service in furtherance of the national defense
and homeland security, to authorize the induction of
persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet
end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and
for other purposes.”
One way to keep the unemployment numbers down.
The Rangler is looking at a herd with a twenty-four-year
spread. There is nothing in the bill that determines the
maximum number of “inductees,” so theoretically and at
the discretion of the president, the entire
cohort could be press-ganged into a kind of
ill-defined “national service” that would amount to
little less than indentured servitude masquerading as
one’s “patriotic duty.”
Note, too, that the Congress is left out of the loop.
The president (capitalized in the bill to befit
the imperial dignity of the office) “shall prescribe
such regulations as are necessary to carry out this
title,” according to Title I, Sec. 105 (a) of this
pillow-on-the-face-of-freedom piece of legislation.
Have to think about doing your bit for the homeland,
don’t you know, kaff, kaff, one’s patriotic chore, bit
of the old pitch in, comrade, steering a course through
the waves depends upon the skill of the helmsman, making
revolution depends upon the thought of Chairman Mao, ah,
well, not Mao, sorry about that, slip of the tongue,
just think of Lincoln or, well, some inspiring patriot
or other. Charlie Rangel, for example, the example
par excellence of selfless public service,
and—look!—there go those Poland Chinas flying over the
rooftops again!
The U.S. Congress, the E.U. Parliament, etc., are all
too unwieldy and too open to corruption to continue
functioning as truly representative bodies. The tried
and true Traditional Catholic Social Teaching principle
of subsidiarity must be reintroduced into the
fundamental concept of government; government by fiat
and incomprehensible bureaucratic complexity and
codification must be done away with.
not go unheard in your opposition to this bill. Vote out
any representative who supports it. |