“New” Rosary:
Time to Say Goodbye
Christopher A. Ferrara
"[T]he faithful would conclude that
‘the Pope has changed the Rosary, and the psychological effect would
be disastrous. Any change in it cannot but lessen the confidence of
the simple and the poor."…Pope Paul VI
Posted 6/23/10
In the May 15th issue of The Remnant I noticed an
advertisement placed by the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius
promoting “The Traditional Rosary” and recommending that one pray
“the Psaltery of Our Lady—150 Hail Mary’s.” The reference to the
Psaltery is telling, for the traditional Rosary is modeled on the
ancient Psalter of 150 Psalms: 150 songs to Mary; fifty Aves
for each of the triad of mysteries—the Joyful, the Sorrowful, the
Glorious; a triune prayer addressed to the Mother of God.
The reference
to the Psaltery is telling for another reason: It is indirectly an
unfavorable comment on the “new” Rosary of John Paul II, which added
five “luminous” mysteries, and thus 50 more Aves, to the
traditional Rosary. That makes a total of 200 Aves, which
would destroy the Rosary’s ancient correspondence to the 150 Psalms
of the Psalter; the Rosary would no longer be “the Psaltery of Our
Lady.” Then, of course, the “new” Rosary would no be longer triune,
but rather would have four parts involving 50 Aves each:
Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and “Luminous.”
That the “new”
Rosary was an improvident innovation is demonstrated by the approval
it received from the New York Times, that relentless foe of
traditional Roman Catholicism: “Time and again,” wrote Frank Bruni,
“Pope John Paul II has boldly gone where other popes had not: a
synagogue, a ski slope, distant countries with tiny populations. On
Wednesday, he will apparently cross another frontier, making a
significant change in the Rosary, a signature method of Catholic
prayer for centuries now.” The article quotes a “senior Vatican
official” to the effect that this change in the Rosary was in
keeping with “his [the Pope’s] creativity and his courage.” (“Pope
is Adding New Mysteries to the Rosary,” Frank Bruni, The New York
Times, October 14, 2002)
tradition precludes “creativity,” since the very notion of
tradition—traditio— involves handing down what one has
already received. Nor was it “courageous” for the Pope to change the
Rosary, since courage is “the state or
quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger,
fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and
resolution; bravery.” John Paul II was not facing any danger, fear
or vicissitude that required him to change the Rosary. On the other
hand, if the danger or fear arises from the change itself,
precisely because the Rosary has been “a signature method of
Catholic prayer for centuries,” then are we not dealing with an act
that is reckless rather than courageous?
neo-Catholic connoisseurs of novelty, who swallowed even John Paul
II’s altar girls without protest and insisted that the Latin Mass
was “banned” for forty years, will object that this is just another
example of traditionalist nitpicking: “150 Hail Mary’s or 200 Hail
Mary’s, three parts or four parts—what’s the difference?” I will let
someone who knew something about the Rosary answer that objection
for me. He wrote:
The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to the tradition
accepted by… St. Pius V and authoritatively taught by him, consists
of various elements disposed in an organic fashion:
… a series of mysteries of salvation, wisely distributed into
three cycles. These mysteries express the joy of the
messianic times, the salvific suffering of Christ and the glory of
the Risen Lord which fills the Church….
… The continued series of Hail Marys is the special characteristic
of the Rosary, and their number, in the full and typical number of
one hundred and fifty, presents a certain analogy with the
Psalter and is an element that goes back to the very origin of the
exercise of piety.
But this number, divided, according to a well-tried custom, into
decades attached to the individual mysteries, is distributed in the
three cycles already mentioned, thus giving rise to
the Rosary of fifty Hail Marys as we know it.
This latter has entered into use as the normal measure of the
pious exercise and as such has been adopted by popular
piety and approved by papal authority, which also enriched
it with numerous indulgences.
No doubt my
quotation of this source will elicit the further neo-Catholic
objection that, once again, traditionalists are presenting
commentary that demonstrates they consider themselves “more Catholic
than the Pope.” There is a problem, however: the commentator just
quoted is a Pope. What is more, the Pope is none other than
Paul VI, writing in Marialis Cultus (1974)—a scant 28
years before John Paul proposed his “new” Rosary in place of the
traditional one.
Traditionalists certainly agree with Paul VI that the traditional
Rosary is “wisely
distributed into three cycles,” that it bears an “analogy
with the Psalter,” “an element that goes back to the very origin of
the exercise of piety,” and that these traditional elements of the
Rosary—which would be negated by the introduction of a four-part
Rosary involving 200 Hail Marys—were “according to the tradition
accepted by… St. Pius V and authoritatively taught by him.”
And, indeed, we traditionalists also agree with Pope Paul’s further
observation in Marialis Cultus that “the
division of the mysteries of the Rosary into three parts not
only adheres strictly to the chronological order of the facts but
above all reflects the plan of the original proclamation of the
Faith and sets forth once more the mystery of Christ in the very
way in which it is seen by Saint Paul in the celebrated “hymn” of
the Letter to the Philippians—kenosis, death and exaltation….”
Two years before he promulgated Marialis Cultus, Paul VI
rejected Annibale Bugnini’s infamous proposal to “reform” the Rosary
so that
the Our Father would be recited only once at the beginning, the Hail
Mary edited to include only “the biblical portion of the prayer,”
and the “Holy Mary, Mother of God” said “only at the end of each
tenth Hail Mary.”
Pope Paul
responded to this ridiculous idea through the Vatican Secretary of
State: “[T]he faithful would conclude that ‘the Pope has changed the
Rosary,’ and the psychological effect would be disastrous…. Any
change in it cannot but lessen the confidence of the simple and the
poor.” In the same year Marialis Cultus was issued, Bugnini
was sacked and sent off to Iran, after Paul VI read a dossier
documenting Bugnini’s Masonic affiliation—a dossier whose existence
Bugnini himself admitted in his autobiography.
So, the
traditional Rosary was spared the fate of the traditional Mass. What
a tragedy it is that Pope Paul found the courage to take his stand
for tradition only at the Rosary, having already surrendered the
very heart of Catholic worship to the depredations of the innovators
he himself had unleashed upon the Church only to realize, far too
late, what he had done. The traditional Rosary may have been spared
the fate of the traditional Mass, but Bugnini had destroyed the
primary target. Mission accomplished.
It is for the very reasons Paul VI cited that John Paul II had no
right to replace the traditional Rosary with his innovation, which
no one had asked for in the first place. And it is for those same
reasons that John Paul did not do so, but rather made it
clear in RVM that his “new”
mysteries of
the Rosary were only “a proposed addition to the
traditional pattern” to be “left to the freedom of
individuals and communities.” In other words, the “new” Rosary is
yet another postconciliar option the connoisseurs of novelty will,
with dreary predictably, treat as de facto mandatory.
Yet, nearly
eight years later, very few Catholics could name the “luminous”
mysteries—or, for that matter, the traditional ones. For most
Catholics, the luminous mysteries are nebulous mysteries. We ought
to leave it that way. The less said about them, the better. Let
them fade from memory, just as the Bugnini Mass will fade from
memory in God’s good time.
traditional Rosary, however, will endure, just as the traditional
Mass will endure, no matter how few Catholics remain devoted to it
at present. Like all the other novelties that have tried to take
root in the thin and arid topsoil of the “renewal of Vatican II,”
the “new” Rosary will be swept away by the winds of change—the winds
that come from the same eternal Source that will have the Church
restored, despite the plans of those who think the “renewal” still
has a future.