in the White House
Obama Aides Welcome Anti-Catholic Coalition Members
Mark Alessio
Hitchens on Mother Teresa:
are much worse off because of her life.”

A spokesman for the Secular Coalition for America, a group
that includes atheists, said its representatives met for
“close to an hour and a half Friday with Obama
administration officials from the public engagement office
of the White House and from the departments of Justice,
Health and Human Services and Defense,” reports Margaret Talev of the McClatchy News Service (Feb. 26, 2010):
The meeting was notable because it was one of the rare times
an administration has formally met with the coalition's
members, which include the American Atheists and the Council
for Secular Humanism. On Thursday, coalition leaders said
they had three areas of interest on their agenda: child
medical neglect in homes where parents believe in faith
healing, proselytizing of religion in the military, and the
Obama administration's advocacy of faith-based initiatives.
Fidalgo, Communications Manager of the Secular Coalition for
America (SCA), said that he “couldn't offer any details
about what Obama aides said in the meeting because of an
agreement that their discussion be kept private,” but he
stated that the meeting went “very, very well” from the
coalition’s perspective and that members were “encouraged by
the reception we got today.” According to the SCA website:
The Secular Coalition for America has big goals for the
coming months and years. We’re executing a strategy that
will see us expanding our
base of
issues, increasing our lobbying efforts, and
generating new and innovative ways for secular Americans to
connect, network, and get active throughout America. As Sean
Faircloth said in his
remarks to the administration: “It is not our
disbelief that brings us before you today. Rather it is our
deep belief in the light of reason – and our confidence that
the light of reason and justice will lead us all to a better
and more compassionate world.”
light of reason and justice will lead us all to a better and
more compassionate world.” Kinda gets you right here,
doesn’t it? That’s the same song that Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot
and other renowned atheists crooned as they went about their
noble labors on behalf of mankind.
is the Secular Coalition of America (SCA)? It claims that it
“committed to promoting reason and science as the most
reliable methods for understanding the universe and
improving the human condition,” and professes its belief
that “freedom of conscience, including religious freedom, is
a fundamental American value” and that “religious tolerance,
a necessary product of this freedom, must be extended to
people of all religions and to those without religious
However, a look at the names on the SCA’s Advisory Board
reveals some folks who are – let’s say, not really that
much into “religious tolerance,” among them:
Sam Harris (author)
In an
article titled, “Pope ‘Rottweiler’ Barks” (Huffington Post –
Sept. 17, 2006), Harris refers to the doctrine of the Real
Presence as “cannibalism.” He also refers to the doctrines
of the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection of the dead, the
infusion of the soul at birth “and almost every other
article of the Catholic faith” as unreasonable beliefs that
“will land in the same, ill-dignified bin” as
Transubstantiation because “there is no broadening of the
purview of 21st-century rationality that can, or should,
embrace them.”
Christopher Hitchens (author)
In a
talk at Great Valley State University, Hitchens accused
priests of “making a living out of lying to children” by
telling them that “if they don’t do the right thing, they’ll
go to terrifying punishments or unbelievable rewards.”
During an October 30, 2009 appearance on the Dennis Miller
radio show, Hitchens stated that Mother Teresa “was a
fanatic and a fundamentalist and a fraud, and millions of
people are much worse off because of her life, and it’s a
shame there is no hell for your bitch to go to.”
Richard Dawkins (evolutionary biologist, author)
In a
Washington Post interview (Oct. 30, 2009), Dawkins called
the Catholic Church “one of the greatest forces for evil in
the world.” Of the declining number of applicants to the
priesthood, he stated: “No wonder that disgusting
institution, the Roman Catholic Church, is dragging its
flowing skirts in the dirt and touting for business like a
common pimp: ‘Give me your homophobes, misogynists and
pederasts. Send me your bigots yearning to be free of the
shackles of humanity’."
Other SCA
Advisory Board members include Rob Boston (Assistant
Director of Communications for Americans United for
Separation of Church and State, author Susan Jacoby (who
stated in a Newsweek interview that Catholic priests live
“repressed, rigid, and lonely lives” and claimed to be
“pleased” by the news of people leaving the Church) and
Michael Newdow, a physician with a law degree, who had so
much free time on his hands that he could waste it lobbying
to get the words “under God” removed from the Pledge of
Obama aids have met with representatives from any group that
referred derogatorily to Jewish or Muslim doctrines,
claiming there was no room in the 21st century
for such beliefs? Would they have met with representatives
from a group that referred to a prominent Jewish or Muslim
woman as a “bitch,” or expressed unbridled contempt for
rabbis or imams? Surely not. Yet, they welcome
representatives from the Secular Coalition of America, some
of whom express such a rabid hatred for Catholicism as to
make them seem like little more than well spoken, educated
Of the
Scribes and Pharisees, Jesus said, “All things therefore
whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do: but
according to their works do ye not; for they say, and do
not.” Politicians talk a good game when it comes to
religion, and it is usually no more than hot air and
platitudes. But it is true that actions DO speak
louder and more eloquently than words.
President Obama has NO problem with anti-Catholics. He
appointed homosexual activist Harry Knox to his
Advisory Council on Faith-based
and Neighborhood Partnerships, and did not blink an eye when
Knox referred to the Pope and bishops as “discredited
leaders,” claimed that Benedict XVI was
“hurting people in the name of
Jesus,” or referred to the
Knights of Columbus as the “foot soldiers of an army of
Obama also had no problem re-nominating Dawn Johnsen as head
of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. A rabid
pro-abort, Johnsen had once participated in a failed lawsuit
to remove the Catholic Church’s tax-exempt status because
the Church held a pro-life stance.
Obama’s choice for
Secretary of Health and Human Services was “Catholic”
Kathleen Sebelius, a rabid pro-abort and good friend of
notorious abortionist, Dr. George Tiller. Members of Obama’s
Catholic National Advisory Committee (assembled by Senator
Obama in 2008) included Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John
Kerry of Massachusetts, Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont,
Representatives Linda Sanchez and Anna Eshoo of California,
Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin, Sebelius and a gaggle of
other pro-abortion “Catholics” (which, yes, is a
contradiction in terms). Only someone with an unbridled
contempt for Catholics would even try to foist such a seedy
bag of goods upon them, and expect them to fall for it.
the “historic” meeting at the White House, the Secular
Coalition of America’s Paul Fidalgo expressed his hope that
his group would be invited back for further discussions.
With the current administration in power, that seems like a
given. In the meantime, it would be interesting to know just
what transpired behind those closed doors.
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Hitchens uses his mundane intellect not in reasoning, but
in slyly conning the gullible into joining him in his jealous rage that the
logic of the Church overwhelms his feeble attempts to carve the belief of
evolutionary atheism into the minds of men.
I am quite sure that the devil is in
the details.
Mike P.
Canton, MI
Yes, not only
religious intolerance, but very clear examples of the darkness hating the
PMB, Florida
I defeated Christopher Hitchens in a
debate on a conservative web site, where he did not understand the meaning
of order and chaos. He claimed that there was no God because a God would
not create the chaotic Universe that he observes. I countered that the
Universe is not chaotic. Proof that the Universe is not chaotic is the fact
that Enrico Fermi was able to mathematically derive the equations describing
the atomic fission process and become the first scientist to split the atom.
Hitchens then tried to redefine what he meant by, “chaos”, in three “final
responses” to my original rebuttal of his claim that the Universe is chaotic
and therefore could not have been created by an intelligent God.
by RLS, PA