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Friday, April 7, 2023

Wrath, Wailing Wall or Wakeup

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Wrath, Wailing Wall or Wakeup

As Easter Sunday dawns on post-Christian America, liberty and world peace are threatened on a daily basis unlike anything seen since World War II. Does anyone seriously trust that a political party that believes in multiple genders can cope with threats from such hostile states? 

We now celebrate drag queen children’s story hour at your local library and allow after school Satan clubs in some public schools. The Satanic Temple is planning a “weekend of blasphemy” at the Boston Marriott Copley Place at the end of the month. It is easier to have your son’s testicles removed than to discipline your dog.  All of this was unthinkable a decade ago, but has since devolved into the “new normal”, where the murder of millions in the womb is women’s healthcare and where gender-transition-mutilation-surgery of children is sexual freedom. Pathetically, I could go on, but space is limited.

For those leftists celebrating former President Donald Trump’s indictment, it is certainly nothing to brag about. Moreover, it has the potential to become a political zero hour resulting in a plethora of adverse and inadvertent consequences. Such outcomes would only compound the wrongs they seek to amend, while setting a dangerous precedent for future investigations. Like the old adage schools us: Be careful what you wish for.

If the nation’s founders were worshipping this Easter Sunday, they would be atop the FBI’s watch list.

We elect a government that is supposed to protect our rights and property, but rarely does (Not convinced? Ask those businesses looted thanks to BLM and Antifa). Rather, our government is ensnared with global climateers and bureaucratic economists who deny that overspending is a root cause of inflation. Moreover, they are convinced that borrowing and printing trillions of dollars makes a nation prosperous, while failing to regulate Silicon Valley Bank.  

This should not surprise, considering how a virus was able to handcuff and incarcerate the Constitution. If the nation’s founders were worshipping this Easter Sunday, they would be atop the FBI’s watch list.

Christianity’s influence within America continues to diminish since few of us bother anymore with theology or theodicy. Given that the fatality projections were far lower than what was initially anticipated with COVID, how many publicly turned to God in gratitude?

Meanwhile, the political messiahs from the left promise a Marxist utopia that tens of millions seemingly have no problem supporting.

Meanwhile, the political messiahs from the left promise a Marxist utopia that tens of millions seemingly have no problem supporting. Their ignorance and indifference proves G.K. Chesterton prophetic, “When men stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything.”

God remains forever sovereign and operates both within and outside of nature. God does not limit Himself with regard to His creation. The only thing God cannot do is violate His own nature.  God’s ways are certainly not our ways, as illuminated in Scripture.  Given our limited awareness, none of us can fully understand the cosmic meaning of events, we can only understand how these events affect us.

God made the world and its randomness as part of His creation. At the atomic level, the universe is as consistent and controlled as it is perfect.  Our insufficient understanding of creation does not change that. God has dominion over all. Everything that happens draws us closer to Him in order to be transformed, so we can love and serve others as He loves us. God’s will is accomplished regardless of our understanding, as contemporary miracles abound.  

Death is not the end but merely the transition to eternal life promised through Easter’s miracle of an empty tomb. 

God is all knowing, yet grants us free will to accept or deny Him.  However, freedom without consequences is not true freedom. God, who lives outside of time and sees the whole sweep of time at once, sets forth his plans with his knowledge of what we will do.  Mary freely said “Yes,” while Judas freely said, “No.”

Whether COVID, the ongoing drought in the southwest, and the tornado disasters in the Midwest and south are divinely ordained or not, the faithful can still ask for guidance and strength, while praying for the victims, their families, and our troubled nation. 

The faithful understand there is much more to our existence than what our contemporary mortal circumstance dictates.  Death is not the end but merely the transition to eternal life promised through Easter’s miracle of an empty tomb.  And the more that America comprehends and acts on this eternal truth, the better off we all will be.

women at tomb

RTV Short — HOLY WEEK: The Love Story that Built Western Civilization

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Last modified on Friday, April 7, 2023
Greg Maresca | Remnant Columnist

Maresca writes from Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.

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