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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

New Study Shows Flossing Makes People More Fun At Parties

By:   Flossy Denton
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Flossy Denton Flossy Denton

Hi, my name is Flossy. No, it really is! The fact that one of my hobbies happens to be flossing my teeth is a total coincidence.

The thing is, I've always thought that if I didn't floss ten times a day, I'd be a total party pooper. And now there's this new totally awesome study from Carvemeamelon University which proves that proper flossing makes me funner at parties.

Why? Well, scientists say that when people floss a lot they tend to be more fun at parties.

Amazing! I was right! 

Speaking of stupid, I'm convinced that Facebook is demoting and/or hiding stuff posted by conservative Christian sites such as The Remnant. 

I noticed the other day, for example, that RTV produced a video entitled CATHOLIC CHAOS: Where do we go from here?.  In just a couple of days, that video picked up nearly 80,000 views, almost 3,000 likes and over 1,300 comments on YouTube. 

Oddly enough, the Facebook post for that same video was liked a grand total of 10 times, before picking up a whopping 2 comments.  After that, the post went into cardiac arrest and, evidently, nobody's seen it since. 

Now, doesn't that seem a little suspicious?  Maybe I'm wrong, and Facebook is just becoming increasingly useless, unless you're a never-trumping 14-year-old. But wouldn't it be nice to know for sure? 

Anyway, I really do like to floss my teeth, and this article has nothing to do with testing to see if the liberal gatekeepers at Facebook will let people see this post, which is just about as mindless as Facebook seems to like it.

Thanks for reading my article, and don't forget to floss!  You'll look great, and all your Facebook friends will think you're super fun at parties. 

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Last modified on Tuesday, April 9, 2019