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Thursday, September 10, 2015

CRISIS in the CHURCH... According to 2 Bishops and a Cardinal

By:   Magister Athanasius
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CRISIS in the CHURCH... According to 2 Bishops and a Cardinal


If the Synod on the Family adopts Kasper’s proposal, then it will be denying the immutable teachings of the church on Holy Communion and Holy Matrimony.

A video was recently released which features Cardinal Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Archbishop Jan Paul Lenga entitled "Crisis: Where Will the Synod Lead Us To?"  As evident by the title, this video seeks to demonstrate what is at stake with the Kasper Proposal, which is the main issue that will be discussed in the upcoming Synod on the Family in October.

In a nutshell, the Kasper Proposal is the view that the church should administer Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried (i.e. adulterers) who have every intention of continuing to engage in adulterous sexual relations, after a period of penance.

Concerning the Kapser Proposal and the crisis it is causing in the church, Bishop Schneider says,

This [the current crisis in the church] is manifesting itself…mainly in a situation of confusion. From outside we have the immutable and clear teaching of the magisterium of the church, of the 2,000 year old magisterium…very clear. And on the other side there are phenomena [e.g. the Kasper Proposal] which contradict this clear teaching and ever relative teaching of the church.




In other words, if the Synod on the Family adopts Kasper’s proposal, then it will be denying the immutable teachings of the church on Holy Communion and Holy Matrimony. Clearly, the stakes are high.

The Synod on the Family, in addition to the Kasper Proposal, will discuss the sin of sodomy. Part of the liberal agenda in this discussion is to get the church to focus on the “positive” aspects of homosexuality. In response to this, Cardinal Burke bluntly states:

It is heresy to teach that homosexual relations…are not disordered, to teach that they have positive elements.

Since this view is heretical, there is no question that if it is adopted by the church, it will result in major divisions. Demonstrating that the Synod on the Family is destined to end in disaster, regardless of what takes place, Archbishop Lenga states:

If it [the church] accepts the statements of those who want to distribute the Holy Communion to the divorced [and remarried], it would be a heresy in the Church. And if it does not accept there can be a schism in the Church. German, Belgian and Dutch schism.

This means that the church is between a rock and a hard place. Either adopt the Kasper proposal, and effectively deny the teaching of Christ on marriage, or reject it and watch the heretic bishops go into schism. Needless to say, many in the church are of the mindset that the church should stick with Our Lord and tell the heretic bishops: “don’t let the door hit you on your way out”.

Concerning the need to defend the truth and the teachings of Christ on marriage, Cardinal Burke states:

If in defending the truth of the faith I end up in a disagreement or in a conflict with another cardinal, what has to be primary to me is the truth of the faith and as a teacher of souls to defend that truth.

If you are shocked that a man with such fidelity to Christ actually exists among high ranking prelates, you are not alone. Further along such lines of fidelity to the truth, Cardinal Burke frankly says:

The Pope has never told me not to teach what the church teaches and if he would, as I said, I would resist.

These words are not only a lesson for neo-Catholics who are willing to follow a Pope into error, but they appear to imply that resisting a Pope is a real possibility with this pontificate. The words of Cardinal burke may also come as a surprise to those Catholics who are still in denial about the pontificate of Pope Francis, that is, for those who see him merely as a puppet in the hands of liberals rather than a gepetto who is pulling the strings of the liberal agenda.

The grand finale of the video features Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who appears to fire a warning shot across the bow of Pope Francis, saying:

…and so we have to believe all of us in the words of Christ that the gates of hell will never conquer his church and Christ told to peter ‘you are Peter, the stone, the rock, and on this rock I will build my church, not your church, Peter, my Church!’  (emphasis mine).

Bishop Schneider was warning Pope Francis about thinking that he can change the 2,000 year old practice of the church on Holy Communion, since it is not his church but Christ’s church.

Unquestionably, this video is an excellent defense of orthodox Catholicism against Kasper, et al. I highly encourage Catholics who love the church to disseminate this video far and wide over the next few weeks before the Synod on the Family begins.

To catch the latest Remnant column by Magister Athanasius, "After the Synod on the Family", ,subscribe to The Remnant's E-Edition right now:

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Last modified on Tuesday, September 15, 2015