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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Pope Francis, please feel free to excommunicate...

By:   William Bernardi
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Pope Francis, please feel free to excommunicate...

No doubt about it, there’s been a lot of dissent in the Church recently, especially on faith and morals. Obviously this calls for some real Magisterial action to show who’s boss and to put things straight in the Catholic Church… oh! and in the Vatican too.

If only Pope Francis could muster the strength to take up his book and mitre and excommunicate a few wayward church people. You know like…

·  Cardinal Walter Kasper and his cohort at the Synod of the Family who want to give Communion to divorced-remarried couples and secure dignity to those who favor a certain immoral and unnatural lifestyle that calls down fire and brimstone on entire cities.

·  The LCWR Nuns on the Bus, who… well, they’re into every type of nonsense, from a weird New Age-type Transcendent Conscience Awareness, to women priests, to just plain forgetting why they were called to be female religious!

·   Fr. Richard McBrien… who, you may ask? Well, I supposed he’s sort of passé by now, along with Hans Kung and Charles Curran. But excommunicate them in any case for being a thorn in the side of good and loyal Catholics for so many years!

·  The National Catholic Reporter, for not only giving “Catholic” a bad name, but for the whinny, liberal garbage they have been printing for decades!

·  The bad guys named in Pope Benedict’s Cardinals’ Commission of Three… (reportedly) some for financial malfeasance in the Vatican Bank (again?) and others for undergoing initiation rites to join the exclusive Roman Lavender Club. (Psss: meetings are in the Curial Lobby on Wednesday at 8pm; bring a friend sporting a collar.)

·   And just new to the list, Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp who thinks the Church should recognize same-sex marriages!

There are so many other names that could be added, including some who are gone from this world. Afraid of speaking ill of the dead? Remember what was done to Pope Formosus I for committing heresy? Not only was he tried and condemned in absentia, but they even tossed his corpse into the Tiber for good measure!

If only Pope Francis would stop for a moment giving interviews to atheistic journalists without a notepad who are afflicted with amnesia and open Pope Pius XII’s papal ritual to the section for solemnly declaring excommunications.

Can’t you just see the Roman Curia (what’s left of it) hurling their lighted candles on the Sistine Chapel floor like in Becket of 1964? And what a great docudrama that would make for 2015! Launched on the Internet, it would probably earn more ticket box sales than The Interview (starring Seth Rogen, not Jorge Bergoglio) and bail out the IOR’s deficit!

Until then though, I guess we will have to be satisfied with the exile of such dissenters as Cardinal Burke and the commandant of the Swiss Guards.

Last modified on Wednesday, December 31, 2014