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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Feminists Nuns Marginalize Women

By:   William Bernardi
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Ames, Iowa gal listens to Sister Simone Campbell speak during a stop on the Nuns on the Bus Tour Ames, Iowa gal listens to Sister Simone Campbell speak during a stop on the Nuns on the Bus Tour
I have to agree with some recent comments made by Pope Francis to honor International Woman’s Day: “A world where women are marginalized is a sterile world.” My question though, is he implying that the Feminist Nuns are correct in asserting that the Catholic Church has been guilty of this in the past?

I am sure that’s how the Nuns on the Bus and wacky LWCR leaders would apply His Holiness’ comments; whether he meant that or not (cue Fr. Lombardi for a clarification). After all, they continually clamor about women obtaining a larger role in Church matters, going so far as to demand the impossible: women priests.

Funny thing is though: have you ever noticed that these same Liberalist Nuns are fond of citing Mother Earth and an inclusive-gender God, but practically never invoke the Blessed Virgin Mary for their cause? And while they can probably sing from memory “We shall overcome,” I have yet to see habit-less Feminist Sisters defiantly fist-clutching a Rosary aloft as a show of Woman Power for the cameras.

What is really paradoxical is that Mary, the Mother of God and Co-Redemptorix, has the highest role of any human in the Church after Our Lord Jesus Christ; even higher than such holy men as St. Joseph, His foster-father, St. John the Baptist the Precursor, St. Peter the First Pope, and the other Apostles, who were also the Church’s first bishops. She is also the Queen of Heaven and over the choir of angels.

My first thought is that perhaps these Feminists Nuns won’t stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Virgin Mary, because in spite of her exalted position in the universal order of things, she never picketed her divine Son to become a priest. So they ignore the Mother of God and attempt to cast saints like Joan of Arc, Theresa of Avila and Catherine of Sienna as fellow feminists because they dared to stand up to men (even the pope) and defy the anti-woman societal and ecclesiastical norms of their times. You go, girls!

But can you really believe that they and other such saintly women as Elizabeth of Hungary, Clare of Assisi, Scholastica, Therese of Lisieux, Catherine Laboure, Elizabeth Seton, and Frances Xavier Cabrini actually felt “marginalized” or only had a “diminished role” in the Church? And what of the founders of numerous religious orders tasked with charitable works and the education of children? Or the profound and essential role of Christian mothers that made any of this possible?

Sadly, none of these role models of true womanhood fit in the Feminist Nuns liberal Jell-O mold. Even more so, I doubt they would be given a warm welcome to board the Network Nuns’ tour bus. For starters, the Traditional Nuns and Mothers wouldn’t know the protest songs. Heck, they might even suggest praying the rosary (on the bus, gasp!) to right the true injustices of our present day society! Like abortion of the unborn.

So who’s really marginalizing women? The Feminist Nuns, starting with the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is not their inspiration or mentor. And think of the injustice committed against centuries of holy women religious when it is implied they did not have an active role in the Church, rendering their holy contributions to the Mystical Body of Christ as worthless. What a dishonor to their labors and sacrifices, their fidelity to their Divine Spouse, and to the blessed memory of women in the Catholic Church!

One can only imagine on the Day of Judgment the look that Feminist Nuns will receive from St. Mary Magdalene, who in their eyes, worthlessly spent her final years praying and doing penance in a cave instead of touring the Mediterranean in a brightly-colored skiff to right social injustices.

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Last modified on Tuesday, March 17, 2015