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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Iron Fist of the Papacy and the Strawmen of its Mind Featured

By:   John Fisher
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The Iron Fist of the Papacy and the Strawmen of its Mind
It is respectfully submitted that there are very few Catholics who actually want to disagree with the Roman Pontiff.  Moreover, it would appear self-evident that there are even fewer Catholics who would actually enjoy disagreeing with the Bishop of Rome.  But, sometimes, some things, although not desirable, must be done, and disagreeing with what the Pope is doing these days is one of those things.

When the Pope himself shakes and cracks the very rock foundations upon which the Faith rests, and when he thereby threatens to unleash the forces behind the gates of hell into our very midst, we must speak out and we must speak firmly and loudly. 

The truth is that despite Vatican II and all of its platitudes towards the Faithful, the Catholic Faithful are never listened to.  The Faithful were not listened to when the altars were turned round, the Faithful were not listened to when the railings were torn out, and the Faithful were not listened to when the liturgy was changed.


No, these Vatican II renewal projects were not the result of the Catholic Faithful.  These actions were the result of the “Christian laity” and of a certain band of “intelligentsia” within the hierarchy.  If we are to accept the hierarchy at their word within the context of the judgment of history, the abysmal failure that resulted was an unintentional backfire, and instead of making the profane sacred by opening the doors of the Church to the world, the sacred became profane.    

Whether intentional or unintentional, it is beyond dispute that the unheeded Catholic Faithful remained, while the “Christian laity” and their hierarchical intelligentsia counterparts escaped to secularism in large numbers.    Now, they are on the peripheries, on the margins, and we have a Pontiff who seeks them out. 

To achieve his ends, the doors are to be thrown open once more.  This time, it is the Doors of Mercy that are to be opened.  The burning love of Mercy without Repentance is to set the world aflame. In our new Church—a Christian Church that has outgrown its Catholicity—faithfulness in marriage and morality in life are to be ideals, and sin and scandal are to be welcomed and even celebrated. 

But we must resist. A pontificate that fabricates reasons to nullify what are in actuality sacramental marriages and which welcomes adulterers to our altars is by far more Merciful than the words of our Christ and our Tradition.  Sadly, such proposed Mercy may prove to be truly burning, indeed, and it may ultimately be accompanied by the stench of brimstone for many.  Only the good Lord can say. 

When we do speak up, when Faithful Catholics have the gall to bring up the bulwark of the Bible and Catholic Tradition, the iron fist of the Papacy mercilessly smashes the strawmen of its imagination.  People who resist are “fundamentalists,” “creed-reciting parrot Christians,” “counters of rosaries,” and “Christian hypocrites.” Those insults, and many, many more, which have been hurled at his own Faithful by the Pope of Mercy who judges no one are collected here, in The Pope Francis Little Book of Insults

The reality of Catholicism, as practiced by actual Faithful Catholics, is so far removed from the characterizations of it by this Bishop of Rome that his actions and words are laughable.  No Catholic judges anyone. Catholics judge only actions, not persons.  Even then, Catholics judge with mercy, forgiveness, and charity, and only when necessary to protect our Faith and our Families.  

As Pope Benedict XVI, or was it John Paul II pointed out, there is a fine line between acceptance and facilitation.  And, with such strong anti-Catholic propaganda coming from the Vatican these days, one can only wonder whether it is acceptance of persons or facilitation of sin that Rome seeks.  Right now, it is not looking good, and what happens next is anyone’s guess. 

Let us hope that the Holy Spirit finally decides to let His will be known, thereby releasing us from this tribulation. 

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Last modified on Tuesday, September 22, 2015