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Pope Challenged Over Catholic Dogma |
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International Declaration in Support of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI |
response to the attempt by the Assembly and others to use the
mass media to manipulate the Supreme Pontiff in this matter over
the past several days, a number of Catholic priests, newspaper
editors, journalists, and attorneys have signed the following
Declaration in support of Pope Benedict and his sacred right and
duty to preach the Gospel and defend the dogmas of the Catholic
Church. We ask
visitors to this website to send the Holy Father a note of
support and a promise of prayer during this ordeal.
Over the next several days, a number of additional
signatories—Catholic and non-Catholic—will join in this
Declaration, which will be dispatched by special courier to the
Vatican at week's end.
MJM International Declaration in Support of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
February 11, 2008 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Your Holiness: With respect to the revised Solemn Prayer for the conversion of the Jewish people to be used in the Good Friday liturgy according to the Roman Missal of 1962, we the undersigned hasten to voice our support for Your Holiness as you face widespread criticism by persons and groups who complain that even the revised prayer is unacceptable. Acting in good faith to address what was being exploited as an objection to the restoration of the traditional Latin Mass to its rightful place in the Church, Your Holiness has succeeded in restating in a most charitable way the infallible teaching of the Magisterium that salvation is possible only through Jesus Christ. The Church and the world will be graced by your courageous decision to retain in the revised prayer the Church’s unwavering intention for the Jewish people, whom you love: “May our God and Lord enlighten their hearts, so that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ, saviour of all men.” The new prayer also nobly and charitably expresses the perennial hope of the Catholic faithful, first voiced by Saint Paul himself in his Epistle to the Romans, that “as the fullness of the Gentiles [the nations] enters into Thy Church, all Israel may be saved.” By reformulating the traditional prayer without compromising its doctrinal integrity, Your Holiness has reminded the world that the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an infinite ocean of love, contains all peoples, especially that people from which Our Lord Himself is descended. As Saint Paul declares in the eleventh chapter of Romans, which the new prayer clearly invokes: “I say then: Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people, which he foreknew.” Catholics know that God casts no one away, and that souls can only cast themselves away by resisting the grace that Christ won for all humanity on the Cross. The action taken by Your Holiness means it can no longer be said that the traditional Good Friday prayer for the conversion of the Jewish people is but an heirloom of an outmoded theology. With only a few words Your Holiness has demonstrated that the Magisterium cannot and does not reverse itself on matters of salvation, that now, as always, all men are saved by Christ, that all are called to be one in Him and only in Him, and that this unity in Him is to be found only in the Mystical Body of His Church, wherein, as Saint Paul teaches, “There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28) To abandon, for the sake of human respect, the Church’s prayer for the salvation of any people would be the greatest sin against charity. But Your Holiness has forthrightly resisted the pressure for such a capitulation, exerted by people who do not yet understand what the Church is and who her Founder is. We are privileged to stand with Your Holiness as you suffer the protestations of those who would presume to call upon the Vicar of Christ to compromise the Faith to suit “modern” sensibilities. We must say that the controversy over the Good Friday prayer seems to us symptomatic of a situation in which it is becoming ever more perilous to defend the integrity of the Faith before what Your Holiness calls a “dictatorship of relativism,” which some would call Liberty. Know, Holy Father, that we would be willing, should God give us the grace, to sacrifice our very lives for the defense of your person, your office, and your sovereign right to teach all nations the Gospel of Our Saviour Jesus Christ and to defend the prerogatives of His Holy Church. When you began your pontificate, Holy Father, you made this plea to the faithful, as if you could see the great trials you would soon have to undergo: “Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.” You have our prayers, Holy Father! And you have also our vow before God to remain your loyal subjects, united to our Pope in Christ the King, Lord of the Universe, Lord of History. Humbly submitted, Michael J. Matt Editor, The Remnant U.S.A.
John Blewett Editor-in-Chief, The Latin Mass Magazine U.S.A.
Pieter Vree Deputy Editor, New Oxford Review U.S.A.
Rod Pead Editor, Christian Order London, England
R. J.
Stove Melbourne, Australia
Howard Walsh President, Keep the Faith, Inc. U.S.A.
Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S., S.T.D. Professor Emeritus of Theology Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
Fr. John Paul Echert, S.S.L. Pastor, St. Augustine Church, Holy Trinity Church U.S.A.
Rev. Fr. Paul J. McDonald Curé, Diocese of Saint Catharines Canada
John Rao, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History St. Johns University Director, Roman Forum
Christopher A. Ferrara, Esq. President and Chief Counsel American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc.
Fr. Phil Wolfe, FSSP Chaplain, Kansas City, KS
Fr. James Gordon, FSSP Kansas City, KS
Father David Phillipson Chaplain, Kansas City, MO
Justin E. Walsh, Ph.D. Professor of History, Retired Winona, Minnesota USA
Scott A. Jones Director League of St. Michael , Inc. Our Lady of Victory School
Albert and Bonnie Huntz President/Secretary Una Voce-Buffalo
Brian C. Mershon Journalist, Dallas, Texas
Mark Alessio Journalist, New York
Brian McCall, Esq. Associate Professor University of Oklahoma College of Law
Timothy J. Cullen Journalist, Argentina
M. Eric Frankovitch, Esq. USA
Gary Scarrabelotti Chairman Oriens Foundation Canberra, ACT Australia
Michael R. Hirsh, Esq. Georgia Litigation Counsel Catholic Defense Bureau
James Bogle Esq Barrister-at-law Inner Temple London, England Vice Chairman, the Catholic Union of Great Britain
Thomas F. Portelli, Esq Vice President and Associate Counsel American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc.
David L. Sonnier, LTC (Ret)
Patricia McKeever B.Ed. M.Th. Editor, Catholic Truth Scotland
Nathan E. Collins
Frank M. Rega, S.F.O. Author, Delaware USA
Drs. John Scott and Ellen Shannon Story (Physicians and homeschoolers in Charlotte, NC) Charlotte, NC
(Mr) Hugh Scott Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England
Lawrence Gregan Vianney College, New South Wales, Australia
Michael S. Vorac, M.A. Theology Instructor Bishop Alemany High School Mission Hills, CA USA
Philippe Cavanagh Traditional Catholic Layman
Fr. Thomas Crean OP
Fr Laurence Gresser FSSP Regional Superior, Australia
Keven Smith President, Traditional Mass Society Fresno, California
Prof. Mary E. Sisak, Ph.D. Dept of Chemistry Slippery Rock University, PA
Mr. Hugh Henry B.Theol, Dip. Ed., B.Phil(Hons), LLb. Editor, Fidelity Magazine Victoria, Australia
Lt. Ulysses Zamora, US Navy Marina, CA
Andrew Senior Professor of Philosophy and English St. Mary's College St. Mary's, KS
Brian J. Kopp, DPM Podiatrist, Journalist Johnstown, PA USA
Mr. Wm. Christopher Hoag, M.A. Parish Catechetical Director Immaculate Conception Church Willoughby, Ohio
Father Jerome Fasano Pastor Saint John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church Front Royal, Virginia
Christian Daisug
Michael J. Rayes Rafka Press Arizona, USA
ENS Philip Gerard Johnson, US Navy U.S. Naval Officer, Virginia
Jim Gallagher Author, London, England.
Thomas C. Coleman, Jr. Assistant Professor of Korean Defense Language Institute
Thomas Windsor Teacher London, England
Armelle Signargout
Bo Hagerf, Esq. Mariefred Kingdom of Sweden
Diane Taylor (B.Theol, PGDipTheol, DipProfEth) Chairman Association of Catholic Women New Zealand Titirangi, Auckland , New Zealand
Jonas Vilimas, University Lector, Vilnius, Lithuania (Europe)
Juan Manuel Soria Acuña,
Valdemar Menezes
William B. & Janice E. Marshall, St. Michael's Latin Mass Society Onalaska, Washington, USA
Dr Alcuin Reid Liturgical Scholar & Author London, England
Edward & Agnes C. Dziedzic Coordinators St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church—St. Pius X Germantown, TN
Roy F. Moore
Ulf Silfverling Editor, KATOLSK OBSERVATÖR Stockholm, Sweden
Colm S Muireagain Research Officer Manorhamilton, Ireland
Martin Blackshaw Remnant Columnist, Scotland, UK
Rev. Matthew J. Pomilio, Ph.D. Diocese of Brooklyn
Fr. Rommel P. Tolentino Parochial Vicar Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church Diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana U.S.A.
James S. Taylor, Ph.D. Author, Poetic Knowledge Professor - Great Books Discussions Maple Hill, Kansas
Edward A. David President, Domini Canes: Catholic Study Group New York University, NYC, USA
Graham Moorhouse Editor St Bede's Traditionalist Newsletter Co-founder of the Catholic Unattached Directory. DARTFORD, England
Fr Timothy Finigan MA
STL Parish Priest, Author of "The hermeneutic of continuity" blog
Alexandre Semedo de Oliveira, Judge An author of the website www.veritatis.com.br, (largest Catholic site in the Portughese Language) Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
James Kalb Lawyer and Author Brooklyn, NY
Chris Conlee Attorney at Law Santa Fe, NM USA
Alvaro C. Luna-Requena Lawyer Buenos Aires, Argentina
Father William N. Ventura Parochial Vicar Saint John the Evangelist Church Archdiocese of Boston U.S.A
Stephen P. Schutte Chairman, Latin Mass Committee. Sacred Heart Church Cincinnati, OH
Prof. ANTONIO C. P. L. BASTO Lawyer and Contracted Professor of Civil Law Rio de Janeiro State University. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Mons. Pablo I. Martínez Prelate of Honor of His Holiness Pastor (Emeritus) Cathedral of Saint Anthony of Padua, Diocese of Concordia
Francisco Razzari, Ceremonery of the Cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua Diocese of Concordia
Nicolas Moulins, Auxiliary Ceremonery of the Cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua Diocese of Concordia
Very Rev Fr. Michael Mary, C.SS.R. Vicar General Transalpine Redemptorists Golgotha Monastery Island Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK
Very Rev Fr. Anthony Mary, C.SS.R. Rector Transalpine Redemptorists Golgotha Monastery Island Papa Stronsay, KW17 2AR Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK
Mons. Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula, S.T.D., J.D. Director of the Rome Office Human Life International
Julian Chadwick Chairman Latin Mass Society of England and Wales
Father Martin Edwards Pastor St Mary Magdalen, Wandsworth, London
Armand Lamorte Moderator and founding member of the Tridentine Mass Movement in the Philippines Manila, Philippines
Fr.Otto Michael Schneider M.A. Parish Priest, Holy Cross Parish Eskilstuna/Sweden Conventual Chaplain Order of Malta
Steven Justice Associate Professor, Department of English University of California, Berkeley George A. Jocums, PhD Franko and Margrit Sokolic Founder Members of Pro-Life South Africa Cape Town Republic of South Africa
Shaun M. P. Slocum, Esq. Cheshire, Connecticut USA
Vincent Paul Alcazar Author Republic of the Philippines
Luis F. Estrada Attorney at Law Miami, Florida USA
Anthony Tramontano, M.D.
Frater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.
Heiligenkreuz, Austria
Dr. Jörgen Vijgen Professor of Philosophy Sint-Truiden
Rev’d. Dr. Laurence Paul Hemming Theologian and Philosopher, Society of St. Catherine of Siena London, England
Steven Tackett
Nuclear Medicine Technician
Lexington, KY USA
Fr. Robert O'Neill
Dr. Thomas Pink
Reader in Philosophy
Director, Centre for Philosophical Studies
Department of Philosophy
King's College London
London, EnglandThomas J. Craughwell
Author Bethel, Connecticut, USA
Brother Rupert Allen
Canon of Premontre, Canonry of Corpus Christi, Manchester
St. Chad's Priory, Cheetham, Manchester, England James Bemis Catholic Author Simi Valley, CA USA
Fr Andrew Wadsworth Rev. Fr. Edmund A. Castronovo Administrator St. Joseph's Church Oneida, New York
William A. Torchia, Esquire
Marty Corboy
Summorum Pontificum Wangaratta
Tom Luciani Voice of Catholic Tradition WALK Radio Patchogue, Long Island, NY
Rev. Richard Libby Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church Alice, TX
LCDR Michael John Brons, U.S. Navy Naval Officer, Virginia
Rev. Michael J. Morrow Parochial Vicar St. Eugene's Church Yonkers, NY
Robert P. Beaurivage, Esq. San Diego, CA, USA
Pawel MILCAREK, PhD Editor-in-chief Christianitas Brwinow (Poland)
Thomas J. Piatak, Esq. Attorney and Journalist Cleveland, Ohio
Austin T. Welsh MD Una Voce Northwest Arkansas Springdale, Arkansas, USA
Joe Hebert
President, Una Voce Quad Cities, USA
Eva L. Sturchio Padre Jose Agustin Orellana Vicario Parroquial Saint Thomas Aquinas Bronx NY
Fr. Paschal U. Onunwa, Ph.D
Parochial Vicar
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
John Kamprath Professional Development Director National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS) USA
Suzette M. Murphy
St. Michael's Academy
Carmichael, CA
James Kalb Lawyer and author Brooklyn, NY
John J. Cook, Esq. Attorney, Memphis, Tennessee
Dr. G.C. Dilsaver, PsyD, MTS Harrisburg, Pa
Brother Andre Marie, M.I.C.M.
Father John George
Mr. Andrew Koh
Representative, Una Voce Singapore Chapter
and the Singapore Traditional Latin Mass Community
John C. Médaille Barbara Wyman Professor Lake Charles, Louisiana
Teresa Manidis
Dan O'Rourke
Chairman, Advocates for Catholic Tradition
Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church
Port Angeles, WA, USA
Eloise Raeder vice president of Vancouver Traditional Mass Society Vancouver BC Canada
Felipe Alanis President Una Voce Mexico Monterrey Mexico
Paul Bailes University Professor, Australia
Dr. Susan Frank Parsons, President
Fr. Robert Jackson, SSPX
Nicholas J. Mitchell
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Fr John Fongemie FSSP Maple Hill, KS, U.S.A.
Mr. Ben Whitworth
Associate Senior Lecturer in Theology and Religious Studies
Leeds Trinity and All Saints, UK
Paul Domingo Molina
Mrs. Yvonne Windsor
Office Administrator
Latin Mass Society of England and Wales
Francis J. Chow Editor Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Joel Iddings Chairman of the Board of Padre Pio Academy Garden Grove, California USA
Brian D.Pouliot, BA, BPh, MA (Cand) Treasurer, Preserving Christian Publications, Inc Boonville, NY
Riley J. Romeo, Jr., Esq.
Charleston, West Virginia
Bill Mertka Geneva, IL, USA
Father François Dupré la Tour OSB, STD, Professor of Dogmatical Theology and Ecclesiology Flavigny (France)
Fr John Britto OSB Abbaye Saint Joseph Flavigny, France
Michael P. Christensen, M.D. Post Falls, Idaho 83854, USA
Graeme Frost English Language Teacher, Aardvark Centre for English Bydgoszcz, Poland
Colm S. Muireagain Research Officer, Manorhamilton Ireland
Kevin Rowles
Twickenham, England
Andre Roncolato Siano Consultant in Biology and Health Church of the Monastery of St. Benedict São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Ryan Coffey Faculty, Land Policy Michigan State University Extension
Siegfried Karl Lauinger Mitglied der Katholischen Pfarrei Heilige Sieben Brüder In der Diözese Limburg - Deutschland
Mikolaj Malinowski
Matthias Lampaert
Donald P. Goodman III Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Martinsville, VA United States
Andras Kuthi, Ph.D. Physicist Thousand Oaks, CA. USA
Fr. Glen Tattersall Chaplain Latin Mass Community, Melbourne, Australia
Steven Terenzio
Catholic School Administrator Stamford, Connecticut U.S.A.
Willard King Escondido, CA USA
Suzanne Romano Attorney/Teacher Bardstown, Kentucky USA
Pierre Messier Interpreter and Writer Montreal, Canada
Mr. D'Arcy Drachenberg Manager, International Communications & Protocol Office of International Affairs Korea University Anam-Dong, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul 136-701 Korea
Commander Michael V. Goshgarian, US Navy
Va. Beach, VA
Ensign David E. Faherty III, USN
LTC(R) and Mrs. Timothy S. Ecoff
David C. LaPlante
Fr. Armand de Malleray General Secretary FSSP
Paul Dudenhefer, Ph.D.
Williford, Arkansas
Erin Devery Treasurer, St. Thomas Aquinas Circle New York University Catholic Center New York, NY, USA
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Paulitz Alexandria, VA
Dana A. Cole Assistant to the Rector & Episcopal Delegate St. Francis de Sales Oratory St. Louis, MO
Andrew Attar, Jr.
Major, US Army
Ankara, Turkey
Jack P. Oostveen Assistent Professor at the Delft University of Technology President of Ecclesia Dei Delft, The Netherlands
Fr. Terrence Gordon,FSSP Asst. Chaplain, Little Rock, AR
Fr. Thomas M. Longua, FSSP Chaplain (Plus 54 Students) St. Gregory's Academy, Moscow, PA
Fr Nigel Griffin
Senior Catholic Chaplain
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Diocese of Westminster
Michael A. Kawash, Esquire Attorney-at-Law Charleston, West Virginia
Mary Ann Kreitzer
President, Les Femmes
Woodstock, VA, USA
Piotr Sawicki Bialystok Poland
Sheila T. Parkhill, Attorney at Law
The Holy Family Society
Tucson, Arizona
Alice A. Grayson President of Veil of Innocence
Alfred Bajena
Dyrektor Zespołu Szkół Polska
Roman Wieczorkiewicz Journalist, Poland
Mateusz Markiewicz Wroclaw, Poland
Oliver M. Schmitz Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer) Diez / Germany
Sebastian Swiderski Köln Germany
Radoslaw Kukulski Journalist Lublin, Poland
Mr. Michael Buszewski
"Pro Fide Rege et Lege", Editor
Warsaw, Poland
Oscar D. Plata D.F México
Andrzej Lewandowicz, PhD, DSc. Habil. POLAND
Alicja Babkiewicz
"Voice for Life" magazine
Mónica M. Plata D.F. México
Arkadiusz Babczuk, Ph.D. Wrocław, POLAND
Father Ivo Õunpuu, Valga, Estonia
Tania M. Espejel D.F México
Henryk Bejda Journalist Cracow (Poland)
Gustavo D. Plata D.F. México
Marek Łazarowicz
Journalist Warsaw, Poland
Piotr Falkowski Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Warsaw, Poland
Mariusz Blochowiak, PhD
Piotr Ochwal Societas Silesiana Pro Missa Tridentina Katowice, Poland
Landy M. Espejel D.F. México
Andrew J. Lickteig, Ph.D. St. Louis, MO
Jacqueline M. Barton
Respect Life Coordinator
St. Eugene's Church
Yonkers, NY, USA
Denis Giannelli The Fr. Fahey Institute New York
CMSgt John J. Davis, USAF (Ret.) Traditional Roman Catholic
Mrs. Pauly Fongemie Winthrop, Maine USA
Timothy A. Schrand - Engineer and Father of 3
Angela M. Schrand - Homeschooling Mother of 3
Waynesville, OH USA
A. Joshua Vargas President, Newman Club: Catholic Undergraduates New York University Catholic Center New York, NY, USA
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Longua
Westminster, CO
Douglas Zeitz Una Voce Palo Alto (Fremont, CA, USA)
Rosemary Chandler Shelley, Western Australia
Mihovil (Michael) Škarpa
Pro Fide Catholic Bookstore
Bromley, UK
Anna Kulach, John Kulach Calgary, AB, Canada
Paul V. Cyr
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Latin Mass Community
Denver Archdiocese, Colorado, USA
Dr. Christopher J Marascalco Cummins, Physician Mrs. Eliana A Vallejo Cummins, Full-time Mother SSPX Blue Mountain, Mississippi Daphne McLeod Chairman, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, U.K. John C. Dailey, MD Patricia A. Dailey The St. John Fisher Forum Jacksonville, Ill, USA
Please Note: Signatures are being added in the order received. Hundreds of additional signatures have been received and will be appended to this Declaration to be sent to the Holy Father under the heading "Supporters of the International Declaration." We have arranged with our contacts in Rome to have this Declaration placed directly in the hands of those inside the Vatican most able to ensure the Holy Father will personally see it. So, please, if you haven't done so already, click here to sign the Declaration before Monday noon. Many thanks.