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Second International Declaration in Support of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI |
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With great urgency, the undersigned are asking people of good will, Catholic and non-Catholic, to join them in raising an immediate defense against this gross injustice perpetrated against the Sovereign Pontiff. Please consider adding your name to the Second International Declaration in Support of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. All that is required is your name, title (if there is one), academic credentials (if appropriate), and occupation or apostolic association. (Please click here to add your name.) The list of signers will be refreshed on the hour here on The Remnant website for the next several days, after which the Declaration will be sent to a contact in Rome, who, with God’s help, will deliver it directly to the Holy Father. Please spread the word!
Clearly, the Holy Father needs his loyal subjects to stand in his defense and that of the Church he shepherds at this critical moment. We beg you to storm heaven with prayers for him and for the success of this initiative. God save the Pope! MJM |
His Holiness
Pope Benedict XVI PP February 03, 2009 Feast of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr Your Holiness: A year ago Catholics from around the world subscribed to an International Declaration in Support of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to express their allegiance to the Supreme Pontiff in the midst of a “storm of protest” staged by the mass media and various pressure groups over the content of the traditional Good Friday prayer for the conversion of the Jewish people as revised by Your Holiness. The Declaration noted that this attempt by the forces of world opinion to arrogate to themselves the role of “reviewing” the Church’s prayers was “symptomatic of a situation in which it is becoming ever more perilous to defend the integrity of the Faith before what Your Holiness calls a ‘dictatorship of relativism’…” A year later Your Holiness is again under attack by these same forces, this time on account of your generous pastoral decision to annul the prior decree of excommunication of the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X. Although revocation of the decree is strictly a matter of internal Church governance, these secular monitors of the Church have spent the last two weeks attempting to vilify Your Holiness and even undo your decision. Their strategy has been to capitalize on remarks by one of the four bishops concerning the nature and extent of the Holocaust, remarks which have nothing to do with the Catholic faith or the Society’s mission and were promptly and unequivocally repudiated by the Society’s Superior General. We now behold the worldwide spectacle of television and radio networks, major magazines and newspapers, pressure groups of all kinds, and even national legislative bodies (including members of the United States Congress!) demanding that Your Holiness personally repudiate the private opinions of a lone bishop, as if those opinions were in some way attributable to the Roman Pontiff. Abandoning any pretense of loyalty to the Vicar of Christ, some purportedly Catholic commentators, joined by a few of your own subordinates in the hierarchy, including certain cardinals within the Vatican itself, are openly condemning your just and charitable gesture of reconciliation to heal an internal wound in the Mystical Body of Christ. Two German “theologians” have even dared to call upon Your Holiness to resign the papacy! This astonishing chorus of denunciation bears no rational proportion to a single bishop’s personal remarks (not touching at all on Catholic faith or teaching), which have already been dealt with decisively by the Society and by the Vatican. Something else is at work here, and it is clear what that is: the enormously overblown exploitation of an illegitimate argumentum ad hominem by polemical extortionists who are intent on moral blackmail, and who demand as “ransom” that the Pope subject himself to yet another ideological “review” of his pastoral governance and decisions in order to verify the Church’s conformity to their own interests and objectives. We oppose this extortionate interference in the Church’s internal affairs, and we condemn the disloyalty of those Catholics who, in seizing upon this scandal and using it against Your Holiness, reveal that their attachment to the Vicar of Christ is contingent on the Pope’s willingness to adhere to their peculiar “progressive vision” of the Faith. It appears that the forces now arrayed against Your Holiness within and without the Church are all agreed on a rejection of what you have taught in calling for a “hermeneutic of continuity”: that Vatican II was not “a rupture” or “an end of Tradition, a new start from zero” (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Address to the Bishops of Chile, 13 July 1988) but only one of the valid ecumenical Councils of the Church, to be understood and interpreted in light of the twenty Councils that came before it. As we did a year ago, Your Holiness, we stand by you now in your trial by the City of Man. More clearly than ever we see the prescience of your request to the faithful at the beginning of your pontificate: “Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.” We remember the words Your Holiness uttered just before that startling exclamation, when you spoke of Our Lord’s command to Peter to “feed my sheep”: Feeding means loving, and loving also means being ready to suffer. Loving means giving the sheep what is truly good, the nourishment of God’s truth, of God’s word, the nourishment of his presence, which he gives us in the Blessed Sacrament. My dear friends – at this moment I can only say: Pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me, that I may learn to love his flock more and more – in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. We also remember your message to the Church at the Angelus of March 26, 2006, in which you reminded the Cardinals you had elevated only days before of their duty to be faithful to the Church’s mission even unto death: “Fidelity to this mission to the point of sacrificing their life is a distinctive feature of Cardinals, as their oath attests, and is, as it were, symbolized by scarlet, which is the colour of blood.” But some of those in whom you placed your trust have abandoned you in your effort to feed all the sheep in your vast flock, including those of the Society of Saint Pius X. As you contend with wolves both outside and inside the household of the Faith, we continue to pray for you, Holy Father, remaining always your loyal subjects in Christ the King. And we are ready to shed, so help us God, our own blood for your defense and for the holy name of Him whose vicar you are. Humbly submitted this 3rd day of February in the Year of Our Lord 2009,
Additional Priests, Academics, Journalists, Publishers, and Organization Heads
Additional Priests, Academics, Journalists, Publishers, and Organization Heads
Additional Priests, Academics and Organization Heads
Recently Added Signatures of Priests, Academics and Organization Heads (Posted Feb. 6)
President and Chief Counsel American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc.
John C. Rao, D. Phil., Oxford University, Associate Professor of History, St. John's University, Chairman, Roman Forum
Michael J. Matt Editor, The Remnant
Associate Professor Brian M. McCall, Esq. University of Oklahoma College of Law
Howard and Eleanor Walsh Latin Mass magazine Director of Keep the Faith, Inc.
Anthony S Fraser Editor, Apropos Scotland
Pieter Vree, Editor New Oxford Review
John-Henry Westen Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief LifeSiteNews.com
Rod Pead, Editor, Christian Order magazine London
Dennis L. McCoy, Publisher The Neumann Press Long Prairie, MN
Michael H. Brown, Journalist, Fordham University Director of international Catholic news website Spirit Daily
Daphne McLeod Chairman Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice
Father John Paul Echert, SSL Pastor, Holy Trinity & St. Augustine Churches South St. Paul, Minnesota
Rev. Jonathan Romanoski FSSP
James Bogle Esq Barrister-at-law Inner Temple London, England Vice Chairman, the Catholic Union of Great Britain
Dr Alcuin Reid, London, England Liturgical Scholar Co-Editor Usus Antiquior Society of St Catherine of Siena CIEL UK Research Fellow in Liturgical Theology
Rev. Paul Jared McCambridge, F.S.S.P.
Rev. Fr. Paul J. McDonald Curé des paroisses françaises, Diocese of Saint Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Rev. Thomas Crean OP MA (Oxon.) STL, Tutor in Applied Theology at the Maryvale Institute.
Joseph Kung, CPA MBA Cardinal Kung Foundation President
Mark Alessio, Author Catholic Columnist
Fr. Timothy Finigan "The Hermeneutic of Continuity" blog
Father George David Byers, CPM, SSL, STD. Chaplain of the Sanctuaries of Our Lady of Lourdes
Peter Kwasniewski, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Theology & Philosophy, Wyoming Catholic College
Rev. Dr. Andrew Charles Pinsent MA DPhil STB PhL
Scott A. Jones Director, Our Lady of Victory
Anthony A. Mazzone, M.A. Author University of Illinois
Stephen McInerney, Ph.D.
Father Reto Nay SSD, lecturer Catholic video website Gloria.TV
Albert D. Huntz
Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, Doctoral alumnus Gregorian Pontifical University President of the Association of Priests Corporation Pastor in the Gaylord, MI Diocese (USA), Author, Diocesan Exorcist
Rev. Dr. Laurence Paul Hemming (Archdiocese of Westminster, UK) Senior Research Fellow Institute of Advanced Studies University of Lancaster, UK
Thaddeus J. Kozinski, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Humanities and Trivium Wyoming Catholic College
James Bendell, Esq. Board Member and Legal Counsel Roman Catholic Faithful
Timothy J. Cullen Journalist, Argentina
Brian Mershon, M.A. Theology
Christina Matt Board of Directors, The Remnant Foundation, Inc.
Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D. Catholic Apologetics International
M. Eric Frankovitch, Juris Doctorate
Matt C. Abbott
Dr. Patrick J. Brill, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Music and Humanities
Vincent de Préville, Attorney France
Dr. Andrew Beards Reader in Philosophy and Director of the Philosophy Programme at the Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, UK
Steve O'Brien Ph.D. Historian
Andrew Senior Professor of English St. Mary's College St. Mary's, Kansas
W. John Grasmeier
Christopher Gillibrand MA (Oxon) MBA
President of Una Voce Norway
Sister Kathleen M Murphy Mercy Field Worker and Write on Women’s Studies St Catharine’s Convent of Mercy Edinburgh, Scotland
Albert and Bonita Huntz Pro Multis Catholic Book and Gift Center Tonawanda, NY
Mark J. Wyatt Board Member Catholic Apologetics International Engineer, Roman Catholic Faithful
Patricia McKeever B.Ed. M.Th Editor, Catholic Truth (newsletter, Scotland/UK)
Charles A. Coulombe Writer and Columnist Author, The Pope’s Legion
Thomas Windsor Teacher and writer London, England
David L. Sonnier Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) U.S. Army Associate Professor of Computer Science Lyon College
Lorri L. Sonnier (Mrs. David L. Sonnier) Physical Therapist
Frank M. Rega, SFO Catholic author and commentator
Fr. David R. Belland, Priest Diocese of St. Cloud, MN
Thomas F. Portelli, Esq. J.D., LL.M Vice President, American Catholic Lawyers Assoc.
A. Todd Wilson, Esquire Grand Knight, Woodlawn Council 2161, K of C Beaver Co, Pennsylvania, USA
Martin Blackshaw, Writer Scotland, UK.
Piers Paul Read, author, B.A., M.A., F.R.S.L (Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature)
Capt. Thomas J. Ryan Remnant guest columnist. Columbus OH
Paul JW Rutherford.LLB; NP; Depute Procurator Public, Shetland, Scotland.
Rick DeLano, Bellarmine Theological Forum Board Member Co-Executive Producer of a current film project on Mother Teresa
Alan Frost, M.A., M.Ed., Lay Dominican Member of the Catholic Writers Guild of Britain and the Latin Mass Society.
John J. Kubanda, Esquire, Attorney at Law; Deputy Grand Knight, Woodlawn Council 2161, K of C
Lieutenant Colonel Douglas A. Burrer, US Army, Retired Finance Council Chairman Saint Benedict Catholic Church
Miss Madeleine Beard, M.Litt.(Cantab) Writer and Artist, The Saint Joan Press
Donald E. Cummings, Yale, Lehigh, MBA, Harvard AMP
Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula, S.T.D., J.D. Director of the Rome Office of Human Life International Fr Jean-Claude Selvini, Parish Priest Our Lady of the Assumption, Hainault, Diocese of Brentwood (UK)
Fr. Christopher Basden Pastor of St. Bede's London
Fr. Andrew Southwell Chaplain to the Latin Mass Community, St. Bede's London
Fr Christopher Back BA (Dunelm:) MA (Oxon:) Retired Priest Cambridge UK
Fr. Phil Wolfe FSSP Chaplain, Kansas City KS
Rev. Gerard Deighan, MA, BD, LSS Chaplain Dublin Latin Mass Chaplaincy
Father John Boyle, Priest, Archdiocese of Southwark, UK C. Winslow, Full Professor, University of Copenhagen
Universitätsdozent Dr. Friedrich Romig Political Economist, Austria
Dalia Micheleviciute, Actress of Lithuanian National Theater Vilnius, Lithuania
Fr. Kazimierz Kubat SDS, MA, M.Ph., PhL Pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Rocky Mountain House, AB Canada Former professor of philosophy at the Salvatorian Institute of Philosophy and Theologyin Morogoro/ Tanzania
James Kalb, Esq. Author and attorney
Nathan E. Collins, J.D., M.A. Head of Library Public Services Ave Maria School of Law
Daniel P. Hayes, Ph.D., CHP Rego Park, New York
John Scott Story, M.D.
Ellen Shannon Story, M.D. Charlotte, North Carolina
Michael Polesny Adjunct Professor of English, Queens College, CUNY
Dr. Peter W. Frey Professor
Giedre Jankeviciute Ph. D. Art Historian, Vilnius, Lithuania
Theresa Johnson Assistant Business Manager, Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Alan Hicks, M.A. Principal, St. Mary, Star of the Sea
Rev. Fr. Anthony Chadwick Priest, Traditional Anglican Communion (Patrimony of the Primate)
Father Jean Pierre Pilon Chaplain, Saint Patrick's Academy Islandeady, Castlebar, Co. Mayo Ireland
Joseph-Henri Fradet, Executive Director
Paul S. Quist, MDiv, STL candidate Director, Office of Marriage and Life The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton
Costa, Ph.D. student
Fr. Bernard Danber, OSA
Fr Gregory Charnock Priest, Archdiocese of Cape Town
Brian D. Pouliot, BA, BPh, MA (Cand) Staff of Preserving Christian Publications, INC The Latin Mass People Barbara McGuigan President of Voice of Virtue International EWTN Radio Host of Open Line and The Good Fight
Joe Sparks
Alexandra Bergmann PhD. Visiting
Assistant Professor Macalester
College, Saint Paul Minnesota Ryan
Martin Baumeister M.D. Doctor,
Frankfurt University, Germany Luiz Antonio Pasquotto Engineer and Lawyer Brasil Charlotte A. Jones Administrator, Our Lady of Victory School
Lawrence E. Permen, M.D. Physician & Surgeon Member of the Third Order (SSPX) Veneta, Oregon Mr. Stephen P. Schutte Chairman, Latin Mass Committee Sacred Heart Church, Cincinnati, OH. USA
Thomas C. Coleman, Jr. Defense Langague Institute
Timotej H. Neubauer Political Scientist and Translator Ljubljana, Slovenia
Carlos Martìnez Boschini Cartago, COSTA RICA
Carmine Gorga, Ph.D.
Kenneth M. Fisher, Founder & Chairman Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. Anton R.
Casta, B.A, B.E.S, M.A Stuart Chessman Society of St. Hugh of Cluny
Arata Nunobe Japan
Davor Matijevic, B.Sc.Civ.Eng Croatia
Rita Davidson Founder of Little Flowers Family Press & Apostolates
Michael A. Garcia, MA Education Administration Principal, Princeton Elementary School, Princeton, CA Matthew
C. Sult, M.S. Captain David Yuers Member: Saint Joseph's Men Society
Fr. Joseph Dwight Priest for the diocese of Perugia, Italy since August 1996. (USA citizen and UCLA math graduate)
Keven Smith President, Fresno Traditional Mass Society
Tom Henderson Treasurer, Roman Forum
Denis Giannelli The Fr. Fahey Institute, New York
Rev. Darrell Roman Michigan - USA
Mrs. Annette Orsmond Grahamstown, South Africa
Patricia Soine Port Alfred, South Africa
Max & Linda Elvins
Ronald J. Casey, Ed.D., Professor of Criminal Justice Lead Criminal Justice Faculty, Cheyenne Campus College of Southern Nevada
Timothy E. Wichmer, Esq. Attorney-at-law Saint Louis Catholic blog
Dr. Caroline Farey Academic Assistant to the Director, Maryvale Institute Birmingham, England
Andrew Eells, BSP Member of Pharmacists for Life, Int'l Orthodox Christian
Dr. Helmut Rückriegel, Bonn, Germany. Ambassador, (Ret)
Fr. Charles H. Nalls Chief Executive Officer Ecclesiastical Lawyers Guild, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland
Rev. Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP In charge of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in England
Rev. Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, F.S.S.P
Father Anthony Mary, F.SS.R. Golgotha Monastery Island
Scott P. Richert Executive Editor, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture Guide to Catholicism, Catholicism.About.com
Dominique Millet-Gérard
Christopher Shannon Associate Professor of History Christendom College
David Samuel Cohen Jewish
Agnes Kung, SPHR
Tim Matthews Editor, CF NEWS National Association of Catholic Families (UK)
Fr. Gregory Charnock Priest, Archdiocese of Cape Town, South Africa.
Fr. Kazimierz Kubat SDS, MA, M.Ph., PhL Pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Rocky Mountain House, AB Canada Former professor of philosophy at the Salvatorian Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Morogoro/ Tanzania
Fr. Rommel P. Tolentino Pastor St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Hackberry, Louisiana
Thomas J. Piatak, Esq. Attorney and Contributing Editor, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture Cleveland, Ohio
Mr. Anthony Gonzales President of the St. Joseph's Men Society
Paddy Jim Baggot MD Director of Scientific Development The Michael Fund
Dr Matthew Doyle MBChB
(Birmingham Medical School, GMC 6135462)
Maurizio Ragazzi, Ph.D., JCL, STL
Grazia Mangano Ragazzi, STL
Ketrin Saud Maxwell, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling Fairleigh Dickinson University Madison, NJ
Rev. Father Glenn S. Gardner (ICRSS)
Moira Hendrickx Founder of Families Forward in Faith Editor of Sanctuary of Life
Christopher Joseph Marascalco Cummins Medical Doctor, Medical Technologist Captain, US Army Reserve, Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree Saint Cecilia's RCC, SSPX, Memphis, Tenn. of Blue Mountain, Mississippi Weekly Guest Columnist for the Southern Sentinel Newspaper, Ripley, Miss.
Rev. Scott A. Haynes, S.J.C. Canons Regular of St. John Cantius
Ryan Freeburn, Ph.D. Professor of History Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy Barry's Bay, Ontario
Fr. Kevin W A Hale MA Parish Priest of Leigh-on-Sea Dean of Southend
Rev. Fr. William Jackson, I.C.,
Father Michael O'Connor Catholic Priest
Jean-Francois Orsini, Ph.D. St. Antoninus Institute
Fr Andrew Wadsworth
Fritz Baumgartner, MD Los Angeles, CA
Barbara Wyman M.F.A. Professor Latin and Classics Lake Charles, LA.
Diane Taylor (BTheol, PGDipTheol DipProfEth - MPhil Candidate)
Scott R. Nicholson Chairman of the Department of Theology Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy Barry's Bay, ONT
Dr. Allienne Becker Ph.D.
Jay S. Petrick, Ph.D. Industrial Toxicologist Missouri, USA
Mrs. Sheryl Temaat, contributor Homiletic and Pastoral Review
Juan Manuel Soria Acuña, Lawyer Buenos Aires, Argentina
Professor Mary E. Sisak, Ph.D. Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA
Mark Mitchelson Legion of Mary
Auckland, New Zealand Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Society of Catholic Social Scientists Judicial Candidate for NYS Supreme Court, Right To Life Party, 2004
Emily Griswold
Dr. Robert F. Siegmund Ph.D. M.Sc. M.B.A. Biochemist, Economist Switzerland
A. Joshua Vargas Co-President, The Newman Club, New York University
Donald A. Tikkala, Esq. Barrister-at-Law, Ontario, Canada
David George Mullan, PhD Professor of History and Religious Studies Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia
David Joyce, Ph.D.
Jon Kevin Richter, MD Associate Clinical Professor Northwest Arkansas Family Residency Program University of Arkansas Medical School, USA
Robert Bellarmine Krug Researcher in Automated Theorem Proving University of Texas at Austin
Clyde R. Redmond, MD Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery COL, Medical Corps, USAR
Dr Caroline Farey, Academic Assistant to the Director, Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, England
Timothy E. Wichmer, Esq. Attorney-at-law Saint Louis Catholic blog
Andrew D. Hedstrom Private First Class, US Army Treasurer, Una Voce San Bernardino San Bernardino, California, USA
J. Douglas McCarthy Attorney at Law
Kevin G. McKannan, J.D. Attorney, J. Douglas McCarthy & Associates, P.C. Winchester, Virginia
Jennifer Moorcroft Catholic Writer England
Anne Ross Kootz Instructor - Chemistry and Life Science Regina Coeli Online Academy
Michael John Phillips, B.A., Dip Tchg (Canterbury) School Teacher
(Mrs.) WynMarie Hamilton Director, Una Voce Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canada
Donald P. Goodman III, J.D. Attorney at Law
Peter Friso, Lawyer, Slovakia
Bruce W. Walters, M.D., Physician St. Luke Hometown Healthcare Brighton, MI, USA
Wm. Christopher Hoag, MA Parish Catechetical Leader Immaculate Conception Church Diocese of Cleveland
Jaime Maia, Engineer Brazil
Cherie A. LeFevre, M.D. St. Louis, MO
William G. Rice, Esquire Attorney
Michael D. Nedvidek Sacristan, Mother Theodore Guerin Society South Bend, Indiana
Mary DeFusco Ochal, Esq. Attorney at Law
Luiz Antonio Pasquotto Engineer and Lawyer Brazil
Lawrence J Myers, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW Diploma in Law (SAB), Solicitor/Migration Agent and Christian Activist
Bogomir M Kuhar, PharmD, Rph, FASCP Founder and Executive Director, Pharmacists For Life International, Inc. Founder and President, Catholic Pharmaceutical Society Traditional Catholic
Michael LoPiccolo Oblate Mentor St. Vincent's Archabbey
Rev. Laszlo Rauch, STL Whiting, NJ
Fr Jose Raymundo Gonzalez Morelia Michoacan Mexico
Marcelo Fedeli São Paulo - Brasil Francis J. Eason, MD Varro Vooglaid Estonia Helena Vooglaid Estonia Mihkel Vooglaid Estonia Taivo Niitvägi Estonia Tiina Niitvägi Estonia
Mr. Ramon Wals Director Religious Education Prince of Peace Roman Catholic Church Las Vegas, NV. USA Milan Then Patricia Maria Francisco, ABAP Consultant São Paulo - Brazil
David Warren Journalist
Rev. Lindsay Harrison Parish priest Ottawa, Ontario
Joel Clarke Gibbons, Ph.D. (U of Chicago) President of Logistic Research & Trading Co. Michigan, U.S.A.
Father Julian Large The London Oratory, London SW7 2RP, Great Britain
Rev. Brendan Gerard MA FSSP Via Leccosa, Roma
The Right Reverend Dom Cuthbert Brogan OSB Abbot of Farnborough England
Pavel Vodicka Catholic priest, Czech republic
Dominic Sullivan, M.A. Oxford Head of Classics, The London Oratory School, Director International Catholic Summer School
Gary Scarrabelotti MA Dip Ed Chairman, Oriens Foundation Canberra, Australia
The Rev. John C. Fritz, STL
Dr. Joaquín Mantecón Professor at the Faculty of Law University of Cantabria (Spain)
The Rev. Br. Rupert Allen O.Praem
Rev. Fr. Joseph Fishwick Archdiocese of Miami, USA
Dr. Dominic Julian Steigenberger Berlin
John Vennari
R. J. Stove Melbourne, Australia
Rev. Prof. Cadoc D.A. Leighton. Ord. Praem. Bilkent University, Ankara.
Edwin Faust
Dr. James R. Lothian Distinguished Professor, Fordham University, New York, NY
Mr. Graham Moorhouse Founder of the Catholic Unattached Directory Editor of St Bede's traditionalist newsletter.
Felipe Alanis Suarez President Una Voce Mexico
Fr. David Phillipson Archdiocese of Sante Fe
Mrs Jolanta Pitera, PhD Research Fellow, Institute of Child Health, UCL, London, UK Bruce Moore, CD, PMP, Project Manager, Calgary, Alberta
Joseph K. Woodard, PhD
Vice President, Canada Family Action Coalition
Dr. Judith A. Lothian Associate Professor, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ
John Charles Moran, M. A.
Laureate International Universities
Santiago- José Barco Pérez Abogado del Ilustre Colegio de Madrid-España Profesor de Historia
Edmund Adamus. MA, Cert.Thl, TEFL Director, Department for Pastoral Affairs Diocese of Westminster, England
Frederico de Souza Aleixo Engenheiro Civil Associação Civil Santa Maria das Vitória, Brasil
Bo Kuhar, PharmD Executive Director and Founder of PFLI
Joseph S.C. Bonadiman, PhD, P.E. Civil Engineer, Chairman of the Catholic Society of Evangelists
Sister Valery Walker O.P Convent of St Catherine of Siena Cambridge, England
Steven Terenzio, Headmaster The Montfort Academy
Jeffrey Tranzillo, Ph.D. Theology Professor
Count de Évora Freelance Historian; Translator for CIEL; Organist at the parish church of St Nicolas, Meursault, France.
Guilherme Pinheiro Lawyer and Telecom Consultant, Master degree in Law (master of laws), Brazil
Mrs. Jennifer Emille Leeper Technical/Freelance Writer Kansas City, Missouri
Carlos Alberto Caetano Associação Nossa Senhora das Dores Brasília, Brasil
Richard Bastien Director of the Canadian Catholic Civil Rights League for Ottawa
Linda Robinson, MA
Angela Sullivan
Professional Musician, Violinist, The Mannes College Of Music.
Dan D. Carda, PhD
Angela Sullivan New York NY, 10025
Luciano Padrão and Family Public Attorney Campos, Brazil
Dr. Cody A. Nikolai, MD
Anthony Murphy Director, Gabriel Communications Ltd.
Fr Terence Mary Naughtin ofm,Conv Mount St Francis Kellyville (Sydney) Australia.
Alice Ann Grayson President, Veil of Innocence
Adam Kirkeby B.A. (History) DipTchng Teacher, New Zealand
Alexander Blaze Miller
Andre N. Coulombe Colonel, US Army Reserve (Ret)
William Carney, Director of Composition Assistant Professor, Department of English & Foreign Languages Cameron University
Anita Saunders
Joseph Reidy, M.A.
Maria Mahoney Ph.D. candidate in Old and Middle Irish National University of Ireland Galway
Patrick John Anthony Sibly Graduate Diploma Education Secondary: Australian Catholic University: Melbourne Australia
Fr. John Del Priore Ph. D (History, University of Navarre, Spain) Part of the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest. Parochial Vicar at St. Barnabas Church in Mazomanie, WI,
Richard Aleman Director, The Society for Distributism
Robert Eady Canadian Catholic writer, poet, novelist.
Br. Jason Roberts, SOSM Secular Servite U.S.A. Province
Mike Bennett
Gerard J. Garno, Esquire
John A. Corso, DPA, SFO
Paul Bailes University Professor, Australia
Marty Corboy Maryanne Michele Linkes, J.D. Founder of Catholics In Truth President Summorum Pontificum Wangaratta Victoria, Australia
Nicholas K. Niemann, Attorney Member of Immaculate Conception Parish, which offers the Traditional Mass by Pastor Fr. John Brancich, FSSP Omaha, Nebraska
Kim Marie Koning Proud ejected student (9 credits from master's in Theology) from St. John's University, Collegeville, MN
Alan G Henderson Director, Scottish Gregorian Group
Karen L. Brauer M.S., R.Ph. Pharmacists for Life International
Christie M. King, J.D.
Michael G. King, J.D. Chair and Assistant Professor of Finance Benedictine College School of Business
Maj. John Howell Massachusetts, USA
Reverend Father Paul M. Parkerson Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Dunn, NC - Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh Episcopal Delegate for the Extraordinary Form - Diocese of Raleigh
Mr. Aaron E. Glover, B.Sc, B.Ed Teacher, Organist Peterborough, ON
John Salza, J.D. Catholic Author and apologist
Bernard Janzen, MBA, B. Comm. Triumph Communications
Frank Ferguson Managing Director, O’Meara, Ferguson, Whelan, and Conway, Inc (Financial services firm serving the Church)
Orlando Fedeli Dr. In History. President of Associação Cultural Montfort—São Paulo Brasil
Andre Roncolato Siano. Consultant in Biology and Health. Church of the Monastery of St. Benedict. São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Montfort Cultural Association
Fr. Jose' Gonzalez Traditional Priest Morelia Michoacan, Mexico
Francis Doyle Psychiatric Nurse Liverpool, England
Ulysses D. Zamora, Lieutenant (LT) in the US Navy
Dan O'Rourke Chairman, Advocates for Catholic Tradition Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church Port Angeles, WA
David C. LaPlante Esq.
Raymond Auzias de Turenne St John Apostle and Evangelist Parish, Mililani, Hawaii
Robert Near, OMM, CD, MA Major, Canadian Army
Ron McCann M.D.
Christopher H. Owen, Ph.D. Professor of History Northeastern State University
Anthony DiSanto, Juris Doctor Attorney Member, Mater Dei Community, Latin Mass Community Harrisburg, PA
Helen Cindrich, Executive Director People Concerned for the Unborn Child
Salvatore J. Ciresi, M.A. Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College (Alexandria, VA) Director, St. Jerome Biblical Guild (Spotsylvania, VA)
Doug Zeitz
Mary E. Bliss, M.A Founder/Chairman of Project Love
Alice Steigerwald Little Sisters of the Poor, Pittsburgh, PA
Milton & Maria Barrios
at the Arlington Diocese, Virginia, USA
William Heyer, Architect Columbus, Ohio
Jeffrey Dargis Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering Engineering Project Manager
Duncan Gallie Pro-Chancellor, Grand Priory of England, Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Joan Clements Catholic Vocations Australia
Mr R. MacDonald Writer, Glasgow, Scotland
Stephen Mozier Oblate of St. Benedict
Tony Pead Crown Employee - Canberra, Australia
David Beresford, PhD Biology Professor, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy, Barry's Bay, Ontario
Penny Benington Psychology & AP Psychology Varsity Scholars' Bowl
Sister Mary Jude
Aldrin Devera Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts (OATH) - 3rd Order Knights of Columbus (KOC) - 1st Degree Mary Help of Christians Crusade (MHCC) - Youth Leader
Eleanor J. Dila Chairperson WBG/IMF Staff Catholic Association Washington, D.C.
Mr Brian Gladwell BCom CA Treasurer of the Ecclesia Dei Society of New Zealand
Josephine S. Harkay, Respect Life Committee, Holy Family Church, Flushing, NY
Marcos Vinicius Mattke Student and member of the Saint Pius V Association.
Audrey Kunkel Marketing Communications Specialist Cincinnati, Ohio
I. Licari, Esq. Canada
Bro. Mario Aquinas Calabrese O.P.
Mr Brian Gladwell BCom CA Treasurer of the Ecclesia Dei Society of New Zealand
Sophia Marsden Student Wales
Mr. Alex M. Plato M.A., Ph.D student
Michael McHugh
Andrew Tucker
Thomas G. Assaly, CEO Assaly Group of Companies
Laurence Gonzaga, B.A. Psychology, M.A. Psychology (cd.) Media Director and Webmaster, Bellarmine Theological Forum President, Una Voce San Bernardino
Father Thomas J. Euteneuer
(The Rev.) Enrique T Rueda Priest, Professor, Author The National Shrine of St. Philomena Miami, FL
Hilary White Rome Correspondent LifeSiteNews.com
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R. Papa Stronsay
Fr. Marian Wierzchowski SAC Brooklyn NY 11219
Fr. James McCayley, SJ, ThL, MA. Priest Retired professor
Father Pedro R. Ocampo Diocesan priest Mexico
Fr. Joseph Klee, MSE, MDiv., MA St. Mary Church, Portsmouth, OH
Lord Grantley Knight of Honour and Devotion, Sovereign Military Order of Malta London, England
Franko and Margrit Sokolic Human Life International S.A. Cape Town, South Africa
Marc Grellière Professeur Paris France
Laura Reens, M.Ed. Mexico
Robert Schroder, RPh
Sheila T Parkhill, Attorney at Law,
Mr Steve Ronson, LLB, BA (Jur), Civil Servant (Australia)
Mrs Helen Ronson, BA, DipEd Teacher (Australia)
Mr and Mrs. Paul Vincent Cyr and family Our Lady of Mount Carmel Latin Mass Community
David Fhlug Una Voce Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Sherry Foster, Remnant Columnist, Teacher Robert Foster, Chief of Police, Retired Frank Foster, Student Elizabeth Foster, Student
Marcelo Murai, Ph.D., Research Scholar, Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA and Campinas, Brazil
Hugh Henry Editor, 'Fidelity' Melbourne, Australia
Richard Ritchie
Rogerio C. Sassonia Master’s Degree in Physical Chemistry Campinas, SP – Brazil
Gerard J. Garno, Esq.
Gregory Rush Chairman of the ' Schola Servorum Trust' Parish Pastoral Council Latin Mass community Holy Family Parish
Te Atatu Auckland, New Zealand.
Brian T. Bloomquist, Ph.D. Pharmaceutical industry
Eloise Raeder, V.P. of UVICA Una Voce International Canada North Vancouver BC V7H 1K4 Canada
Richard J. Seifert, Architect Elk Grove, CA
Celia Alférez Aeronautic Engineer, Catequism and Choir teacher
Daniel Muñoz
Mario Muñoz
August A. Anzelmo Attorney at Law Chicago Heights, IL
Dr. Earl E. Sprung Mary Ellen Sprung, M.A.
Colin W. Gallagher Senior Reactor Operator at Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station in Lycoming, NY
Miss Elanor Hitchings BA Liberal Arts. Family Life International, Australia.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hickey
Mr. Richard Martyres BA(hons.) MSc. Mrs. Jennifer Martyres BSc.(hons.) Latin Mass Society of England & Wales, Diocese of Brentwood
Timothy J. Benson, M.Phil. (Cantab) Catholic Musician
Dr Steven M Crafton Former Assoc Dean and Professor, George Mason University School of Law
Dr Christine G Crafton
Jeffrey P. Latimer Family
Thomas R. Brannon Carolyn Brannon
James Michael Smith Seminarian, Catholic Diocese of Bioxi, MS
Christopher Uhl Music Director and Conductor Musica Sacra Choir and Chamber Orchestra Mobile, Alabama Director of Music, Hoosac School Hoosick, New York
James J. Schuh, MD Westby, WI USA
Howard R. Sutherland Attorney, New York
Riley J. Romeo, Jr., Esq. Attorney at Law Charleston, WV USA
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Skokanic
Jeanne Rardon Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Antonio J. Macias, PhD Finance Professor
Nick Gale MA (Oxon) HonFASC Director of Music, Metropolitan Cathedral of St George, Southwark, London, UK & Head of Academic Music, The London Oratory School, London, UK
Alexander Hoffmaister, Ph D, Economist William A. Torchia, Esquire Philadelphia
Marie J.A. Perera The World Bank Talent Search & Partnerships Group Washington, DC
Maria D. Ameal Resource Management Analyst Office of the Vice President, Africa Region (AFRVP) Africa Communications
Carmencita B. Clay Service Team Member World Bank/IMF Staff Catholic Association
Pete, Violeta and Isaac Swicker Jesus & Mary Roman Catholic Chapel (SSPX) El Paso, Texas
Allen W. Thrasher, Ph.D. Front Royal, VA
James McGregor B.A.(Hons), LLB Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
James F. Fitzhenry Author of El Cid, God's Own Champion
Doug Zeitz
Fernando S. F. Cardoso Professional Musician and Teacher Member of Montfort Cultural Association Sao Paulo- Brazil
Kenneth Inchalik, M.D. On behalf of the loyally Traditionalist Ecclesia Dei Society of New Zealand
Neil Coup (Maximilian ENJ) EDSNZ Chairman
Suzette M. Murphy Teacher St. Michael's Academy Carmichael, CA
Jack D. Elliott, Jr. Historical Archaeologist Mississippi Department of Archives and History Drawer AR Mississippi State, MS
Thomas R. Hennick Vice President Global Wealth Management Group
Paul Vasilak Engineer, Richmond New Hampshire
Edward J. Golightly Dr. Kathleen A. Golightly M.D.
Father P Tully Durham, Uk
Fr. Tom Forde OFM Cap Chaplain; Ireland
Talat and Stefan Storkirk Stockholm, Sweden
Annamaria Bereczky-Anderson, J.D. Parishioner, St. Michael's Catholic Church (SSPX chapel), Carmichael, CA
Mr. Robin M. Taylor BScPh. PEBC, Pro-Life Pharmacist Catholic Pre-Marriage Instructor
Emilio Voli Partner Apax Partners LLP
Ademar R. Rakowsky, STL
L. Jean Dunegan, M.D., J.D., F.C.L.M.
David Cutolo
Bill Mertka, MA, BSEE Vice President, Product Management Telecommunications Industry
David P. Lang, PhD (philosophy), PhD (mathematics)
Dr. Peter W. Frey Professor, Philadelphia PA
Grace D. MacKinnon Catholic writer, columnist, speaker
Fr. Dennis Gordon, F.S.S.P. Scranton, PA
Pedro Rodrìguez Ocampo Priest latin extraordinary Diocesis de Texcoco, Mèxico.
John W. De Tar
Andrew Maul Allegheny County Republican Committeeman Pittsburgh City Council District Chairman
Dr. Charles P. Marino Senior Research Fellow Philadelphia, PA
Justin E. Walsh, Ph D, Professor of History and Author Retired
Fr. Frank Harris
Matthew C. Tritle Lieutenant Commander, USN California
Academic credentials: M.A. in Theology Position: Prior, Saint Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire Publisher, www.Catholicism.org
Kenneth J. Wolfe (Catholic writer) Alexandria, Va.
Geoffrey Ellis Yale University Class of 2008
Franciszek Czekała, PhD
Michael Dawes
John Stevens - Life Advocates Board Member Spring, TX USA
Brother Dominic of the Cross Novice, Third Order of Penance of St. Dominic Kansas
William Ian Gabig, Esq. Member, Pennsylvania House of Representatives Pro-Life Caucus
Martin S. Vyleta, M.D. Germany
Margaret Tay, Singapore Cecilia So, Singapore
Colonel Timothy S. Ecoff
Luke Samy Economic and Social History Nuffield College, University of Oxford
John Martin 35 years in Catholic Education (Retired0 20 years Head Teacher)
Alan E. Fricke
Gerald Cunningham MA. LLB. KSS. Scotland
James & Christina McPake England
Michael & Jeanette McPake Scotland (Plus another 350 members of the McPake family and friends)
John Kokenge Former St Thomas Aquinas Seminary VERBUM Editor Former SSPX cleric
Michael J. Rayes
Adrian Calderone, Esq. Brooklyn, NY
Rev. (Father) Charles Johnson
Military Chaplain Kevin
Koc, Esq.; Kansas Mrs.
Tish Gallagher
Bookstore Manager
Sacramento FSSP Apostolate
William A. Standley Cantor Saint
Anne Byzantine Catholic Church San
Luis Obispo, CA, USA
Eparchy of Van Nuys
Patricia McGovern
Fraternity Publications Service FSSP
Headquarters, Elmhurst, PA Jonas
Lecturer with the Lithuanian Academy of Music a nd
Theatre TV producer Vilnius, Lithuania (EU) Assoc.
Prof. Sean Innerst
Academic Dean
Augustine Institute
Denver, Colorado (Mrs.)
Dena Suarez, RN EECP
Clinical Therapist Roman
Catholic Faithful
Catholic Home
Calvin G. Larson
Professional civil engineer,
convert to Catholicism from secular humanism,
Formerly Lutheran (Missouri
St. Jude Roman Catholic Church,
Eddystone, PA (SSPX)
Fr. Walter G. Ranger
Priest of the Diocese of Port
Elizabeth, South Africa
Mrs. Hilda Mary Malcomess
Archdiocese ofJohannesburg,
South Africa.
Mr. Basil Paul Malcomess
Archdiocese of
R. Cort Kirkwood
Contributor, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture
Contributor, The New American
Columnist, The Remnant
Susan B. Varenne, Ph.D.
(HarperSanFrancisco, 2007), VINTAGE SPIRITUAL CLASSICS
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