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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Womenpriests: Another Fruit of the Council Featured

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This week CBS Los Angeles reported the story "Group called 'Roman Catholic Womenpriests' Say They Are Defying The Church to Answer a Call From God." It included the following video:

As usual, the report is filled with misinformation. For starters, John Paul II did not decide a mere twenty years ago that there can never be womenpriests in the Catholic Church. That decision was made by Christ 2,000 years ago when he chose his apostles, twelve men, to be his first priests and bishops. Since the priest acts in the very person of Christ at the altar, and Christ was a man, it is impossible for a woman to be a priest.

As the report points out, this fact was crystal clear to all Catholics until the 1960's. For 1960 years Catholic women had no desire to become priests. In fact, they considered the idea as absurd as men wanting to become mothers. After all, a priest is a "Father" and a leader who sacrifices for his flock.

In addition, women have always been esteemed in the Church. This is painfully evident by the veneration of Our Blessed Mother as Queen of Heaven, Queen of Angels, and Queen of Apostles. Women throughout Church history have risen to Sainthood such as the early virgin martyrs, St. Theresa of Avila, and St. Therese' of Liseiux to name a few. 

Never before have Catholic women believed they had to be priests to be equal in dignity to men. Where did they get this notion? Enter the Council. In almost every parish following Council, there began a never-ending emphasis on the "role of women in the Church." Implying, of course, that women have not had a role in the Church for 2,000 years.

This was all part and parcel of the "empowering of the laity" theme we still hear today. What the reformers mean by this is that any role not related to the ordained priesthood is really of little importance. So the only way the laity can be "empowered" is by co-opting roles formerly filled by priests. Thus these reformers offered laity, including women: the ability to run the parish through parish committees, the ability to distribute Holy Communion by being a Eucharistic Minister, the ability to reading the epistle at Mass through the role of lector, and the ability to serve at the altar through the role of "altar server". 

So where was and is, all of this leading? The womenpriests in the video tell us exactly where they saw it leading and it's hard to blame them. The modern Church's slowly allowing women to take over more and more roles of the priest are seen as stepping stones to a final end point where women simply become priests.

This is especially true when one couples these steps with the constant preaching of post-conciliar popes, bishops, and priests, about the "genius of women." This preaching includes praise of the secular feminist vision of equality. Doesn't it make sense that those who took the post-Conciliar Church's talk on women and equality seriously would expect the Vatican to take the next logical step? Shouldn't the modern Church make good on its talk of equality by ordaining them priests?

If not, modern Catholic women are bound to think that all of these previous concessions to them were but a tease and a fraud. Didn't Vatican II talk of the priesthood of the faithful? Didn't it teach that the Church is really the People of God? In fact, one of the women in the video actually repeats this Vatican II idea. To her, "the people are the Church." And if 59% of the people think women should be ordained priests, haven't "the people of God", already spoken? Has the post-Conciliar Church given this woman any reason to think differently? The Pope's right hand man, Cardinal Maradiaga, continually speaks of a Church where the ordained clergy are minimized down to, if not below, the level of the laity.

In addition, does post-conciliar theology really have a credible rationale to exclude women from the priesthood? After all, if a priest is simply the presider over the assembly at the community meal and it is no longer clear that he offers a propitiatory sacrifice, why can't women fill this role? And since a vast majority of Catholics no longer believe in the Real Presence, does consecrating even really matter anymore? 

In most modern parishes the priest is no more than a glorified social worker who "breaks bread" with the community and gives psychological counseling the few times he hears confessions. A lot of Catholic women, seeing this example week after week in the modern Church, have a right to ask, "If this is all being a priest is, why can't I be one?"

Couple this with the Neo-Catholicism being preached by "conservative" apologists and newspapers today. Neo-Catholicism facilitates the womenpriest movement as it reinforces the notion that the Pope, if he wills it, can revoke any decree or teaching of his predecesor. Of course the Neo-Catholic apologists say we can't have womenpriests, but they, like the reporter, merely cite John Paul II's twenty year old document to support this notion.

Thus, who can take them seriously? After all, they previously told us we would never have Communion in the Hand or altar girls and that the Latin Mass was abrogated. They are also currently busy defending the idea of Communion for the divorced and remarried even though Francis has not even approved it. Thus it is Neo-Catholicism itself, that gives these poor women hope that this priest or a future one will merely "change the rules" and allow them to get ordained.

In opposition to the "The Church of the New Advent", the Neo-Catholics, and the Womenpriests, the true Catholic Church has always taught that equality of dignity does not equal identical roles or positions of authority whether in the Church or civil society. As an example the Church never condemned monarchies through history, instead recognizing that a King had the highest civil authority over his subjects. Yet, on the spiritual plane, the Church always recognized that the soul of the serf was equal in dignity and value to that of the King.

This supernatural vision of life, where value or worth is not tied to wordly roles or power, is completely lost on the modern world and, sadly, the modern Church. They have both bought the lie that "equality" equals sameness. The modern Church wants to play nice with feminism as far as it can, but then still try to keep the essence of the Catholic teaching on male-only ordination.

But one cannot simply burn some incense at the altar of revolution and then expect it to be appeased. For the revolution will never be appeased. The only logical end of the revolution is the destruction of the priesthood itself. For this it was created.

No matter how many concessions the modern Church makes, it will eventually have to come to the realization that there can be no peace between the Catholic Faith and modern man. Once the last concession has been made, will our modern Churchmen stand for the true Catholic Faith or apostasize in the name of "equality." Time will soon tell.

Last modified on Saturday, May 17, 2014
Chris Jackson | Remnant Columnist

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