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Monday, October 22, 2018


By:   Joseph Hatcher
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The Pennsylvania Grand Jury seems to have a knack for uncovering the darkest, sickest manifestations of just how wrong things can get in our culture.

Regulatory agencies (the Pennsylvania Board of Health, the National Abortion Federation or NAF) tasked with keeping abortion legal, safe and rare gave Kermit Gosnell a pass — even though what took place in his Philadelphia clinic was illegal, deadly, and all in a day's work. His abuse of women clients and hands-on approach to the murder of infants born alive (after an abortion) came to light only because he was suspected of selling prescription narcotics. When the FBI raided his "women's clinic," agents discovered the apocalyptic overkill common to a Fundamentalist "hell house" attraction. But it was all too real. Weeks-old blood encrusted on examination tables. Obscenely dirty instruments crawling with infection. And heavily drugged women bleeding out in post-op.

How Kermit cashed in on criminal negligence and outright murder for so long — not to mention how he inveigled his staff (some of them untrained teenaged "nurses") to assist him — could make for a compelling crime drama. But there's a problem. Torture porn like the SAW franchise can be paraded on the big screen for weeks, bringing in millions. A film depicting how the Boston Globe uncovered a supposedly holy Church aiding and abetting serial molesters can hope for an Oscar nomination. But a movie about actual events that exposed the dark underbelly of the abortion industry?

Not so much.

The film, GOSNELL, faced as many hurdles in creation and distribution as THE ROOM. Nevertheless, in its first week, the movie actually grossed enough to make the top 10 list. Was that because pastors urged their congregations to see it? Not likely. Not many pastors hear about Gosnell's proclivities and say to themselves, "Now that'll preach!" It's probably the case, instead, that near-illiterate teenagers saw the tagline, "The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer," said, "Sure, what the hell?" Now, however, LifesiteNews reports that 200 movie theaters have pulled the film — even though it opened in the top 10 nationwide.

Possibly, those same teenagers went home and told their parents the plot. Then, the parents (who never go to the movies except for the latest Avengers entry), aghast at the film's subject matter, complained to theater managers. Since FACES OF DEATH could show in theaters across the nation without complaint, and since a single hashtag campaign on Twitter (should it catch on) can put you out of business, the movie was pulled.

Or pro-choice mainstays, watching the film make an unlikely climb to the top 10 list, concocted a fake phone call campaign.

Or both.

Either way, if you are interested in seeing how a film about such off-putting subject matter could get as far as it did at the box office, now is the time to see GOSNELL. Before the same forces that gave Kermit Gosnell a pass in the first place manage to abort the film after its surprising viability.

gosnell movie poster

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Last modified on Tuesday, October 23, 2018

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