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Steven O'Reilly

Many faithful lay Catholics, I suspect, look at the conclusions that Catholic scripture scholars and theologians have come to in their studies over the last 50 plus years and have come to a conclusion of their own: theology is too important to be left to the theologians. That is not to say there are not good scholars and theologians who are perfectly fine. While that is no doubt true, it is also true in past decades that theologians have been sort of like the toddlers the adults shoo into the backroom to play while the adults entertain their adult guests. At some point in the evening, an adult goes to check on the toddlers and discovers to his or her horror that the little ones have torn up the sofa, smashed family heirlooms and colored the walls and paintings with crayons and indelible-ink markers. The shouted reaction of course is:”Oh my God, what have you done to my house!”

Our U.S. Bishops have been in the news lately. Lifesite News recently posted an article regarding the U.S. Bishops writing to the new U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on the subjection of Global Warming. The article reported that the bishops wrote a letter to the Secretary of State, letting him know how important this issue is to them. Now as someone who has written letters to U.S. Bishops on theological questions, I certainly hope their letter on the environment ends up like mine – summarily deposited in a trash can by someone utterly disinterested in what the writer had to say.