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Friday, June 5, 2015

Breaking News: Big Apple Prelate Packs It In (Or At Least He Should)

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Breaking News: Big Apple Prelate Packs It In (Or At Least He Should)
Apparently the latest prelate to bite the dust in a contest of parochial will is Cardinal Archbishop Timothy Dolan. He has resigned in submission according to Canon 401, Article 2 in the Code of Canon Law in an April 21 statement, released at noon local time. It was a great blow to liberal neo-Catholics and especially saddened the New York sodomitical community who are active in five Manhattan parishes. Cardinal Dolan was isolated, targeted and ultimately brought down by a militant “Rad-Trad” group who sponsored an open Letter to Pope Francis demanding the Cardinal Archbishop’s replacement. The Letter addressed to the Pope appeared in the New York Times and was signed by 1,000 prominent Catholics from across the Five Boroughs. Cardinal Dolan a favorite of the Democrat Liberal politicians for not interfering with abortion and gay marriage legislation was seen by the conservative traditionalists as a doctrinal sell-out for favors from his leftist friends in high places.  

Article 2 of Canon 401, according to the Vatican’s website, refers to a situation when “a diocesan bishop who has become less able to fulfill his office because of ill health or some other grave cause is earnestly requested to present his resignation from office.” Cardinal Dolan’s resignation will take effect immediately, and although he will still be a Cardinal, he will no longer lead a diocese. It is up to Pope Francis to choose his successor. The brief Vatican statement gave no word as to what Cardinal Dolan will do following his resignation.

dolan and samCardinal Dolan came to New York with some unsettled sex scandal baggage he picked up in Milwaukee but, depositions were taken and it appears things have settled down in that regard. The lawyers deposing Cardinal Dolan represent hundreds of people who say they were sexually molested by priests in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, which he led for seven years before his appointment as archbishop of New York in 2009. The lawyers want to know when Cardinal Dolan, as archbishop of Milwaukee, learned of allegations against certain priests, and how quickly he made those allegations public.

He has been a vocal and proud champion of the gay community. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York praised University of Missouri football star Michael Sam for coming out as gay, saying he would not judge the athlete for his sexual orientation. "Good for him," Dolan said in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" airing Sunday. "I would have no sense of judgment on him," Dolan continued. "God bless ya. I don't think, look, the same Bible that tells us, that teaches us well about the virtues of chastity and the virtue of fidelity and marriage also tells us not to judge people. So I would say, 'Bravo.”   These remarks however, set off a firestorm of protests from Traditional Catholics who view the sin of sodomy as one which cries out to Heaven for vengeance.

dolan irishMarching along with sodomites in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade: “There is no more natural spot for Roman Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan - a proud, ebullient Irish-American - than grand marshal of the city's historic St. Patrick's Day Parade. But the honor now has an added significance: Parade organizers said Wednesday they will allow the first gay group to march under its own banner. Dolan was quick to issue a statement of support for the parade organizers, accepting their decision. While supporters of gay and lesbian Catholics are cheering, some conservatives want the archbishop to withdraw from the event.”

Most traditional Catholics are saying that Cardinal Dolan’s resignation is long overdue and hope that the “Rad-Trads” will continue to target, isolate and bring down other sodomite tolerant prelates who compromise sound doctrine and Church discipline so as to please and win applause from the perverted crowd at whatever scandalous price the decadent culture dictates.

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Read 10824 times Last modified on Friday, June 5, 2015
James Cunningham / A-CNN Columnist

Satirical commentator and really old Catholic guy who spent most of his life reading Catholic newspapers and books while holding down a Rail Road conductor's job on Long Island.  Father of five, grandfather of ten and married to the same sweetheart for fifty+ years. Traditionally Catholic to the core.  

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