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Friday, December 19, 2014

Vatican Update: Beatification Announced

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Vatican Update: Beatification Announced

A-CNN Vatican Report, December 19, 2014 -- In a surprise move The Pope of “Surprises” announced to the public this morning that the cause for sainthood has finally made its way through the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and a date was set for the Beatification of Blessed Archbishop Marcel François Marie Joseph Lefebvre.

Pope Francis has always admired the Archbishop’s traditionalist rigidity and devotion to the objective truth and discipline of the Supreme Magisterium and the entire deposit of Holy Faith. Expressed in many ways of kindness towards the SSPX and the laity who adhere to the Holy Catholic Faith it really is no surprise that Pope Francis has supported the efforts of Bishop Williamson in taking up the Archbishop’s cause for sainthood.

This announcement comes at a time when liberals are criticizing the Holy Father’s strong condemnation of sodomite, abortionist and adulterer’s attempts to receive Holy Communion. There is even talk of an “Inquisition” in the making to deal with those who might want to support that heresy within the clergy leadership. Now that the Pope has taken a no-nonsense and intolerant conservative pre-Vatican II position the liberals are finding themselves without the champion in Pope Francis that they often enjoyed in other post-conciliar Popes.

Then, my wife wakes me up and tells me that I was dreaming and I better get up and ready for the three hour Sunday drive to assist at Holy Mass and reality sets in and my tears of joy are turned once again into tears of sadness.
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James Cunningham / A-CNN Columnist

Satirical commentator and really old Catholic guy who spent most of his life reading Catholic newspapers and books while holding down a Rail Road conductor's job on Long Island.  Father of five, grandfather of ten and married to the same sweetheart for fifty+ years. Traditionally Catholic to the core.  

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