The Remnant Returns to Chartres Pilgrimage for 17th Time

Michael J. Matt
Editor, The Remnant


With the situation in the Church and State growing more precarious every day, it becomes ever more obvious to us that the only solution to it all is that given by Christ Himself— prayer and penance must be the weapons of choice in this fight against the demon-possessed modern world.

About fifty readers of The Remnant, Chris Ferrara, John Rao and I will be setting out this week to join that war effort. The 70-mile walking Pilgrimage of Notre-Dame de Chrétienté from Paris to Chartres, France is, it seems to this writer, an authentic piece of Catholic action—based entirely on prayer and penance and Our Lady’s intercession—unparallel anywhere in the world today.

The Remnant chapter—Chapter of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Empress of the Americas—is honored to walk it and will pray for America, especially this year, and also for all the readers of this newspaper, visitors to this website, and all tradition-minded Catholics and homeschooling families who are at the frontline of defense of Christianity in America. The will be the 17th year that The Remnant has organized the US chapter on this grand Pentecost Pilgrimage of Notre-Dame de Chrétienté.

Think of it!  In a few days, secularist Paris will again be reminded of its roots and the promises of its baptism when 15,000 traditional Catholic pilgrims from all over the world will carry images of Our Lord, Our Lady, and the Saints on a walking pilgrimage through her streets and across France for three days of holy pilgrimage.

(For more on this grand Pilgrimage of Tradition please click here

Please pray for us even as we’ll pray for you—especially the readers who sponsored so many young America traditional Catholics to join this Catholic company in a Europe that is fast losing its soul. On Pentecost eve, Pentecost Sunday and Pentecost Monday, pray for the success of this pilgrimage—which ultimately means the conversion of America and the reversion of Europe to the Holy Roman Catholic Faith, the only hope of the whole world.

We’d also ask your patience as our limited staff left stateside will surely be hard pressed to keep up with your email and telephone messages.  We’ll do our best, however, and will, with any luck, post a story on the Chartres Pilgrimage from France next week. MJM