An 'Artificial Problem' | ||
Ecclesia Dei on the Good Friday Prayer |
Translated by Christopher Ferrara |
From Petrus... <<<Monsignor
Perl spiega che ''per il momento, niente e' stato fatto e,
probabilmente, non si fara'''. Secondo il prelato quello della
preghiera per la conversione degli ebrei e' un ''problema
costruito''. ''Saranno pochissime le comunita' che decideranno
di officiare la liturgia
<<<Monsignor Perl explained
that "for the moment, nothing has been done and, probably,
it will not be done." According to the prelate, the prayer
for the conversion of the Jews is an "artificial problem."
"Very few are the communities that will decide to celebrate
the liturgy of Good Friday with the extraordinary rite"--he
explained--"because that day only one celebration can be
done and in all probability the parishes will want to
celebrate with the ordinary rite", that is the rite approved
after the Second Vatican Council. The Motu Proprio of
Benedict XVI forbids private celebrations of the
preconciliar rite during Holy Week, and only permits public
celebrations for those "stable" communities which have made
a request for it at their own parish, beyond those
institutes which have had authorization to celebrate solely
with that rite.>>>