The Roman Forum and Una Voce New York

Remnant Press Release

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Where Do We Go from Here?

The Motu Proprio and the Recovery of Christendom


October 20, 2007


     Pope Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum represents a great victory and a great opportunity for the Traditionalist Movement. Will we use this opportunity effectively, to recover an understanding of the whole of the Catholic tradition and of the social Kingship of Christ? Speakers Christopher Ferrara and John Rao will place the hopes that the motu proprio has aroused in the broader context of Catholic history and Catholic revival as a whole. A panel of clergy from several dioceses, religious orders and traditionalist priestly societies will discuss ways in which priests and laity may take advantage of the pope’s courageous, historic document.


          10:00 - 10:30: Registration


          10:30 - 11:30: From a Freed Mass to a Free Christendom

 Dr. John Rao


          11:45 - 12:45: Reassembling Deconstructed Man 

Christopher Ferrara, Esq.


          1:00 pm: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass  (1962 Missal)


          2:00- 3:00: Luncheon


          3:00 - 4:00: How Do We Begin?  Panel of clergy


Reserve by October 15th:  $30 for entrance and lunch

Pay at the door:  $10 for entrance alone, $40 for entrance and lunch


Make checks payable to the Roman Forum

11 Carmine Street, 2C, New York, NY,10014


Saturday, October 20

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel

230 E. 90th Street, New York City

 (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)


The Roman Forum’s Modern Image & Catholic Truth series


Modern Image and Catholic Truth


Modern man has a positive image of himself that has been shaped and very effectively propagandized since the time of the Renaissance. In three conferences between November and May, the Roman Forum’s Modern Image and Catholic Truth series will explore the gap between this image and the true predicament in which the individual and contemporary society now find themselves trapped.


Part One: The Sleep of Reason


Modernity speaks of the eighteenth century Enlightenment as the “Age of Reason”.  But proponents of the Enlightenment were often dubious about the ability of the human mind to understand man and nature and more interested in limiting the scope of rational activity than increasing it. Much of their labor ended by declaring the universe to be the mere plaything of the human will and passion, while practical backing for many of the Enlightenment’s goals came from strange combinations of mystical speculation and calls for the exercise of Machtpolitik.


          9:00 A.M.: Holy Mass (1962 Missal)


9:45 - 10:30: Registration


10:30 - 11:30: Pietism, Jansenism, Enlightenment & the Victory of

Power over Reason, Dr. John Rao


11:45 - 12:45: Adam Smith and Karl Marx: A Study in the Logic of the

Enlightenment, Dr. Jeffrey Bond


12:45 - 2:15: Lunch  (a second Mass is also available in the Church)


2:15- 3:15: The Scientific Revolution & the Social Contract Theory of

Hobbes, Locke & Rousseau, Rev. Dr. Richard Munkelt


3:15 - 4:00:     Panel Discussion


Reserve by November 10th:  $30 for entrance and lunch

Pay at the door:  $10 for entrance alone, $40 for entrance and lunch

Checks payable to The Roman Forum, 11 Carmine Street, 2C, NY, NY, 10014


Saturday, November 17

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel

230 E. 90th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) New York City