"The Gift of Scripture": A Poisoned Chalice

Martin Blackshaw

(www.RemnantNewspaper.com) Having read excerpts from a much-publicized new guide to the Bible, by the ‘Catholic’ bishops of Scotland, England and Wales, I have to admit to feeling a certain empathy with the doomed inhabitants of the ancient city of Troy.

Called ‘The Gift of Scripture’, this little pamphlet is to the fortress of God, His Holy Catholic Church, what the big wooden horse was to that ill-fated empire. It seems harmless enough at first glance, but its content is deadly.

I suppose after forty years of Vatican II reform, we traditional Catholics should be well accustomed to being spiritually mugged by those who were appointed guardians over our souls, a treachery from which even the Trojans were spared. Well, I am afraid they have put the boot in again, and it still hurts.

Caressing us first with assertions that the virgin birth and the resurrection of Our Lord are, in fact, historically accurate, these cunning prelates move swiftly on through the pages of their ‘Gift’ to dismiss the Garden of Eden, the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib and the Apocalypse of St. John as “symbolic”.

Of course the Eve thing is all about improving relations with the subversive Feminist element of the new Conciliar religion. It could even be a clever way of bolstering the equality argument for woman clergy.  But the dismissal of Eden? This suggests an implicit denial of Original Sin.

And if they are denying Original Sin, then it is only a matter of time before Godless science steps in to remind us that by default the Redemption too must be false, and that mankind really is what Post-Conciliar liturgists have exemplified these past forty years, a collection of evolving knuckle-scrapers.

Fortunately for those of us who still have that true and precious gift of supernatural faith, we can spot something exuding from this new guide that the old Trojan horse could never betray, MANURE.

And while on the subject of manure, that just about sums up the whole ecumenical revolution, does it not? From the new Tower of Babel Mass/Meal with accompanying Klan-type vestments, to the mumbling fork-tongued charismatics stretched out like flags on the floors of their respective parish wigwams, to the dialoguing with every heretic under the sun. It all stinks to heaven.

But it stinks all the more because the oracles of the spirit of Vatican II, this modernist Church hierarchy, which has responded with “Non Serviam” to 2000 years of sacred tradition, are, as Pope St. Pius X warned in his Encyclical Pascendi, not only masters of the art of written manure, but also very fluent with the verbal stuff.

Or, as St. Paul more genteelly puts it in his Epistle: There will come a time when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables.

That is what ecumenism is, a fable, an abominable falsehood disguised and promoted as holy truth by clerical politicians keen to avoid the worldly suffering that comes with preaching Jesus Christ Crucified to sinners and heretics.

Is this why St. John’s Apocalypse is rubbished more or less as the ramblings of a pious fool in ‘The Gift of Scripture’?

It is an interesting question, because when asked about the content of Fatima’s Third Secret, Sister Lucy responded that it is in the Bible, pointing in particular to chapters 8-13 of the Apocalypse of St. John.

What I find intriguing here is that in those chapters St. John describes an angel who stands with one foot on the land and the other on the sea. The angel is holding a little book in his hand that catches St. John’s attention. He is promptly commanded to take the book from the angel’s hand and eat it, but with this cautionary note: In thy mouth it will taste sweet as honey, but it will turn thy belly sour.

Could this little book be an allusion to Vatican II’s false Gospel of religious liberty, which is most certainly at the root of the present apostasy from God reserved for these last times of the world?

Is this why St. John reports that having ate the book, which duly turned his belly sour, he is then told that the Gospel must be preached again to many tribes and many nations?

Is this latter Command to re-preach the Gospel a reference perhaps to a renewed preaching of the True Faith when the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady finally puts an end to the current “diabolical disorientation” in the Church, as Sister Lucy described the present crisis?

If not, then I am prepared to lay odds that the little book in question has ‘The Gift of Scripture’ written all over it.