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Church Arian, Church Evolutionist |
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The Evolution of Evolution |
John G. Campbell |
Quite obviously it is a most radical departure, to throw overboard the Church’s teaching, from the very beginning, on direct creation by God. Quite obviously it is a most dangerous departure; for we witness the theologians, trying to accommodate themselves to the evolutionist thesis, now proposing the elimination of Adam (polygenism) and of Original Sin, thereby transforming the Faith into a purely naturalistic explanation of things. Like all other currents of thought within the Church, this business originated in the seminaries, a fact which is well corroborated by various clerical correspondents of the present writer. An aged priest in Britain affirms that Evolution was presented to him in his seminary prior to the First World War. An American friar in his late fifties states that he was regarded as something of an oddity when he declared to his professor and fellow students that Evolution was far from being proved. A young priest recounts that his professor presented polygenism as the most probable explanation of man. Indeed, these examples are themselves corroborated by the fact that most of the young seminarians emerging today are Evolutionist and Teilhardian in their outlook. There can be little doubt that the evil is long-standing and deep-rooted. The example of the polygenistic professor is an illuminating one. The legend was that the seminaries were arenas of the most acute philosophical and theological debate, but there is an academic prepared to accept the idea that man evolved everywhere, but all evolved in precisely the same type, down to the same ten fingers and ten toes, and all imbued with the idea that they were all members of the human race. An idea so contrary to all human experience as this is obediently accepted upon the authority of “the scientists”. And here is the root error, that of Scientism; that theology and philosophy must find their bases upon the dicta of “the scientists”. It is a complete surrender, and a reversal of all previous teaching. One aspect of this evolutionist teaching must be emphasized. The young seminarian is presented, not only with Evolutionism, but with a theology based upon Evolutionism, evolutionist theology, and thus, sooner or later, Evolutionism begins to be regarded almost as one of the sacred, theological truths. So that today we may witness the spectacle of a young cleric being astonished upon hearing Evolution being described as a myth — as if one of the truths of the Faith were being challenged! But what is the most astonishing and serious aspect of this situation is this: that few, if any, clerics seem to have heard of the authorities who have presented the case against Evolution. It may be that some have heard of the modern American attack upon the theory, and have blandly dismissed it as simply being another manifestation of `Fundamentalism’. However, the root of the matter is elsewhere. There has been all along a classic line of European authorities against Evolution, instancing Lord Kelvin and Sir Ambrose Philips, Vialleton, Lemoine and Thomas in France, plus eminent Italian authorities — and this to name but a few. It is probably true that, owing to the great suppression in the modern media, that most ordinary men have not heard of such authorities, but the librarians and faculty members of these seats of learning are not ordinary men, and it is difficult to conceive of them being unaware of the published works of these scientists, particularly those of Paris publication. The truth of the matter seems to be in the warnings of St Pius X in his encyclical, Pascendi Dominici Gregis of the persistent infiltrations of the Modernists towards seizing the keys of power within the Church. As St Pius X declared, “They seize upon professorships in the seminaries and universities, and gradually make them chairs of pestilence.” No warning could be more explicit. One can only conclude that, since the days of St Pius X the seizure of the seminaries has continued with increased pertinacity; so that today we are witnesses of an unprecedented take-over. And please, remember that it was this same Pope who penetratingly pointed out, regarding the Modernists: “In this way they pass to what is practically their principal doctrine, namely, evolution.” Indeed, such is the state of affairs that one encounters young clerics who have never heard of the deliberate forgeries of Evolution (with the possible exception of Piltdown), this to their great embarrassment when shown the proofs. Thus, the great take-over seems to amount to no less than a suppression of quite commonly known facts, so as not to disturb the bases of such theologies as those of Teilhard de Chardin and his followers. The seminaries remain steeped in darkest Darwinist ignorance. It may be that there are seminaries in certain areas which have avoided the Evolutionist ‘pestilence’, but the samples taken by the present writer, plus his other encounters, would seem to indicate that the rot is very widespread indeed. Clearly, that which is urgently required is for the evolutionist professors to be challenged — Have you any clear evidence that this Evolution, on which you base your theology, is attested in the nature of things? And they should be required to answer those eminent authorities who declare that Evolution is contrary to the facts of their respective sciences. Meanwhile, let any of the young clerics who have heard some whispers of the truth read up themselves the exposures of the hoaxes and basic falsehood of Evolution. After all, there can surely be no bar against them verifying the essential rightness of the teaching of the Church through the ages. John Campbell, of Stevenson, Ayrshire, Scotland, was the editor of Daylight, a journal which ceased publication upon his death in 1986. The journal was resurrected under the original title, with the purpose of presenting the Catholic teaching on Creation. The succeeding editor was Anthony Nevard, 19 Francis Avenue, St Albans, Hertz ALE 6BL, England |