For Immediate Release

First Annual Minnesota Chesterton Conference focuses on Economic Crisis and Latest Papal Encyclical


Contact: Ted Olsen 651-269-1890

[email protected]

The Twin Cities Chesterton Society will be hosting the First Annual Minnesota Chesterton Conference on September 19, 2009, at St. John’s University, in Collegeville, Minnesota. The theme of the conference is “ Eaten Alive: What the Economic Crisis Has Done to Us (and What We Can Do About It).” Speakers include: Joseph Pearce, celebrated author of biographies of Chesterton, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Oscar Wilde, Solzhenitsyn, and most recently The Quest for Shakespeare and Small is Still Beautiful: Economics as if Families Mattered; Dale Ahlquist, President of the American Chesterton Society and host of the EWTN series, “G.K. Chesterton – The Apostle of Common Sense,” Dr. Arthur Hippler, Chairman of the Department at Providence Academy in Plymouth, and author of Citizens of the Heavenly City: A Catechism of Catholic Social Teaching; John Medaille, adjunct Instructor of Theology at the University of Dallas, and author of The Vocation of Business; Robert J. Hanten, President of Solidarity Financial, Inc.; and Daniel Finn, a Professor of both theology and economics at St. John’s University, as well as the President of the Society of Christian Ethics.

Topics include: “Economic Plunder & Pillage: A Public-Private Venture,” “Justice: What’s Government Got to Do with It?”  “Justice: What’s Business Got to Do with It?” and  “Size Matters: Government, Business and Power Envy.”  There will be an in depth look at the new Papal Encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, and a presentation of G.K. Chesterton’s prophetic analysis of modern economic ills.

“Chesterton saw it all coming a long time ago,” says Dale Ahlquist, President of the American Chesterton Society. “But he was not merely a prophet of doom. He offered some real solutions to the problems that face the modern world. He was a champion of Catholic Social Teaching from the beginning. His ideas are being rediscovered because they are more timely than ever.”

Ahlquist has hosted the national Chesterton Conference in St. Paul for the last twelve years, but that event will now be moving around the country, in a different city every year. However, local fans of Chesterton will have the opportunity to attend this one day regional conference, hosted by the Twin Cities Chesterton Society, who plan to make it annual event.

Complete information and registration information is available at