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Catholic News Watch |
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April 30, 2006 |
Mark Alessio |
Margaret Sanger, born into a large Catholic family, the founder of Planned Parenthood
would sell her soul to a demonic
cause. New Ad Campaign Targets Planned Parenthood (www.RemnantNewspaper.com) The American Life League (ALL) has launched a new ad campaign against Planned Parenthood, according to an article by ALL’s Amber Dole at MichNews.com (Mar. 27, 2006), titled “Planned Parenthood: Proponent of Racism, Protector of Rapists, Promoter of Kiddie Porn.” "Every day, Planned Parenthood undermines American values, and it does so with our tax money," said American Life League president Judie Brown in an ALL press release. "Frankly, we're fed up. That's why we're beginning a new advertising campaign to educate Americans about what this organization does with our hard-earned dollars. When people find out the truth, we're convinced Planned Parenthood's tax funding will quickly dry up." The first phase of the ad campaign consists of a series of full-page ads, beginning in The Washington Times. "Americans should demand an end to taxpayer support for the likes of Planned Parenthood." said Mrs. Brown. "That is why American Life League is stepping up its petition campaign to encourage lawmakers at the federal, state and local levels to cut off every penny of taxpayer assistance to Planned Parenthood, which operates the country's deadliest chain of abortion facilities. We simply cannot tolerate the idea of our tax money being used to subsidize these offensive activities." Planned Parenthood operates with over $265 million dollars a year of taxpayer money. According to the American Life League, Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion chain in the United States, having been responsible for the killing of over 3 million innocent children. In addition to putting minors on birth control without parental consent, they have produced a “sexual health” book aimed at teenagers and children as young as 10 years old titled It’s Perfectly Normal. The ALL reports that, “just about anything you can imagine happening in the nude, you can see in the pages of It’s Perfectly Normal.” Among the topics covered are nine “perfectly normal” reasons for a girl to abort her child, and a “fun and friendly” introduction to sexual organs, sex acts and abortion. Comment: Planned Parenthood was founded by a psychotic, Margaret Sanger, and is manned today by Sanger disciples who appear to desire nothing less than for Sanger’s mental handicap to become a national, indeed, an institutionalized psychosis. The ALL’s “Racism” ad focuses, and rightly so, on Margaret Sanger’s infatuation with eugenics, the idea that the human race could realize its full potential only if “inferior” humans with limited intellectual capacity were eliminated. In fact, Sanger herself made no bones about it, declaring that, “We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the [black] population.” The ad goes on to remind people that, every year, over 400,000 black babies are killed by abortionists. That is almost 32% of the total number of abortions, even though African-Americans are only 11% of the total population. And all done with taxpayer dollars. The “Kiddie Porn” ad talks about the It’s Perfectly Normal “sexual health” book for children and young people. Again, tax dollars at work. The “Teen Suicide” ad says that, out of the over 240,000 abortions performed yearly by Planned Parenthood, 1 out of 6 are performed on girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years of age. While Planned Parenthood perpetuates the myth that abortion is an easy and harmless way to end an unwanted pregnancy, girls between 15 and 19 are more than twice as likely to experience depression, chronic anxiety and suicidal thoughts than the average girl in the same age group. Your tax dollars at work, once again. The “Rape” ad reveals that Planned Parenthood, which performs abortions on girls as young as 11 years old, frequently refuses to report cases of statutory rape to the proper authorities, in effect protecting the identity of the child predator, even when the male involved is an adult or a member of the girl’s family. More tax dollars at work. With its new ad campaign, the American Life League has undertaken a noble cause, one which will, of course, net them only scorn and hatred in the end. It is a good step, though, in challenging Planned Parenthood’s institutionalized psychosis, which is so deeply entrenched in twenty-first century America. 94-Year-Old Jesuit Priest Commanded to Stop Saying Traditional Mass The St. Joseph's News Service reports (Mar. 23, 2006) that a 94-year-old Jesuit priest who is retired to the Sacred Heart Jesuit Retirement Facility in Los Gatos, California, has been "commanded" by his immediate superior, Rev. John Martin, to stop saying the Traditional Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at a small private chapel in Santa Clara, California. Fr. Phillip Bourret, S.J., a retired Jesuit missionary to China has, in recent years, returned to the practice of saying the Traditional Latin Mass, the Mass for which he was ordained nearly 70 years ago. He remains a hard working priest and, though retired, continues to minister to souls wherever and whenever he is needed. A small independent chapel, which is used by retired priests to provide the Holy Mass, welcomed Fr. Bourret to celebrate his private Mass in their chapel once a week on Tuesdays. He had started devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Mass and a Novena as a simple way of providing for the spiritual needs of the few individuals who were fortunate enough to attend his Mass. Anthony Gonzales, president of the St. Joseph’s Men Society, commented that “there is NO EXCUSE for Fr. Martin, or any other Jesuit superior, doing this to a man who has served God and His Church well for nearly 70 years.” Concerned Catholics are urged to contact Fr. Martin and let him know their thoughts on the matter:
Sacred Heart Jesuit Center Rev. John Martin, SJ 300 College Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Email Address for Father Martin: [email protected] Provincial: Rev. John McGarry: [email protected]
Comment: When I contacted Fr. John Martin regarding the situation with Fr. Bourret, I received in reply a “form-letter” e-mail (dated April 1, 2006) in which he wrote, “The problem here is not with the Traditional Mass, but with the place where Fr. Bourret was offering the Mass. The private chapel and the folks operating it are not in union with the Roman Catholic Church.” When I wrote again, inquiring as to the nature of this “private chapel,” Fr. Martin replied that it was the “Our Mother of Perpetual Help Mission Chapel” in Santa Clara, California. He included an August 2004 statement from the Diocese of San Jose (which quoted canons 838 and 839 of the Code of Canon Law), asking Catholics not to participate at Mass there, since Bishop McGrath had not authorized “the public celebration of Mass according to the Missal of 1962 (Tridentine Latin Mass) or any Roman Catholic rite other than the revised liturgy of the Church.” For the record, this is the same Bishop Patrick McGrath of San Jose who claimed, during the hysteria over Mel Gibson’s The Passion of The Christ, that the Gospels “are not historical accounts of the historical events that they narrate. They are theological reflections." This is the same Bishop McGrath who begged Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to grant clemency to Donald Beardslee, who murdered three women; and the same Bishop McGrath who delivered the welcoming address to the September 2005 conference of the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries. I contacted Andrew Gonzales, President of the St. Joseph's Men Society, in order to get the most accurate information on Fr. Bourret’s situation, and he kindly shared with me his correspondence on the matter. According to Mr. Gonzales, “Apparently, this action was initiated through the actions of Bishop Patrick McGrath .... Therefore, Fr. John Martin was basically put into a position that forced him to stop Father Bourret from saying the Mass at the independent chapel.” However, the contention of the St. Joseph’s Men Society, is that the entire situation could have been avoided simply by moving Fr. Bourret from the "illegal" chapel to the Mission Santa Clara, which is only two blocks away. If, in fact, this affair is not a matter of the Traditional Latin Mass, but merely one of venue, asks Mr. Gonzales, then why was this not done? In a March 28, 2006 letter to the California Jesuit Provincial, Very Rev. John McGarry, SJ, Mr. Gonzales asked for the Provincial’s intercession in this matter. Due to Fr. McGarry’s absence in Rome, a reply was sent to Mr. Gonzales by the Provincial’s executive assistance, Fr. Alfred Naucke, SJ, which stated that “something along the lines of the solution you propose might possibly work out but it would involve discussion with the bishop, the SCU Campus Ministry and the administrators who have oversight of the Mission Church. The Province has no direct jurisdiction over anything on the SCU campus.” Mr. Gonzales’ reply to Fr. Naucke was to the point. He wrote that “We have been informed by the bishop that he has nothing to do with Santa Clara University or Bellarmine because it is run by an Order,” and continued, “I am sure the Rector (Administrator) of the Mission doesn't inform the Bishop of every Jesuit priest celebrating the Mass at the Mission and has to ask for permission for them to do so.” Our Lord harangued those “blind guides, who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.” For decades now, the post-conciliarist majority have been hiding behind a legalism that they are all too willing to forego on behalf of their own agendas. It is past time for them to stop treating the Latin Mass as a bargaining chip. This Mass has been offered on shipboard; it has been offered on battlefields; it has even been offered in the dank recesses of fascist prison camps, which certainly “were not in union with Rome” – a phrase which has been stripped of its historical sense and today means whatever people want it to mean. Jesuit leaders can turn a blind eye to Santa Clara University’s allowing a “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alliance” (GALA), a group which has sponsored public “drag shows,” to operate in a “Jesuit” institution (see www.stjosephsmen.com/jesuits). They can also ignore (or support) their priests dressing up in bare-chested, effeminate garb and prancing about ridiculously in liturgical or inculturated dances (see www.traditioninaction.org, “Church Revolution in Pictures” for March 26, 2006). But when it comes to a loyal priest, six years shy of his hundredth birthday, who wants to offer the Traditional Latin Mass, it is suddenly time to wave copies of canon law in the air and preach the virtues of “obedience.” Why all this prattling over what is, at best, a non-issue? The laws of the Church exist to protect the faithful, not tear the hearts from their breasts. Fr. Bourret’s superiors need to be men about this: Leave this good priest alone, and let him offer the Traditional Mass in peace when and where he wants, without being burdened by senseless whining and obstructions! British Medical Society Questions Popular Image of Crucifixion According to the AFP News Agency (Mar. 30, 2006), a paper published by Britain’s prestigious Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) claims that the image of Jesus Christ nailed to the Cross with His head upwards and hands outstretched “has never been substantiated in fact.” The paper maintains that Christ could have been crucified in any one of many ways. "The evidence available demonstrates that people were crucified in different postures and affixed to crosses using a variety of means," said one of the authors, Piers Mitchell of Imperial College London. “Victims were not necessarily positioned head up and nailed through the feet from front to back, as is the imagery in Christian churches." While the authors do not express any doubt on Jesus' crucifixion itself, they note that the few eyewitness descriptions available today of crucifixions in the 1st century AD show the Romans had a broad and cruel imagination. Their crucifixion methods probably evolved over time and depended on the social status of the victim and on the crime he allegedly committed, says the paper in April's issue of the RSM journal. Crucifixion was widely practiced by the Romans to punish criminals and rebels, but if the empire ever circulated instructions for the soldiers who carried out the gruesome task, none has survived today. According to the RSM paper, the cross could have been erected "in any one of a range of orientations", with the victim sometimes head-up, sometimes head-down or in different postures. Sometimes the hands and feet were attached to the side of the cross and not the front, or affixed with cords rather than nails. "If crucified head-up, the victim's weight may also have been supported on a small seat. This was believed to prolong the time it took a man to die," says the study, co-authored by Matthew Masien, also of Imperial College London's medicine faculty. Over the past 150 years, there have been at least 10 books and studies probing the physical causes of Jesus' death, and one U.S. attempt, in 2005, even featured a "humane re-enactment" in which volunteers were attached to a cross in safe and temporary way, using gloves and belts. These explorations have yielded a wide range of hypotheses, from heart failure and pulmonary embolism to asphyxia and shock induced by falling blood pressure. Excruciating pain endured over the six hours between crucifixion and death, loss of blood, dehydration and the weight of the body on the lungs are cited as contributing factors. But, the study says, these efforts have all been prejudiced by the automatic assumption, derived from religious images, that Jesus was crucified head-up. Comment: While it is gratifying to see the scientific community taking Our Lord’s crucifixion seriously, there is evidence in the Gospels themselves to the effect that Jesus was crucified in the manner which has been revered in Catholic iconography down through the ages. St. Matthew, who would have heard the details from St. John and the Blessed Mother (who were both present on Calvary), tells us that “they put over His head His cause written: THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” They put this sign over Jesus’ head. The statement would make no sense had He been crucified upside down. St. Matthew also relates that, after Our Lord cried out from the Cross, “immediately one of them running took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reed, and gave Him to drink.” Had He been crucified upside down, with his head closer to the ground, there would have been no need to place the sponge on the end of a reed. As for Our Lord’s outstretched, pierced hands? Did He not say to St. Thomas: “Put in thy finger hither, and see My hands; and bring hither thy hand, and put it into My side; and be not faithless, but believing.” One may choose to believe the Gospel accounts or not, but it is incorrect to say that we do not possess eyewitness accounts concerning the manner in which Jesus Christ was crucified on Calvary. “Trick Of The Light” Reveals Site of Roman Fortress The Cairo publication, Al-Ahram Weekly, reports (Mar. 23-29, 2006) that “a chance trick of the light has provided proof that the town of Al-Qasr in the Dakhla Oasis, Egypt was once a Roman fortress.” Al-Qasr lies in the Dakhla Oasis deep in the Western Desert approximately 280 miles west of Luxor. Despite its remote setting, it has had a colorful history: Romans exploited the oasis for agricultural produce; Libyans made conquering raids; and it was not far from the infamous Darb Al-Arbain slave route. In the picturesque medieval section of the town narrow, partly covered streets wind past heavy ancient doors topped with elaborate lintels, and here and there through an open doorway can be glimpsed old grinding stones or a staircase leading to a crumbling roof. Al-Qasr was built on top of a tell, that mound of crumbled debris that marks the site of an ancient structure or settlement and which, over time, since any collapsed buildings are composed largely of mud brick, settles into the natural landscape. Archaeologists have long supposed that beneath the foundations of Al-Qasr are the remains of a Roman citadel. According to Fred Leemhuis, professor of Islamic Studies at Groningen University, Holland and field director of the Qasr Dakhla Project, the evidence was hiding in plain sight all along. "Archaeologists had been walking past it all the time," said Leemhuis. "They just didn't notice it." What caught his eye was an outcrop of what had always been thought – if any thought was given to it at all – to be an outcrop of dried mud beneath a disused mosque on the edge of the old town. One morning, Leemhuis was walking past the "rock" when he noticed that the sun caught a distinct line that appeared to be a course of brickwork. He called in the project's chief restorer and a local inspector, and together they examined it more closely. Under the veneer of sun-baked mud they could distinguish several such courses. Far from being hardened earth this was mud-brick and, moreover, the size of the bricks – each 8x16x33 centimeters – corresponded exactly to bricks in other Roman fortresses in the Western Desert. The last piece of the wall, which still stands more than four meters high, was evidently a gateway and abuts what appears to be a circular or hexagonal tower. "Now we know it's there we can't think how we missed it," Leemhuis says. "And we didn't have to do anything." Further excavations will have to be carried out before the wall can be dated with accuracy, but one historical conundrum now appears to be solved. Agricultural accounts from the Roman town of Kellis, the site of which lies between the towns of Al-Qasr and Mut, show records of grain and wine being sent to a place named, in Greek, "Takastra". Up to now no one has known where this might be, but now it can be surmised that Takastra, "the camp" from the Latin castra (military camp), later became Qasr, marking its etymological link with the Arabic qasr (fortified town). |